
chapter 3: Narcissism, delusion and a cry for help~

caught off guard Evelyn felt her consciousness shudder as the now perceived "intent" being exuded by the man attempted to invade her mind but thankfully the barrier that kept her mind safe from harm held firmly after adjusting to waves that lapped against its periphery.

If she hadn't undergone mind encroachment tempering with Dean, Evelyn would have fainted right there and then or even worst become a babbling idiot until her mind managed to reboot itself but by then the damage would be done and the brunette was afraid that she would have behaved like a complete savage bereaved of any logic.l behind her action.

Much to Evelyn's relief the ambient will that suddenly wash over her mind wasn't particularly strong nor was it focused enough to be able to penetrate her mental barrier but it was enough to at least alarm her and subsequently raise her guard against the cold yet still quite handsome man.

Evelyn had half a mind to beat this eye candy black and blue for attempting such a dirty and underhanded move to annoy her but knowing that she would be at a disadvantage, both physically and him being surrounded by his colleagues, The brunette decided that it would be best to withdraw her initial desire to lambast the man right there and there, de-escalating the chance of her throwing all sense of proprietary out of the window just to achieve some kind of pyrrhic victory against him.

'I can at least play the waiting game. lets see how long you can last with me breathing down your neck, though I can't really tell much about what he's thinking since he's practically a frigid Iceberg now..'

Grabbing a wooden stool behind from an unoccupied desk completely ignorant on the looks of annoyance flashed towards her and how unbecoming her action is. she placed it down in front of cold man's Desk and with elegance of a domineering queen sitting on an ornate throne, she flashed him a predatory grin and quietly waited for him to finish his work.

'I gotta say patients isn't my strong suit but it helps that he's quite good looking or I wouldn't have bothered to wait for him to finish.'

Evelyn added as an after thought...


Aster Reiss secretly sighed for the umpteenth time seeing as the woman before him was still there, glaring at him like he bloody murdered her entire family.

Aster tried to think of a reason on why she would be purposely single him out from the rest of the staff in charge of the recruitment processing. can't she see that I am a lot busier than the rest of those mooks idling around without a care for the world?

how very unprofessional of them. he added bitterly.

Anyway this remarkably plain face woman with features that he callously dare say would help her blend well in a crowd. the only thing The restless Aster could think of was

"this stubborn young miss must have really fell hard for my looks..."


Aster couldn't blame anyone if they cast him disgusted looks if they somehow manage to deduced his current thoughts but he would like to clarify that he wasn't some self assured pompous Ass that kisses his own reflection at night.

ugh, no...

he is simply stating the facts....


he's quite serious...


feeling like he lost something important and a Point of view chapter might be needed to redeem this Narcissistic Character, Aster recalled the image of her mother, the Ice fairy of the kingdom of Verida and the only other woman outside of the royal family that could even rival the princess herself in terms of beauty and elegance in her prime.

being the child of such a breathtaking person would have netted him some measure of Inheritance, yes?

With dark blue hair and a face that could be be said to be androgynous at best and feminine at worst. he lamented the fact that he didn't inherit his father's "Valiant" Appearance, which led to a silly yet quite serious question that has been bothering him ever since he realized how.... rugged... his father was compared to people who were once vying for the hand of his mother.

'why did my mother allowed herself to be wed to his oaf of a father back then?'

Aster never really got around asking his parents about that particular question before he left their family's territory, to join the kingdom's army to gain some merits but he could easily picture his bandit like father smiling cheekily at him in his mind, face flushed with pride and excitement while regaling his embellished story on how he won his mother's heart.

His mother on the other hand would be coquettishly smiling beside her Husband as she hid behind her Cherished fan (a rather tasteful gift from his father aster would like to add), to hide her maiden like expression which really didn't match her age, though no one would be able to pinpoint her exact age based on her appearance alone.

'but I am digressing...' he thought dismissively.

Aster new the troubles that her mother dealt with before she married his father. Countless suitors arrived at her doorstep hoping to win her hand, ranging from exorbitant gifts to outright coercion, which is why her mother Adopted such a cold and domineering persona to chase away the annoying flies that kept on bothering her, thankfully she had the powerful backing of The Weiss family and her innate talent as A wizard to back her attitude too.

she wasn't simply called the Ice fairy simply by her looks alone...

it worked for a period of time up until the ruse was revealed to the public and thats when his father stepped in to steal the limelight (aggro) but again...

'I am digressing.'

following a tried and true technique (in his books) Aster followed her mother's footsteps and adopted a similar cold facade which kept him mostly safe from the drama that always followed him. thankfully unlike the suitors of his mother, the women that he attracted where thankfully aren't as stubborn as their male counterparts, a simple glare or a word laced with his intent were enough to make them falter.

Aster thought he would be safe for the rest of his life if he continued acting like that in public but Lo and behold this seemingly plain woman who had no redeeming features at first glance, appeared in front of his desk, a twinkle in her dark Brown eyes when she caught sight of him.

Assuming she was another woman that fell for his outward appearance, he immediately used the most harshest means to humiliate her and make her leave.

Normally Aster would have let her down gently like the rest of the women he had to deal with on a daily business while maintaining his cold exterior but due to stress of having to deal with the massive influx of Important documents and that needed to be studied and approved today of all "days" combined with the blatant unprofessionalism of his "supposed" coworkers, Aster didn't have any spare energy left to deal with this troublesome young miss.

unfortunately for him this woman was a lot stronger than he thought she was. by the time he realized that he had failed at coercing her to get lost, the brunette's mind quickly became an impregnable fortress as he sent a few probing waves to see if their any holes in her defense.

Realizing that he might have bumped into someone that might give him a headache later on, he decided right there and then, that it would be best to let her be.

'she should understand by now that I don't want her to be here right?'

with hope Aster expected her to leave him in peace but much to his shock and dismay she stubbornly remained, even grabbing a nearby stool so she could sit in front of him like it was the most right thing in the world.

'can't she just find another person to process her application? its already almost an hour for god's sake! Look over there! those mooks have long since returned to their desks and are now handling the other potential recruits like you, so please go away and have them process you instead of me!' he pleaded in his mind.

Wanting nothing more than to slam his forehead on his desk, Aster continued to skillfully handle each document he took from the stack on his desk like he was a fish in water as opposed to the inner turmoil he was suffering from both the stress and this Spiteful Woman in front of him...

'I am definitely gonna give Laffey an earful for ditching her duties again...'

he darkly promised as he tried to ignore the now glaring woman that somehow had the inkling of an aura that vaguely felt like a hannya's that pressured him to no end, causing him to subtly increase his pace little by little.

'please... someone save me!!!' Aster shouted with all his heart within confines of his mind but much to his dismay another long hour had passed and still...

no help had arrive...

muhahaha. back from the brink of Death!!!

sorry for the very long delay. things are finally calming down in my hometown such as the ecq being lifted and had become gcq (I think) so I can loosen my guard a little and start writing as oppose to fearing for my life whenever I go out to scavenge for supplies (I need an anxiety less environment to write because I am a coward) anyway Have a nice read and the next chapter should be interesting (I hope)

thanks for reading~

(ps. Number of edits 9)

Astyr_Wisteriacreators' thoughts