
Very Bad : Redy

In a city where darkness lurks, a series of brutal murders shakes the community. Labeled as “Very Bad,” these supernatural crimes defy all logic. Inspector Lucas Moreau, known for his unorthodox methods, is called in to investigate. What he discovers is beyond belief: otherworldly creatures, bloody rituals, and a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the city into chaos. Lucas must navigate through a maze of violence and terror to stop the spreading evil. But each step brings him a little closer to his own destruction.

Charo666 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Shadows of Azrael

Lucas Moreau stood in front of the leader of the group of cultists, his gun still pointed at the hooded man. The other worshipers were now handcuffed and under guard, but the atmosphere in the cathedral remained heavy and threatening.

"Down, immediately!" Lucas repeated, his piercing eyes scrutinizing the leader's every move.

The man slowly raised his hands and removed his hood, revealing a face with marked, almost cadaverous features. His eyes were empty, as if they no longer contained any trace of humanity. Lucas felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

"Who are you and why are you doing this?" Lucas asked, keeping his gun ready.

The leader did not respond immediately. He just stared at Lucas with a strange, almost hypnotic look. Then, slowly, a sinister smile appeared on his lips.

"You can't understand, policeman," he whispered hoarsely. "We are the servants of Azrael. We carry madness and liberation. The end of reason is near."

Lucas tightened his grip on his weapon. "Answer my questions. What are your goals? Where are your other members?"

The leader emitted a mournful laugh, a sound that echoed throughout the deserted cathedral. "Our goals are beyond your comprehension. Madness is the key to freedom. You can never stop us."

Suddenly, a strange and palpable energy invades the room. Lucas felt uneasiness growing within him. The leader began to mutter incantations in an ancient and unknown language. The candles flickered, casting grotesque shadows on the walls.

"Stop it immediately!" Lucas ordered, but his voice was lost in the swirl of strange words. The leader seemed to enter a trance, and supernatural phenomena began to manifest. Objects around them began to levitate, and an invisible force seemed to agitate the air.

Lucas felt immense pressure on his temples, as if an outside force was trying to penetrate his mind. He fought to stay calm and focused on the leader. "Stop him!" he shouted to his colleagues, but they too seemed affected by the leader's strange powers, swaying and struggling to stay standing.

The leader opened his eyes, now completely black, and a guttural voice emanated from him, different from the one he had used before. "You are just an insect compared to Azrael's greatness. Madness will consume you too, Lucas Moreau."

Lucas, fighting the supernatural influence, tried to pull himself together. He knew he had to interrupt the ritual at all costs. Gathering his strength, he rushed towards the leader, overturning the altar and interrupting the incantations. A piercing scream sounded, and the pressure in the air suddenly decreased.

The leader collapsed to the ground, unconscious, and the supernatural phenomena immediately ceased. Lucas took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. He turned to his colleagues, who also seemed to regain their balance.

"Tie him up and take him to the police station. We need to question him in a secure place," Lucas ordered, regaining control of the situation.

The team quickly complied, and Lucas stayed for a moment, observing the ancient cathedral. He knew that what he had just experienced was only the surface of the horror that awaited them. The leader's supernatural powers and cryptic words indicated that the cult of Azrael was far more dangerous than he had imagined.

As they carried the unconscious leader towards the police car, Lucas couldn't stop thinking about what he had said. "Madness will consume you too. "

Lucas Moreau sat in the front seat of the police car, his mind still troubled by the supernatural events he had just experienced. Beside him, Julien was leafing through reports, trying to bring order to the chaos of the evening. The cult leader, still unconscious, was handcuffed in the backseat under the watchful guard of two officers.

Julien glanced at Lucas, his expression serious. "We managed to arrest seven members of the cult, including the leader. Five were apprehended inside the cathedral, and two others were trying to flee when surveillance teams intercepted them."

Lucas nodded, appreciating the efficiency of their teams. "Seven is a good start. But we know there are probably many more. Their organization appears to be much larger than we anticipated."

Julien nodded, his gaze fixed on the cult leader. "This guy... what he did inside the cathedral was beyond explanation. The phenomena we observed... he manifested supernatural powers, Lucas. How is it possible ?"

Lucas sighed, trying to put into words what he had felt. "I don't know, Julien. But what I do know is that we are facing something much more dangerous than we thought. The rituals, the incantations, and these powers... This goes beyond simple criminality. We need to understand how and why they can do this if we want to stop them."

