
Villain: Crimson Moon System

Ivar is a therian, a race with the ability to shift into beast forms with various abilities. He is teleported from his planet of Máni to a futuristic Earth with one task: conquer. The inhabitants of Máni are in danger of being wiped out, and the only way to survive is with more allies. To this end, Ivar and Aurora are sent to two different planets to gain their allegiance in fighting off the invaders on Máni. He is joined in this effort by the goddess who teleported him, Selene. Selene will help him grow stronger using the energy she gathers from Ivar when he takes action according to his therian nature. Ivar is not a good man, but he cares for those who follow him with devotion and loyalty. Since he is unwilling to see his entire race wiped out, he heads out with every intention to complete his goal of conquering Earth by any means necessary. ******* What can you expect from this novel? A good story with interesting characters and a mature, dominant, uncompromising MC. The system will be relatively light, meaning it won't be all-powerful, and the MC won't get bullied by it. If you enjoy a slightly overpowered villain MC using his unscrupulous methods to work towards a somewhat positive goal while having plenty of sex along the way, you'll enjoy this novel. I intend for Earth to be somewhat of a cyberpunk style, but that won't be the focus. Mainly because the novel involves multiple planets, and so far, I have only planned for Earth to be this way. I will probably do some Netori (meaning MC steals other people's women), but absolutely no Netorare. No Yuri, either. (By which I mean no intimate interactions between harem members without the MC present, but it might happen at his direction and with his presence.) I'll offer a bonus chapter for every review, at least for a little while. Of course, only one per person; bad reviews still count, but they should consist of constructive criticism.

FrostyPaws · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 27 - Starting the conversion

At the same time as Nova and Alita were still eating, Ivar and Selene were leaning against the sheet metal wall protecting Sanctuary's back.

Selene was keeping an eye on the events inside, using her senses to make sure everything was going to plan and Alita didn't betray them, even if the chance of that was minimal.

She also discovered Nova had the same non-human genes as Alita and would likely turn into another Valyrie.

As she noticed Alita so easily betray her sister and even spoon the drugs into Nova's mouth with a smile on her face, Selene had to laugh, causing Ivar to look at her with a questioning expression.

Seeing the unasked question on his face, Selene giggled, "Alita is quite ruthless. I like her. I don't know if she was always this way or if her interactions with you brought it to the surface, but either way, I approve. 

She might also have more of a grudge against Nova than we thought, or she can admit to herself."

Ivar smirked, "You're enjoying this too much, you know."

Selene looked a little weirdly at him, "And you don't?"

Ivar shook his head, "I enjoy it when someone obeys my will and does something they normally wouldn't do." Then he smirked, "You just enjoy conflict."

Selene laughed, "And why wouldn't I?" Her eyes showed a wild look, "One can only truly feel alive in the middle of conflict, where adrenaline pumps through your veins and instincts take over as you bite and claw your way to victory."

Ivar chuckled, "Uhuh, and how exactly does that translate to a sibling rivalry? Besides, when was the last time you were in such a conflict, huh? I'm pretty sure you spent all 3000 years of your life watching others fight while you looked on from above."

Selene suddenly looked sad and said, "You're right," before disappearing.

Ivar could only scratch his head and mumble, "Ah, shit."

To be honest, he had been warming up to the idea of having an actual partner and accomplice rather than another target to dominate. Even Aurora, despite their mutual feelings, was also a target for him.

But with Selene, even if there was a way to dominate her without her body, he was far from sure he'd be able to do so, which actually felt relaxing to Ivar for once. Perhaps his dominant therian instincts had taxed him somewhat.

He sighed, "I can't say I understand how it feels to have a therian's fighting instinct without the opportunity to actually fight anything, but it can't be pleasant. Maybe we'll find a way to get you control over a mortal body someday so you can use that to fight."

It remained silent for a moment before Selene's head suddenly poked out of the wall Ivar was leaning against, "You think that's possible?"

Ivar was a little surprised by how she chose to appear, but he also found it surprisingly cute.

He shrugged his shoulders in response, "Why not? Neither of us really knows that much about gods apart from the basics. 

Besides, what about your ability to interact with cyberspace? The information you transferred to me contained something about mechanical bodies called robots. Could you control one of those as though it was your own body?"

Selene looked astonished, "Maybe?" Then, excited, "We need to get one of those for testing!"

Ivar rolled his eyes, "Calm down, Selene. It will be a while before we can get our hands on something like that."

Selene pouted but also nodded.

She perked up quickly at Ivar's next words, however. "But I'll do whatever I can to help you, okay?"

If he was going to treat Selene as a partner, he had to do his part aswell.

