
Very Bad : Redy

In a city where darkness lurks, a series of brutal murders shakes the community. Labeled as “Very Bad,” these supernatural crimes defy all logic. Inspector Lucas Moreau, known for his unorthodox methods, is called in to investigate. What he discovers is beyond belief: otherworldly creatures, bloody rituals, and a conspiracy that threatens to plunge the city into chaos. Lucas must navigate through a maze of violence and terror to stop the spreading evil. But each step brings him a little closer to his own destruction.

Charo666 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Racing Against Madness

Lucas Moreau sat back in his seat, phone to his ear, ready to absorb Julien's every word. The urgency in his colleague's voice meant that what he was about to hear would be crucial to their investigation.

"So, what did Professor Bernard find?" Lucas asked, his pen ready to take notes.

"Bernard delved into ancient texts and occult records. He discovered that the cult of Azrael, the Demon of Madness, dates back centuries. This cult thrives on the terror and chaos he causes," began Julien.

"We already knew that. What's new?" Lucas urged impatiently.

"The rituals of this cult follow a precise pattern. They take place over three main phases, each phase marked by specific sacrifices and ceremonies," Julien explained. "The first phase is that of Invocation. This is where they inscribe the symbols and begin to influence the victims through occult means. What we have seen so far corresponds to this phase."

Lucas wrote "Summoning" on his board, then asked, "What about the second phase?"

"The second phase is called the Corruption. During this phase, cultists must capture and torture their victims to corrupt them completely. They believe that the more terrorized and suffering the victim is, the more Azrael's power grows," Julien continued. "That's probably what they tried to do with the young woman and her friend. If we don't act quickly, they will move on to this phase."

"Corruption," Lucas wrote, a look of determination in his eyes. "What about the third phase?"

"The third phase is the Consummation. This is the final ritual where they sacrifice their victims to fully summon Azrael into our world. If this ritual is completed, the consequences could be catastrophic. Professor Bernard thinks that this ritual must be carried out in a specific place, charged with negative and historical energy," concludes Julien.

Lucas took a deep breath, feeling the weight of urgency weighing on his shoulders. "So, we need to stop them before they reach that phase."

"Exactly," Julien agreed. "Bernard mentioned a few potential locations in Saint-Lys where the Consumption could take place. These include the old abandoned cathedral, the disused sanatorium, and the ruins of the old psychiatric hospital."

Lucas wrote the names of the places on the board, drawing arrows and connections between the information. "Good. We need to set up surveillance on these sites immediately. Maybe these locations will lead us to them before they go to Corruption."

"I was thinking about it too," Julien replied. "I'll assemble a team to cover these locations. In the meantime, we also need to investigate the party attendees. Perhaps one of them has additional information."

"Great. Do it. We need to act quickly and accurately. If we miss any leads, it could cost lives," Lucas said with icy determination.

"I'm on the case. Be careful, Lucas. These cultists will stop at nothing to achieve their goal," Julien warned before hanging up.

Lucas sat for a moment, staring at his board. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to fit together, but time was against them. He had to stay one step ahead, anticipate their movements and hit hard. The battle for the soul of Saint-Lys had just begun, and Lucas knew there would be no second chance.

He stood up, ready to put his plan into action. It would be a long night, but he was determined not to let the darkness win.

Lucas Moreau stood up from his desk, determined to implement the first step of his investigation plan. Every minute counted, and he had to act quickly to prevent the worshipers of the Demon of Madness from moving into the Corruption phase. He took a large map of the town of Saint-Lys and marked the three abandoned places mentioned by Julien: the old cathedral, the disused sanatorium and the ruins of the old psychiatric hospital.

He left his office and headed to the meeting room where his team was waiting for him. The faces of his colleagues reflected the same determination and concern he himself felt.

"Listen carefully," Lucas began, projecting the city map onto a screen. "We have crucial information regarding the cult we are tracking. They are involved in occult rituals and their next step could be fatal if we do not act quickly."

He pointed to the three places on the map. "These locations have been identified as potential sites for their rituals. We need to monitor them closely. We will divide the team into three groups. Each group will be responsible for one of these sites."

The agents nodded, ready to receive their instructions.

"I want cover agents, surveillance teams with cameras and microphones. Any suspicious movements must be reported immediately. We must catch them before they reach the Consumption phase," Lucas ordered.

The teams went into action, preparing the necessary equipment and planning their movements. Lucas turned to his deputy, Marc, a trusted agent with experience in surveillance operations.

"Marc, you will lead the team monitoring the ancient cathedral. Stay discreet, but don't give up. I don't want any breaches," Lucas said.

