
Vessel's End

A baby is found in a pit of dead werewolves. Her ability saved her, but what will the church and their faith do about it?

Tessedan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Chapter 47

Eska just stays quiet, trying to process everything. The elevator stops at the top floor and they make their way out. The benches are full with people praying, there isn't enough space and some are praying on the floor. Eska sees this and tries to hold on to Valen's shirt. Afraid, but a different type of fear. Not for her life, unlike any time before, but afraid of what's to come. They walk through the people, some seem calm while others are clearly scared.

Even the speaker is praying in the middle of the cathedral, behind the altar. Once out of the cathedral there are even more people outside on their knees. Valen and Eska walk out of the plaza, and head straight for the guild house. They finally get to the guild. The streets are nearly empty aside from some hunters in front of the guild house, everyone seems to be at the cathedral.

They see the paladin walking with Eska. One of them rush inside while the other few stay outside. "W-w-what do you want p-paladin?" One says, raising his shaking weapon. "Relax, I'm bringing her back." Valen tells them as he tries to urge Eska to walk inside.

She holds him a bit tighter, slowly looking upwards toward him without blinking. "Can you come in with me?" She moves her eyes to the side, then down.

"They won't let me in Eska." Valen says, but as soon as he finishes Arc's voice is heard "Come, bring her in." He stands at the guild door.

"Arc, he's one of them!" One of them shouts with anger and fear.

"And if Eska trusts him then I trust them!" Arc shouts in anger, taking everyone around by surprise. "Now come, Valen. You may bring her inside." Valen seems confused, but doesn't hesitate. He gives Arc a slight bow with his head as he lets him guide him.

Valen takes Eska's arm off him and grabs her hand instead as they walk inside. They finally are close to her room. They see Denise pacing back and forth in front of the door. Denise sees Eska for a split second before rushing towards her. She says nothing as she simply embraces her. Arc sees this and he makes his way back from where he came.

"Let's go," Valen tells them. They all make their way into the room.

Denise and Eska sit at their beds. Valen is left with no choice but to stand, as there is nowhere else to sit. Valen addresses them both. "I'm going to be straightforward. I want you both to join me at the church, as a team. Before I thought I'd have to keep an eye on Eska, but after today? After today the church will expect you to go out often. With that speech, Eska..." He pauses to think for a few seconds. "After that speech and taking down Lenna, you volunteered yourself to hunt down monsters and heretics around the city."

A few knocks are heard on the door. Valen looks back at the door, then back at Denise, who seems confused. Valen goes to the door and opens it, revealing Arc carrying a couch on his shoulders.

"Make way boy." He says as he walks through the door, carrying the couch.

Denise and Eska stand in surprise. Arc just puts down the couch, and begins making his way out but Eska tells him "I need to join them, Arc."

Arc stops at the hallway leading outside and turns around. "That much is obvious, Lady Eska." He says in a saddened voice. "I'll let everyone know, I'm sure they will understand after what just happened." Arc turns towards Valen and places his hand on his shoulder. "I'm expecting you to take care of them, Valen." He tells him in his serious voice.

"I'll do what I can, Arc." He answers him. Arc gives him a nod of approval, then gives Eska another nod before he walks out once more. Valen closes the door behind him and locks it once more. He walks back and sits on the newly situated couch. Valen then leans over and rests his arms on his knees. "Before we go on, we have to discuss what the church will expect you to do, Eska." He looks at her with a nervous look.

Eska turns slowly towards him, knowing what he will say next. Denise just looks down, as if disappointed at what is about to be said. "Just as you said at the cathedral. They will expect you to take care of... Heretics. Heretics both born and raised." Valen tells her. "This includes... A lot of different people Eska." He finishes, giving her a bit of time to process everything.

Eska takes a deep breath, closing her eyes finally realizing what the recent incident finally means. She thinks for a few seconds, suddenly opening her eyes. "What if I don't? What if... What if we don't?" Eska tells them, still a bit confused herself.

"Eska, disobeying the church will just re-label you as a heretic. It would label 'US', as heretics." Valen tells her, unsure of what she is trying to say.

"I know what you do, Valen. I know what the church does." She looks at Valen, then at Denise who seems a bit intrigued by what she is saying. "Are YOU ok with it?" Eska's face turns to that of disgust. Valen sees this and knows what she is trying to say now.

"No." He says simply, leaning back against the couch's backrest.

Eska's face relaxes, she turns towards Denise and waits for her answer.

"I've always known what's been happening, and I've always tried to help but I've honestly never thought too much about... Well breaking my oath to our gods." Denise's voice is filled with a bit of sadness.

"Ever since you took a step into the city my entire belief system has been challenged. Even now, our god gives you his blessing. After everything that's happened. After all the deaths. Up until minutes ago you were a heretic. Our law demanded we kill you on sight, but Miriel..." Valen quickly looks up, his eyes widened. "Miriel is the one that recommended you not be killed. On the spot. That's what started this whole thing." He rubs his temple with one hand, stressed out.

"Wait." Denise interrupts Valen, "Miriel is an Angel, why would she even think of not killing a heretic?" She looks at Valen, wondering where his thoughts are heading to.

"She decided not to follow an order, a law." Valen says in a lower tone, trying to understand. "If our lords are truly omniscient, then there is a reason she is alive. And if they are not..." He pauses, thinking back to what Miriel told him back at the cathedral. "If not, then they can't be all powerful."

Eska then gets a smile on her face. "Your gods are not all powerful, but they are powerful. They create angels to make sure their laws are followed, and the church raises children like you to become unquestioning of it all."

"They took me in, Eska." He tells her, looking up at her.

"They also took Denise in, didn't they?" She looks towards Denise, who nods. "How many other people in the church do you know that joined at an older age? Or better yet, how many paladins weren't raised by the church itself? Was Miriel?"

Valen and Denise think. A few minutes go by but the longer it goes, their faces become pale. "So there aren't any?" Eska asks them, but they remain quiet. Valen shakes his head in disbelief. "I've been trained and taught everything I know about the church, by the church. Everything I've ever known has been from the church. Going out on hunts would simply reinforce my teachings, how non-believers are filled with hatred towards us." Valen holds his head as he leans down. "And I just started hating them back." He finishes.

Denise then says "Hunters were always glad I was in their party and they would speak to me but when it came to the church topic, they would always try to side step it or jokingly ask if I was ever going to leave it." She pauses for a bit, looking back towards Eska. "Maybe they weren't really joking..."

"How many people at the cathedral do you think pray out of respect, and how many do you think pray out of fear?" She gives them a few seconds to answer, as they just seem unable to answer. "Is that what all the cities are? Afraid that their god will punish them because they don't pray enough?"

Denise is the first to answer "I've seen it in other cities. Much worse in those cities. People would be killed, then the people would simply continue their lives. Almost as if nothing happened."

Valen then looks up, his face has slight fear and surprise "I've ne- I've never really paid too much attention to it."