
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
137 Chs


Beast caught Jetchi palm strike with her right hand in tiger form. Her broken leg was excruciatingly painful.

" Why resist? I only wish to save you." Jetchi said

Beast panted loudly, " I can't go yet. At least not like this."

She made her snake wrapped around her broken leg forcing it into place and stood up. She popped her shoulder in place and called on more snakes to forcefully hold her broken body.

" I'm not dying today." She smirked

[ Some stars say: Darn it as others say: You go girl]

Navaeh picked up a call from her step-sister, Vivien.

" Where are you Nava. They'll looking around like beasts for you." she whispered

Navaeh was silent momentarily, " I'm....bye"

" NAVA-"

Navaeh looked at her feet. She sat in a battleship heading to Harmonica's Turf and was expected to lead the army and now there was trouble at home. She didn't notice two people sat beside her.

" Hey. Nava."

" E...e.e..executive Oaie" she jumped

Oaie was elegant looking with white hair with golden brown eyes. He smiled calmly at her.

" I see you are awfully distracted is their a problem?" He wondered

She played around with her fingers, " Maybe I'm not right for this.."

" Honey. We are twenty-five minutes away from battle and you're saying that now. Be realistic dear, it's too late." Oaie smirked

The other person was Vice of her unit, Hendrix, " Alright, just leave."

" Yes, yes...." Oaie laughed leaving

Navaeh began to fret over feeling she did something wrong. Hendrix brought Navaeh into a gentle hug and patted her head to calm her down.

" Seriously, I and the entire unit know you have what it takes so stop doubting yourself. Just sing." Hendrix smiled

" You.. treat me like a kid." She mumbled

Hendrix chuckled, " My sister would be around your age if she were alive."

" I..I..I'm so sorry!!!!" she bowed

Hendrix had to reassure her and give a peep talk all over again. The other unit member watched from afar all hoping for it to work out some how. Soon they arrived at the Turf.

Zaiden spun around in his chair. He was swiping past letters from the stars and so forth and suddenly stopped.

" I have had an amazing idea....call the Blade twins." Zaiden grinned

Two stern looking man came in. One, the eldest, Axel by a minute had his hair cover his right eye whereas his younger brother, Aiden's hair covered the left.

" I had a great idea." Zaiden repeated

Axel and Aiden sighed," You have a meeting" and watched Zaiden slump into his chair.

Laasya came and dragged Zaiden to a hall of Villains with great reputation throughout the country and even the world. He wore a crying mask as he fell on his seat in front of everyone.

The room was alive over not thinking it was good to conquer the country. Others debated saying it was their time to bite back at the double-crossing heroes and some stayed quiet.

A man in the noise approached Multi Mask and sucked in everyone's attention as he hovered above Multi Mask. He was a villain known as Claw.

" Why are you doing this?" he asked genuinely" It more than just two-timing heroes, to you right?"

Claw had came to the realization that Multi Mask had used the fact the heroes weren't honoring their agreements to probe them to support his conquest. They had all been properly calculated and used by the young villain without knowing.

" Twins get me and Mr. Villain a balcony to chat on and give our distinguished guest whatever...we have available." Multi Mask sighed

Aiden led Multi Mask and Claw out to a balcony as instructed. A majestic chair was there and Multi Mask sat on his.

" Why I'm doing this you asked?" he repeated looking up at the sky

A calm breeze rolled in and Claw was shocked as Multi Mask removed his mask and the doors were shut and locked.

" Hello. I'm Zaiden J. Strong or was. You know me as Zaiden J. Now may we have a conversation" Zaiden smiled

" Hugo Strong as another son?!" Claw thought as Zaiden snapped his fingers

Mask speakers which had been silently hovering in the turfs suddenly turned on.


Although before that let's go back to Beast.

She had a clawed glove in one hand and a blade in the other. Her stance was in a way no minimize to pain of her body. The villain dashed forward with cheetah speed but Jetchi had predicted the attack and was about to counter. Beast used her right foot with kangaroo jump and shot to the left and dug her claws into the ground to stop herself.

[ Some stars feel like the effort is fruitless and ask the creator when he'll change to another camera.

Creator says: Shut it, you old fossils.]

Jetchi turned in a flash attacking with a blazing palm to her leg. Although it was Abalones snail armor, the hardest in the animal kingdom. She sprouted wings and used lion claws to slash at Jetchi face.

The snakes tightened on her body trying hard to maintain her shattering bones to her actions. Jetchi noticed that Beast was at her limit and smirked at his seemingly obvious victory. Beast resolved herself to take Jetchi down with her and a notice appeared.

[ A star likes your determination and decides to sponsor you.

You received a rank U Cataclysm Skill : Battle Cry from sponsor star ' The Brute who dies in battle'

Warning: Body is in no state to utilize the skill given]

" It's okay. Activate Battle Cry." she went " I only have one shot."

She flew dangerously close to Jetchi and he ripped off her left wing. She moved past the pain and a new aura shot off her as dug her claws into his shoulder. Jetchi snapped off the other wing and Beast hit her head into his forehead.

[ < Battle Cry > activated ]

Beast roared a powerful sound on the battlefield and her claws elongated into Jetchi body and she ripped him. The sight strengthen their allies to push forward into the heroes full force. The image of a wounded Beast with blue glowing claws standing smeared in blood was in their minds.


[ Star ' The Brute....' has helped sponsored player to survive aftereffects of < Battle Cry> and gives some of it authority. Tells player to use it well.

Acquired a title < Cornered Beast>]

A helicopter came to take Beast and Leonel who saw the battle patted her head, " It seems you've grown up your mother would be proud."

Beast looked past him at the robot that Jetchi was using to fight her and frowned realizing it wasn't over.

Zaiden was basking in the horizon and was captivating as he looked back at Claw. His purple eyes pulled others into them.

" I want to break the 'roles' that have confined us. If you're a 'hero' save lives and a 'villain' must bring mayhem. The line between good and evil is quite thin. Let use define ourselves." Zaiden smiled

It was hard to trust him but it was hard to ignore what he said. Claw knew the claws of a demon were gripped onto him and it had no intention of letting go. Claw bowed to Zaiden.

" Shall I help you?" Claw smiled at a frowning Zaiden