"Understood, boss. We won't let them escape us," Marc replied confidently.

Lucas then sent a message to Julien to inform him of the implementation of surveillance. As the teams deployed, he focused on finding the suspects identified by the young woman at the party. He knew that broadcasting a detailed description of these men to all police units and informing local authorities was crucial.

Lucas sent the physical descriptions and details of the leather bracelet with the circle and cross symbol to all police stations in the area. He also added instructions to interview anyone who attended the party, hoping someone could provide additional information about the suspects.

Back in his office, Lucas received a call from Julien.

"Lucas, we have managed to identify some of the party attendees. They are ready for questioning. I have also sent agents to the neighborhoods where we believe the cultists might be hiding," Julien announced.

"Great job, Julien. Let's make sure every avenue is explored. We can't leave anything to chance," Lucas replied.

Lucas wrote down the latest information on his board, drawing connections and updating his investigation map. He now had a clear plan and teams in place to monitor the abandoned locations. But he knew the situation remained precarious. Every move had to be calculated, every decision considered.

The phone rang again. He was one of the agents on surveillance at the old cathedral.

"Chief, we have spotted suspicious movement. Two individuals have just entered the cathedral. One of them is wearing a leather bracelet with the symbol you described," the agent reported.

Lucas felt his heart speed up. "Keep an eye on them. Don't do anything that might alarm them. I'll be right away."

He quickly stood up, grabbing his coat and gun. Perhaps the time to confront the worshipers of the Demon of Madness had finally arrived. And he was ready to do anything to protect Saint-Lys from the horror that threatened to fall on it.

Lucas Moreau hurriedly left the police station, his mind focused on the urgency of the situation. On the way to the old cathedral, he felt a foreboding growing within him, an unpleasant sensation that he could not ignore. He had learned to trust his instincts over the years, and they were telling him that something was wrong.

The service car sped through the dark streets of Saint-Lys, the streetlights casting moving shadows on the asphalt. Lucas gripped the steering wheel, his thoughts swirling around recent events. The details shared by Julien, the occult symbols, and the young woman's testimonies fit together to form an increasingly dark and disturbing picture.

As he approached the old cathedral, this feeling of unease intensified. He knew something terrible was in the works, and he feared the surveillance team was already in danger. He hurried on, hoping to arrive in time.

He finally arrived in front of the cathedral, an imposing and sinister silhouette silhouetted against the night. The broken stained glass windows and decrepit walls testified to its abandonment for decades. Lucas got out of the car, his flashlight in hand, and quickly headed towards the main entrance.

Before he even crossed the threshold, his phone vibrated. It was Marc, the head of the surveillance team.

"Lucas, we have a problem. The two suspects are not alone. There are several other individuals inside, and they seem to be planning something. We hear chanting and incantations," Marc whispered, his voice tense.

Lucas felt his stomach drop. "Stay in cover and wait for my signal. We have to take them by surprise."

He cautiously approached the entrance, peeking inside. The flickering candlelight revealed moving figures. He could make out hooded figures gathered around an improvised altar, on which was placed an ancient book with yellowed pages.

Lucas' hunch was confirmed when he noticed that the cultists had already begun the Corruption ritual. Time was running out, and every second counted to prevent the horror from being unleashed.

He stepped back slightly and motioned for Marc and his team to join him. They gathered at the entrance, listening attentively to Lucas' instructions.

"Listen to me carefully," Lucas whispered. "We must act quickly and efficiently. We are divided into two groups. The first group will go around the cathedral to block all the exits. The second group will accompany me inside to stop the ritual. Be careful, these individuals are dangerous and may be armed."

The agents nodded, their determination visible despite the tension. Lucas took a deep breath, feeling the gravity of the situation weighing on his shoulders. The moment of truth had arrived. They would confront the cult of Azrael and prevent madness from spreading.

He motioned for both groups to get into position. The first group crept silently around the cathedral to secure the exits, while Lucas and the second group moved cautiously inside, their weapons ready.

The chants grew louder and louder, resonating throughout the sacred space with disturbing intensity. Lucas knew they had to strike now, before the ritual was complete.

With a nod, he gave the signal. The officers rushed inside, shouting "Police! Don't move!" The worshipers froze, surprised by the sudden irruption.

Lucas rushed towards the altar, his gun aimed at the leader of the group. "Down, immediately!" he yelled, his gaze never leaving the hooded man.

But deep down, Lucas knew that this was only the beginning. The real confrontation with the Demon of Madness had only just begun.