
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasia
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137 Chs


Zaiden and his leopards were on edge. It was a beast-like response to an unknown danger from an unknown source.

" I have to speed up...or I'll die...again..." Zaiden frowned " I'll have to tell...' him'...."

Zaiden laud down his cell and fell asleep in extreme worry because his senses were never wrong so far.


Zaiden raised a eyelid to the police officer calling him.

" We apologize for the mix-up. A tip said that you were Multi Mask and gave reliable evidence to back up the claim." she told

Zaiden was a tad surprised that evidence was given, " So why the change of heart?"

" Because Multi Mask is attacking a port Turf as we speak with an announcement." She answered

Zaiden obeyed and left the station. He turned into an alley and a smile grew on his face.

" I can see it now ' Police arrest kind benefactor Zaiden J.' Hahahahaha." A voice whispered in Zaiden's ear

A blackish-purple mist surrounded Zaiden as the voices intensified. His attire morphed in a military type of suit and the mist gathered at his face forming his a pleased mask. A cane tipped cane was made by the remaining mist in his right hand and he banged it down.

There were battle ships at all the port Turfs and a hologram of Multi Mask hovered above them. The pillars had already returned victoriously and had leveled up a bit.

" Wasn't Boss arrested?" Urvi sighed

Ivan laughed, " The police couldn't handle him..."

" Testing...one...two...whatever. So -" Multi Mask began

" WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" Mystic yelled

Multi Mask tilted his head, " The country....."

Everyone was silent.

" We refuse!" The reply was

Multi Mask laughed loudly and suddenly stopped, " It wasn't a request but a war statement.....Fire."

The battle ships changed their ammunition to more lethal ones and blew up cities. Hologram Multi Mask bowed before the hologram ended. The heroes had to prioritize saving the citizens.

The building fell down and a teenage boy was silent in front of it. Everywhere around him was despair as the attacks from the ships at the bay got worse. Although to the boy it had all gone silent in that building where his parents had been. The bottled up anger was burning up.

" I'll KILL you Multi Mask!!!" He yelled

Multi Mask appeared crouched down beside the teen, " Is that so?"

He glared at the Villain and saw his arch shaped eyes of a smiling person. Multi Mask pushed a knife into his hands and forced it up to his neck.

" Murder is a crime..." Multi Mask laughed

The teen pulled up the blade and it broke. Blood dripped down.

" Nice, nice. I like that...try and kill me. I'll let you into Blood Lily to try and slit my throat." Multi Mask went hold his neck

The teen looked at the happy Villain, " What are you conditions...I will kill you Multi Mask."

Multi Mask slipped his hand at the healing wound at his neck and pulled out a contract. The teen took the contract as a pen appeared and signed it.

" Learn how to kill before trying to kill me." Multi Mask laughed

The contract turned in a mark over is left eye and Multi Mask looked up before vanishing. The teenage boy was Winston and he began a journey to the Blood lily Turf.

Zaiden sipped a glass of Giuseppe Quintarelli in a battle ship going over his work. Caesar came in and shut the door.

" Why'd you speed up the plan..." He asked

Caesar looked at Zaiden. He was like a painting natural snow white hair and purple eyes which changed intensity and softened on his mood. No one would think the elegant looking teenager was a Villain lord of the world.

" Medium Orchid purple ...he'll answer." Caesar thought

Zaiden looked up at him," You really studied me huh.". He crossed his legs and corked back his head and Caesar noted his eyes were French violet.

" * sigh* I had to....An annoying existence is meddling in my work. As well as the time for the third party had spread forward for some reason.." Zaiden went beckoning Caesar to come over.

He turned into a large wolf form and Zaiden patted him and looked him straight in the eye.

" Will you go to war with me?" Zaiden smiled " I promise...it will be fun."

The doors flew open and the others entered. Zaiden sighed as they said yes and gave a little smile. The base of his eyes were turning red.

Thunder and the other I-Heroes were in a meeting regarding the war dubbed by newspapers < Crusade of bloodied petals >

" What do we do? The battle ships are still there thus he was serious." Head of Heroes Association frowned

The silence proved there was only on solution was fighting the crusade. Thunder told everyone he'd fight Multi Mask and everyone should rest before the war starts.

Dominic was in an aquarium looking up at a tank of sharks. Ivan stood beside him and touched the glass.

" Aren't sharks amazing...." Ivan smiled in front of Dominic

Dominic felt an odd familiarity from him, " Sometimes, I really don't understand what makes them captivating."

Dominic walked away and Ivan leaned on the tank. The sharks surrounded him and he smiled, " See you on the battlefield little fish..."

Hunter was in the Hero Association too. He meet up with his parents who received pink and yellow carnation from an unknown person. He looked at the flowers before planning to leave.

" Wait, Hunter..." Lucian went

Hunter looked back, " Yes?"

" There was a time.....you and Zaiden weren't around and no one looked for you. You two were gone for some months...what happened? I can't remember anything but you came looking awful." Lucian said fighting back an unknown headache

Hunter was wide-eyed, "...Nothing like that happened...."

Lucian was surprised as her memory fogged up. Hunter quickly left with a cold sweat and mumbled to himself something. Hunter sat in his room and he heard disembodied pleas and hands held onto him. The darkness was familiar with him and he with it.

" We have to beat him." Hunter went with determination

Zaiden was in the center of his leopards and looked up at the moon. He heard disembodied screams and hands covered his eyes and ears. A trail of red liquid ran down his eyes. The light had no entry into the pitch black atmosphere. Zaiden woke up the next day.

" We have to win." Zaiden smiled wiping his tears with excitement

It was the first day of war. This was where history was rewritten, where history was lost and the future was paved. Who didn't feel the pressure of this war of heroes and villains.