
Vilainess Weird Assistant

The Age of gods began once again The Traveler Broke balance once again just with its unholy presence Though with her she bougth Another Anomaly a Strange Singularity In all Existence That even the Personification of [Know] cant figure out Him... no. IT ........................ Ok To be honest i didnt expect to try to Write again I hope the my writing style mature a bit so i can make something atleast... Ok

Phanton · Fantasia
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Traveler of the Land of Gods

??? \PoV/

As i look at the stony cealing full of acumulating dust and filth

all i can think is Why

What did i do wrong to deserve this

I saved all beings didnt I

Even if i had to kill all those Foreign Deamons in a crusade Filled with Wrath and Death and paint my image as a violent monster

i stoped the ultimate demise of the Human race

and other Humanoids

I saved our people from being used as slaves and our planet from Colapsing under the migth of Those Chaotic Deamons


a tear fell down my swolen eyes into the filthy and cold sone floor of my cell

i guess "IT" doesnt matter anymore

As i was contemplating my poor choices in life

i hear foot steps coming from the corridor outside my cell

i raised my head with dificulty over my already week and wounded body

i guess not being feed for almost 2 months is already my limit

i see the almost completely dark cell being iluminated by a beam of ligth coming from the direction of the cell entrence

like a ligth in the dark like a beam of hope in the cold world

though for me this is more like a mockery than a sign of relief

as the door opened

my face contorced in disgust and anger upon seing the face of one the least people i wanted to see if you can call that maggot a person

i lay my eyes upon a tall young man with Long Silver hair and green eyes, wearing an white robe with golden details his face is soo beautifull and natural that most ladies would pay their lifespan just to get 5 min in bed with him

though all I could feel For this Maggot is disgust

his sligth longer ears than humans moved as he looks around the cell in search for something

as he laid his eyes upon my body he lets a gasp of surprise seing me

though not because of normal things in this situation

and his reaction confirms that

as his eyes wandered on my body with a strange and unconfortable glint in his eyes like a pedophile seing a cute 9 year old girl

as his green eyes met my silver ones his expression that wore an indiference mask changed to an exited and perverted one as his eyes bend into crescent moons with a deep blush on his face and panting sligtly like a dog in heat making me cringe in disgust and humilation

as he walks closer to me i hear him mutering

"It seams that i would get double the pleasure of breaking her ~hihihihi"

he says something so stange while giggling like a damn child

with his face and words

i could only tremble in anger at my suposed destiny later

as he reaches my fallen body

he cocks his head to the side with an smug smirk saying with pleasure seamenly happy with my sufering

"Come on ~Lucia~ With your intelect you should know my objective today"

As he Finishes he doesnt let me have react time as his eyes shined with anoyance but at the same time expectacion

"~You know, It was suposed to be only one of us to gain the permission to use of your indecent body, Thought your patron god sugested in the council that you give birth to every single children of our Small Group"

"It was something Along the words of [the Children of the celestial hero should have great potential, so she shall have as many children as possible with the best candidates of each major race~]"

He finishes as he gave me a mocking wink

but his body language and tone of voice showed his own his displesure with sharing my body to his colegues

i stayed quiet as my Unique skill

[Goddess of justice, Luciel]

passed his information as true

that information broke the only restrain that i had, that was making my patron god dificult

but it apears that even him decided to trow me to the wolfs

just i was about to use THAT and burn both my soul and body for temporary strenth for either my escape or the bloodbath before dawn

sudenly i stoped hearing the sounds and flutuations of space around myself, which is a problem because just me existing should still make space ripple why did it stop?

i started thinking why as with space stoped, i cant use THAT

after a few seconds My eyes widened at an absurd idea

i got separeted from the river of time together with probably my entire cell

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

i turn my eyes to the darkest corner of the cell

there stood a pair of eyes that shined perfectly in the darkness its pupil changed. color each moment it passes like a Kaledoscopy

Just as i was about to make think the eyes bend into crescent moons as everything went black