
The Unexpected Visit

As the giant owl dived, Orion found himself caught by surprise as he felt a firm grip around his waist, lifting him swiftly into the air before he could react. Suspended high above the ground, held securely within the village chief's powerful talons, Orion couldn't help but glance down, taking in the breathtaking view below. 

The rush of wind created by the owl's majestic wings was the only sound that echoed in his ears, amplifying the exhilaration and the sense of weightlessness as they soared through the sky.

Gazing down upon the desolate forests, overrun by both hidden and exposed Vylkr vines, Orion couldn't help but wear a weary expression as he shook his head in dismay. His attention shifted towards the path the Village Chief was taking him, and as they approached the farm, he could finally make out the full size of the farm within the colossal wooden walls that encircled it, stretching wide as far as his eyes could see.