

A world where humans gotten powers suddenly has led to chaos amongst society. To bring order to the streets they tasked this to an insurgence of masked individuals who call themselves heroes. This seems to ease the tension as these righteous heroes are bringing order or it seems they do. This change has led four individuals of different backgrounds to meet in an academy that focuses on powers. Kiyoshi, the unfortunate soul who was the victim of the slums Mitsuki, the one who grew up in the ravishing comfort of the upper-class Kazuya, the guiltful person who lives in comfort due to his father who is a crimelord Akari, the one who shines bright in this city but has her own demons These victims live in eclipse, the biggest city of the 22nd century, Which has skyrocketing crime rates in the world. The crimes are not only limited to criminals but also to those who didn't expect it which is truly vile. This story is not for the faintest of hearts as it would show gore and the realistic side of being a superhero.

DariusDaDestroy · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs



The Judicator lept from the air and crashed in front of them, the suit was twice the size of all of them. The tinted glass dome that covers the user's head shows their reflection, he opens up his four fingers which then crackles with electricity.

Mitsuki unleashes her power and flies at the judicator with a knee kick at terrifying speeds, the loud sounds of the contact were deafening. She struck the large dome glass temporarily stunning it but not leaving a scratch on the giant behemoth. She was grinning at the performance she had committed but just as fast as she was the Judicator grabbed ahold of her feet and flung her into the nearby buildings, she crashed through the walls, the air knocked out of her, leaving her down on the floor filled with rubble.

The Judicator who was finished with Mitsuki then has his attention set on the group standing there, he then strides towards them his arms outstretched crackling with electricity. Kiyoshi then sighs, his eyes glowing white, forms of energy started to manifest themselves taking shape, and in a split second, over a dozen arms sprang out of his back toward his target.

The arms crash into him either grabbing ahold of their limbs or striking random parts of the machine hoping it would damage something fragile inside. The barrage of attacks is increasing while Kiyoshi was starting to sweat from the increased output of his power, the Judicator who getting overwhelmed aimed his arm towards Kiyoshi's head.

Mitsuki then crashed into the giant making it lose its aim, the shots fired missed almost everyone but grazed the side of Kiyoshi's torso. The sudden burning pain made him lose concentration which deactivated his power losing every arm that was on the Judicator.

Mitsuki then retreats not trying to make the same mistake again, the Judicator then stops suddenly analyzing the group.


Missiles then launch from his back heading towards the group, within that moment the group was suddenly on top of a random rooftop. Massive explosions were in the distance, they looked behind them as they were just teleported a couple of meters away. Everyone then looked at Kazuya who was out of breath and had his hands on his knees.

"When I said run I didn't mean go straight to the boss fight!" he shouts

loud footsteps behind them, the large Judicator emerged from the fire, and smoke. The giant charged toward them. Each terrifying step it takes sends fear into the souls of many who encountered it. Instead of standing around they listened to Kazuya's words and jumped across rooftops to rooftops.

"Do something with your powers you fucking goof!" Mitsuki yells at him

" Sorry princess teleporting you all was draining on my stamina, can't force it as it could hurt me or others" he explains while almost tripping over himself

"Gotcha" Akari said catching him

The Judicator was catching up while he was trying to get a shot on them, his bullets hitting the buildings around his targets. Akari sends off a random bolt of electricity at the Judicator hoping to slow him down. The strike landed on its legs which messed up his steps letting him crash into an abandoned convenience store.

"good shit," Mitsuki says complimenting Akari's aim, this gave them enough time to gain enough distance eventually losing their pursuer

After a bit of running, they took shelter in an alleyway.

"This place is disgusting, the filth and the smell are definitely getting into my hair" Mitsuki complains.

"You get used to it" Kiyoshi tries to reassure her

"For you type of people but a person like me needs some respect" She argues

"Look we shouldn't fight over this, we barely escaped from the law, the last thing we need is to argue," Akari says trying to settle things down

"Whatever, I just need to take a shower at least" Mitsuki mutters

"About that" Kazuya speaks up

Kazuya was squatting down near the dumpster

"They are definitely on high alert and remembering the news on the radio they have patrols watching entrances into the slums" he explains.

"So where are supposed to go then?" Akari asks

"Somewhere safe that we can at least spend the night at" Kazuya responds while stretching his legs

"I know a place" Kiyoshi chimes in

* There is an urban legend about a creature that resides in the slums who comes out and eats the nice kids at night, they're known as slums boogeyman *

After showing them the way he showed his guests into his house, it doesn't have many things as he was in the process of moving out.

"It's small but it's not as filthy as I thought" Mitsuki somewhat tries to compliment

"Luckily I still have some of the bedding kept in the corner so you three could sleep well I guess" he takes off the sweater he was wearing

Akari was looking at the cuts that she had gotten from that encounter

" Hey Kiyo do you have some band-aids?" she asked

"Yeah it's in the bathroom over there, could you also pass me a bandage roll when your there" he points to where the bathroom was which was the only other room

"Damn that's an impressive amount of books, mostly just education but I see some other famous authors' works" Kazuya comments

Akari gets back and tosses the bandages to Kiyoshi, he thanks her and took off his shirt exposing his wound. He starts to disinfect it with some alcohol, the wound wasn't deep only a cut. He didn't think much of it, just thinking of another new scar that covers his body, while unannounced to him the others were watching his body. Mitsuki was somewhat admiring his muscular frame even though she didn't like the guy, Akari was just focusing on the scars that covered his body, she had never seen that much history of damage dealt to someone's body while Kazuya was too busy reading one of his books.

