
Vicious Flames

#SteamyAdventure #EvilLove #SoulMates# There was a long-forgotten time when all the superior beasts roamed the Earth, humans hid underground and evil reigned supreme. Until the heartless monsters were all cursed -- with soulmates and love. May all of you find your heart soon enough, May you learn of warmth and joy, Until then, hold your evilness and your breath. ******* Odette is ready for the Run, expecting to fulfil her duty and returning to her father and brother. After all, nothing happened if one stayed on the assigned path, right? Little did she know, her presence would awaken a malevolent power that had been asleep for centuries. ******* Huge, regal, equipped with wings and horns that pierce the dark skys, Zerberus is the Lord of all winged and un-winged cold-blooded beasts. He had been asleep for too long, waiting for his heart, now that he has been awakened he is ravenous.... ******* Brace yourself for a wickedly fun tale filled with steam, banter, and a heroine navigating her newfound position alongside her Dragon Lord. If you're ready for a fast-paced fantasy romance that defies expectations, dive into this story of love, danger, and pure villainy! Long live the villains!

LadyTrex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 10

I looked down with a gasp and saw large, entirely human hands, sliding across my stomach until two muscular forearms with nice veins appeared, and... My back was pressed against something solid. A chest?

The skin was pale, no body hairs, but... silver scales! Shining, as if they had their own light inside, they were scattered randomly, covering only certain sections.

Something rubbed on the back of my neck, and deep breaths brushed my skin.

My reaction? Totally overwhelmed! How could I not!?

Electric sparks exploded everywhere my skin and... his touched. It was a male.

An indescribable smell invaded my nostrils, clogging my lungs.

When I heard him let out a weird, husky sound, I came back to my senses.

'A stranger is touching you inappropriately! You have a boyfriend!'

I jerked away and swirled around, taking a step backwards....

As I had assumed, the dragon was gone.

There was a man instead. Although 'man' did not seem appropriate.

I had to crane my neck since he was too tall...at, maybe, almost seven feet?

His face was enchanting, simply perfect, if you ignored the white horns, a miniature version of those of the dragon, and the pointy ears, that appeared from silver hair that fell across large shoulders.

However, the most inhuman trait, telling me he was something that belonged to the monsters, were his eyes: inhuman blue, surrounded by a red ring, with those disconcerting thin pupils.

They rose and met mine, after he had checked me out shamelessly.

"Oh..." I flushed a deep crimson when I noticed that all his sinewy muscles and silver scales were completely exposed.

"Look at you," He murmured huskily, "blushing."

His voice increased my blush even more.... And so did the extent of his grin.

The dragon-man reached out with his hand to cup my chin. I gasped, averting my eyes, while he growled under his breath.

"Let me see you."

I thought he meant my face. His fingers curled and tried to lift the hem of my shirt, but I smacked it away, just like I did with the dragon... And I stumbled backwards, to distance myself from him, and fell on my butt, just like I did with the dragon.

"Ah, what a sight." His full lips curved into a lazy grin, revealing straight white teeth, "A beautiful, delirious mate sprawled at my feet."

"I'm not your friend." I muttered, referring to his use of the word 'mate'.

He chuckled, "Never said you are."

"What..." I gulped, standing up and ignoring his help, "What do you, um, want?"

The reptile eyes locked with mine.

"Mate." He simply replied.

"...with me?"

The dragon-man did not reply immediately, he just stared at me, then groaned.

"Ah, you are so sweet and innocent." He bent down and buried his head in my neck, pecking at me firmly but gently, "I'm going to enjoy you so much."

"You m-mean you w-will-"

"What?" He huffed, his thick arms clasping me, "eat you?"

He bit my cleavage, making me yelp.

"Maybe not," he replied with a small smirk, lifting his ageless face to look into my eyes, "At least not in the way your mortal brain thinks."

I gazed upwards and parted my lips.

He groaned with his eyes on my lips...

When he kissed me, I forgot my name, my identity, my history. There was only him, and his lips.

And the sparks.

His hands reached forward and grabbed my butt, each palm wide enough to cover an entire cheek, with room left over for his fingers to dig into the flesh of my hips. His thumbs almost met over the small of my back.

'What are you doing, Odette?!' A small voice screamed at my stupid self.

