
things happening

I couldn't remember anything that day I don't even know I had parents I was in a house full of people who I didn't know I was scared no one told me where I was or why was I here then I seen these two people they looked familiar so I walked up to them I tug softly on the girls arm and asked her where were we at she turned around and scream very loud in my ears Alyssa and everything was dark, and I can see anyone. I see my parents, they were sitting in a hospital bed, surely they were dead, don't touch them. They thought they probably had a disease or something. I was confused, did I do that? is that why I was here why was every dark then I seen a bright light come from behind me when I opened my eyes there was a group of people hovering around me, I was scared and sorry, kind. Then one of the girls came through the crowd and grabbed my hand and told me to come on who ran for a short time. Then when we stop, I asked her, who was she she told me her name was Lizzy Lizzy love. I asked you, did she know where we were at, and she said we were at and orphan home, I didn't know what an orphan home meant, so I looked at her crazy. When I was the one who was crazy. She said, that's where people come in, choose to children, they want, and I told them, I already have parents. And she said, well, either your parents and want, you are your parents died, then she told me her parents, didn't want her to, that's why she was here, they wouldn't to boys, so they gave her up. I got sad after she told me that, of course. And I asked her, if she wanted to be my friend, she smiled and hugged me and said, yes, probably a million times, he laughed and laughed together. Until one day, very very soon, one day, some parents came in and they took her away from me. We split up, I didn't have anybody else, she was my only family, I got mad, she was happy that she was finally leaving, but she wasn't so happy that they didn't want me to. I told them I would be a good child, I always do my work, I keep clean and cook, but they only wanted one, then I got my and I ran to my room I broke everything in there, shattering anything in my path I read should all listen, everything was red and yellow and orange, I was so scared, looks like fire, and when I ran out, if you was gone, they are all dead sitting there. Screaming and then there Lizzy we she was laying under a piece of wood it looked like she was alive so I pushed and tugged on the wood until it rolled over she screamed and I told her it was ok and I would get her and her new parents out of here I promised her I pulled her out and then we started to pull Lizzy's parents out we almost had them and then two men came and took us out