"What's wrong with the water?" Mitsuki ask with concern in her voice, she was at the kitchen sink. The water that spewed out was slightly brown.

"That's normal here, the households here get their water from the government," he says like it was nothing while finishing bandaging his body.

She was taken aback by this, she thought that everyone had clean drinking water, she turns off the water.

"let me cook some food, I left some canned food here just in case I ever decide to come back here." Kiyoshi offers. While grabbing some canned food from a container Akari was chatting with Mitsuki.

"So why were you here Akari?" Mitsuki questions her, both were standing near the bookshelf.

"I was just ah visiting my grandma who lives here" she responds with uncertainty in her voice

"Really huh, well why does your grandmother live in this disgusting place" she responds her suspicion growing.

"The slums are home to mostly elderly folk so it makes sense for her grandma to live here" Kazuya interjects, as he closes up his book.

Kiyoshi was cooking quietly, cooking chicken soup. The only two that were talking were Akari and Kazuya while Mitsuki was watching the chicken soup being cooked.

"Are you sure it's going to be safe to eat?" Mitsuki asks with concern

he nods

"what about the water she asks

he points to a package of bottled water.

"Don't speak about this to anyone alright or I'll hurt you" she threatens

he doesn't react

She just watches not saying anything, Kiyoshi then towers over her, the height difference was quite big. Her first thought was Is this rat trying to intimidate me!? he then opens the pantry above her grabbing some of the bowls he keeps there. She was left there having mixed emotions, embarrassment, and anger for mistaking his actions.

"Foods ready" he announces to everyone, he then serves everyone with hot bowls of chicken noodle soup. There was no table for an obvious reason so they sat on the floor, Kiyoshi sat near his foam mat, Akari sat with Kazuya near the bookshelf and Mitsuki leaned on the kitchen counter. Kiyoshi ate his food with indifference, he was used to the taste since he had the same soup every couple of nights. Mitsuki was trying to eat without recoiling in disgust, the food was so alien to her that it made her study the contents of the broth. Kazuya was too busy chatting with Akari that he forgets to swallow the soup. Akari who had chicken noodle soup a couple of times somehow loved this one by a landslide, it felt different it felt good like sharing food with others made the food somewhat taste better.

"You this would be even better with some alcohol you know?" Kazuya speaks up

Akari looks confused " wait you had a beer before?"

"Yep, I had it because of my dad, it was somewhat the most memorable thing in my life" he explains

" I have some alcohol" Kiyoshi informs, he then brings out some vodka.

The bottle then catches Mitsuki's attention "How the hell did you get your hands on one of the most expensive bottles of vodka"

"It came with the groceries I stole from someone," he says while placing the bottle on the floor, he then grabs a couple of glasses in his pantry.

"Wait you steal?" Akari then asks with concern in her voice.

" I Should've expected that from someone like you" Mitsuki whispers to herself

"Yeah what the problem with that then?" he asked

"It's just wrong, stealing from others," she tells him

"well it's the only way I get to eat, everyone steals from each other," he said, he then pours himself a glass.

Kazuya poured himself one as well not really caring about the conversation, Mitsuki also poured herself one despite her opinions on Kiyoshi. Akari was hesitant at first, then realizes how much of a hypocrite she was, she then grabs the bottle.

"It's so bitter!" she wasn't expecting the taste of alcohol to be bitter

Kazuya then starts laughing "it's not about the taste sometimes it's about the buzz you feel afterward" he tries explaining

This group who somehow met each other share the bottle together on this night of activity.

"So about today, what do you think we should do?" Akari asks taking small sips from her glass

"We were accused of being a part of a drug trade so probably just focus on college" Mitsuki responds while studying the alcohol in her glass.

"I'm going to investigate this further, this thing isn't a thing to ignore" Kazuya answers.

"What are going to do then?" Mitsuki questions

"I've been trying to investigate the drug trades for a while now, Im close to finding out one of their next meeting locations," he tells them, he finishes the alcohol in his glass.

Akari was uncertain but then she reminds herself that she wanted to be a hero in the first place, " We're heroes aren't we right we should definitely stop this"

Mitsuki sighs "not yet, we didn't get our costumes in yet" she then takes a drink, she then thinks of the benefits if she does try to stop this trade. If she stops this maybe her parents will finally recognize her talents and then they could finally accept her, she grins seeing this as a certain outcome. " I might as well help, you guys do need me to take charge"

"I help" Kiyoshi responds pouring his third drink.

Kazuya then thinks for a moment and nods.

"This could work, I'll need to think of a plan later on, meet me later during lunch on Monday alright," he says

he then raises his drinks " to a good night with new faces!" he cheers

* The number current number 2 hero is infamously known for using power implant surgery which boosted her to the Queen rank*

Kiyoshi suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, he passed out due to drinking so much alcohol, and he then feels something around him, he looks down and see Kazuya was all sprawled out and his leg on his chest, and he was snoring with drool. He moves his leg away from him, the two girls were sleeping next to each other, and the bottle of vodka was empty.

He then adjusts himself, leaning onto the wall, he doesn't dare to break his routine.

Just in case if anything happens.

Just in case.

Akari Hoshi


shoulder length blue hair

light blue eyes

average build

has a small electrical scar on her left side of her face


Power: Electricity

She is able to generate electricity, she is able to absorb electricty while also discharging a huge amount of it. She is still new to her powers and discovering ways new ways to use it.