But I couldn't think about anything but his warm lips.

When a finger slipped past my pants, inside of my folders, I closed my eyes, stifling a moan.


His eyes half-lidded and his lips curved in a sensual line, "Mmh, your little pussy is so wet."

His finger moved inside of me, followed by another one, initiating more moans, until....

Something big pressed against my exposed bum, from below.

I felt the blood drain out of my face when I glanced down and saw his penis, pressing against her.

Must be three times the size of Gianni!

"No no no! You can't touch me like that or brush your... your..." He arched an eyebrow, "thingon me!"

"What thing?" He grinned, biting my earlobe.

I was in the middle of a rant.

"You can't say certain things either!"

"Things like what?" He tilted his head with a lazy smile, "Pussy?"

"Stop!!" I covered my ears, "You cannot do that! And you cannot kiss me either!"

"Why not?" His voice was deeper, huskier.

"Because..." I trailed off, distracted by his proximity and musk.


"Because I already have a boyfriend," I said, trying to get away from his slobbering kisses, "So stop throwing your lizard/dragon spells on me!"

A little pinch of guilt invaded me .... was it because I had kissed and let someone else touch me, though I had an amazing boyfriend already? Or did I need to blame a spell for my immoral actions and to justify the tremendous attraction I felt for this magical creature?

As soon as I said that, he had frozen; dangerous smiles and heavy caresses gone.

A storm hit his features, changing softness into a terrible grimace.

He stared at me in disbelief and maybe hurt and then.... He roared viciously.

Massive white wings swung open from behind him, more silver scales sprouted on his body, claws reached out from his fingers.

With another chilling snarl, he punched the ground with his fist, and I watched in horror as several cracks formed and spread in every direction.

Blue fire exploded from his dilated nostrils and from his mouth. It remined me of the statue in the valley of temple. The angry, terrifying one.

I didn't even have time to shield myself...

I was already dead anyway.

The flames crossed me, possessed me, trapped me in their deadly arms, and for a moment I wondered what the Romans living in Pompeii thought, during the eruption of Vesuvius.

Two seconds too late I realized I was still alive. My skin wasn't melting. I still existed. The flames didn't burn me!

Even though my clothes were gone.


'That should have been me!'

I felt immense boiling heat go all over me, in my veins, in the space between my bones, and... an itch on my forehead. A continuous throbbing.

When I touched the spot, I felt something there ...a scar?

"My mark." His voice was scarier than his appearance. My eyes found his and my heart leapt outside my chest.

There he was. The dragon man, in all his blinding beauty. Something so unpredictable and inhuman. He looked crazy and wild, breathing heavily and ready to pounce.

"Now, whenever a male touch you, he will burn."

I gasped, my hand covered my mouth. "W-why? W-why did you d-do that...ah!" I shrieked when I found myself in the air, held by scaly arms.

"Because you are mine. For eternity." His hand grabbed my chin almost painfully and I whined, squeezing my eyes shut.

The distance with the ground increased more and more as I was being kidnapped by the monster.

"Don't hurt me...please." I said with desperation, trying to not look down.

I was terrified of heights.

He sighed...he almost seemed in pain too.

"You have nothing to fear from me, my princess", he said in a low, menacing tone, kissing my tears away. Leaving sparks instead.

He lessened the pressure then pressed a kiss on my forehead... A tremendous pleasure crossed my body like a thunder. I shuddered; my hands clasped around his neck.

"I'm going to close an eye about your lizard's comments," He declared, his claw placing a lock of hair behind my ear, "The boyfriend thing, though..." He growled again, lifted me so that my stomach was in front of his face. We were still in the air, his wings flapping.

Then he parted my tights, baring my core to his ravenous reptile eyes.

I watched in shock as he bent his head and lick me there. There!

"You can't lick my vagina!" I gasped, aloud, "It is no hygienic!"

He chuckled but kissed me there anyway.

"What a puny boyfriend you had..." he growled to himself.

"He is a gentlem- aaah!" My eyes rolled backwards when his tongue lapped between my legs and slid further up and inside my labia with each lick. A small part of my brain was still shocked!

Someone's, a stranger's, a dragon's, tongue was between my legs!

Read up to chapter 35 on Patreo n

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