Julien looked out the window, the city passing before their eyes. "I will inform Professor Bernard of what happened. Maybe he will have answers or at least a theory to explain these phenomena. In the meantime, we need enhanced security measures for these prisoners. If just one of them manages to escape, they might resume the rituals."

Lucas nodded in agreement. "Yes, and we need to interrogate the leader as soon as he regains consciousness. Maybe we can get some crucial information about their next moves. We must also check all abandoned places in the city to ensure that no rituals are taking place."

Julien tapped his phone, sending instructions to the support team. "Okay, I'll take care of it. And we'll also have to prepare a plan of action to protect potential future targets. The worshipers of the Demon of Madness will stop at nothing."

Lucas turned to the unconscious leader. "We need to understand what motivates them, what they hope to accomplish. And most importantly, we need to stop them before they cause more chaos."

The car approached the police station, the red and blue lights illuminating the night. Lucas knew the road would be long and arduous, but he was determined not to let madness take over Saint-Lys.

The police car stopped in front of the police station, the officers present standing ready to welcome the prisoners. Lucas Moreau quickly got out of the vehicle, followed by Julien and the other agents who were escorting the unconscious leader of the Azrael cult. The atmosphere was tense, but Lucas knew he had to maintain his team's morale.

"Good job everyone," Lucas said, addressing his colleagues. "Your efficiency and speed averted a catastrophe tonight. Keep it up, and we will end this threat."

The agents nodded, visibly relieved and motivated by Lucas's congratulations. But he knew the real challenge was yet to come. As the cult leader was led inside, Lucas took a moment to ensure that all arrested cult members were properly detained and monitored.

"Julien, take care of the paperwork and make sure the other cultists are under guard," Lucas ordered. "I will personally deal with the leader."

Julien nodded, understanding the importance of what Lucas was going to do. "Be careful, Lucas. This guy is dangerous."

Lucas nodded in response before turning to two trusted agents. "Follow me with the prisoner."

They descended into the basement of the police station, a level reserved for sensitive interrogations and high-risk detentions. Lucas knew this place well, often used to obtain crucial information in desperate situations. One room in particular, set apart from the others, was equipped with unorthodox means, methods that Lucas did not like to use, but which he sometimes found necessary.

He opened the door to a discreet room, almost invisible to those who didn't know where to look. Once inside, he had the cult leader sit on a metal chair, securing his wrists and ankles with reinforced handcuffs.

The leader began to come to, his dark eyes blinking as he slowly regained his senses. Lucas made sure the doors were locked and the surveillance cameras turned off before turning to the man.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer them honestly," Lucas said, his voice cold and determined. "Who are you really and what is your goal?"

The leader looked up at Lucas, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "You still don't understand, do you? We are the bearers of truth, and you are too blinded by your rules and your reason to see what is right in front of you."

Lucas clenched his fists, fighting against frustration. "Stop your riddles. What are your plans? How many of you are there?"

The man burst into a guttural laugh, a sound that echoed throughout the small room. "We are countless. Madness is our ally, and it extends like a shadow. You cannot stop us."

Lucas, realizing that conventional methods would lead nowhere, slowly approached the leader, his face inches from his. "Alright, if you want to play this game, we'll play. But trust me, you'll talk."

Lucas grabbed a bottle of clear liquid and a syringe from the nearby table. The leader observed with curiosity mixed with challenge.

"This is sodium penthotal. Truth in a bottle," Lucas explained as he filled the syringe. "We will see if your will is as strong as your words."

He administered the injection, and the leader tensed slightly before relaxing, his eyes clouding over. Lucas knew it would take a few minutes to fully act. He sat facing him, waiting for the serum to take effect.

"Now," Lucas whispered, "tell me everything you know about the cult of Azrael."

The leader's eyes stared blankly, and he began to speak, his voice becoming monotonous and mechanical under the influence of the serum. "We are the worshipers of madness. Azrael guides us. We spread chaos to open the gates of reality to true power."

Lucas continued to ask questions, accumulating every bit of information. He knew time was against them, but he was determined to find out everything he could to protect Saint-Lys from this supernatural threat.

Each answer obtained in this dark and secret room brought Lucas a little closer to the truth. A terrifying truth, but necessary to defeat the worshipers of the Demon of Madness.