They remained silent for a few more minutes before Selene said, "It's time. Alita is unlocking the door, and I've put the camera in a loop."

Ivar grinned, "Finally."

He quickly stood up, shifted to his wolf form and scaled the wall before dropping into the narrow walking space between the building and the sheet metal wall.

After dropping down, he changed to back human form and quickly noticed the door Alita had mentioned. There was no handle on this side, so he knocked on the door, which promptly opened to reveal a happily smiling Alita.

As she laid her eyes on Ivar, any anxiety about the current situation quickly left her body as she said excitedly, "Daddy!" Before quickly putting her own hands in front of her mouth, hoping no one heard them.

Ivar chuckled as Selene quickly gave the all-clear, and he stepped inside, shoving Alita against the wall and suspending her hands above her head before he kissed her deeply as a reward for properly following orders.

Alita was surprised but quickly opened her mouth and lost herself in the feeling of being taken by her master. However, Something was different, as Ivar's tongue was not normal but seemed much longer and more flexible instead.

She couldn't resist moaning as Ivar's tongue marked every spot in her mouth and then even slipped further down to claim her throat aswell, causing Alita to choke a little, which only increased the pleasure this masochist was feeling.

Ivar eventually pulled his transformed chameleon tongue back into his mouth, let Alita go and chuckled as he petted the head of a heavily panting and hazy-eyed Alita.

"Good girl, kitten. You even dressed like a proper slut for me."

Out of all the clothing Ivar had seen so far in this world, he certainly enjoyed Alita's current outfit the most.

Still panting, Alita replied, "T- Thank you, Daddy. I- It's all for you. B- But why do you call me kitten?"

Ivar raised his eyebrow, "Oh? You don't like it?"

Alita looked a little uncertain but no longer as afraid as she was before when Ivar looked at her this way and said, "It feels a little strange, considering I'm supposed to be part wolf." Then she smiled happily, "But I do like it, Daddy."

Ivar smiled, "Good, now introduce me to your sister."

Alita looked behind her with a bit of anxiety, "A- Alright, Daddy, but if what we come across anyone?"

Ivar didn't respond and, instead, suddenly started blending in with the environment while wearing a smug smile.

Alita looked astonished; she could still see him, but only because she knew he was there; if she looked away and Ivar moved somewhere else, she would probably have trouble finding him again.

This was the partial invisibility ability he gained from his chameleon transformation, which he was currently only using the tongue off, but that was enough to grant him the ability.

He said, "Lead the way, Kitten. Just make sure to keep any potential people we encounter from looking directly at me, and we should be fine."

Still astonished by the many strange abilities Ivar seemed to have, she quickly locked the door back up and started walking towards the stairs while saying, "If we encounter someone, just keep walking up the stairs until you reach the top floor, Daddy. There shouldn't be anyone there."

Ivar nodded and kept walking.

Luckily, they encountered no problems on their way to Nova's apartment, and soon, they were standing next to the bed on which a peaceful Nova was sleeping.

Ivar grinned, "Your sister is beautiful, Alita. I'll enjoy having her serve me."

Alita smiled, "And she'll enjoy serving you, Daddy. Just don't forget about me!"

Ivar patted her head, "How could I ever forget about my very first Valkyrie?"

Alita nuzzled his hand like a cat and smiled, but when Ivar was about to bite his finger to start the conversion process, she quickly stopped him.

"Wait! I forgot something. Molly keeps a close watch on our health monitors; she even has an alarm set up to warn her when someone's health starts behaving erratically. Can your hacker friend make sure it only sends normal data?"

Ivar stopped and raised his eyebrows while asking in his head, "Selene?"

Immediately, Selene appeared next to him in the hacker outfit she had used earlier and said, "I should be able to, but this takes a little more finesse than with those cameras. The monitor is in her chest, so can you put your hand there? It is much easier for me to affect something you are directly touching."

Ivar grinned, "I think I can live with that." Next, he grabbed a handful of Nova's breasts to give Selene the access she needed, causing Nova to moan softly in her sleep and Alita to giggle, "Couldn't wait, Daddy?"

Still grinning, Ivar answered, "Just giving my partner the physical access she needs, although I won't deny the benefits. That was a good idea about the health monitor, Kitten. Don't worry; I'll reward you as soon as your sister has started her conversion."

Visibly excited, Alita started trembling, hoping this hacker would hurry it up.

Her prayers were answered as Selene soon gave the all-clear, allowing Ivar to bite his finger, force open her mouth and start dripping his blood into it, sealing her fate as a future therian.

When he was done, he turned around and smirked, "Now, how about I reward my slutty kitten for her hard work."