
Veronica's Night

Veronica just graduated. As she's planning for her future, her world is changed forever when she meets the love of her life, a vampire. Roman resides in the dark, a cold and calculative man, if you can even call him that. Is he ready for this young girl with a sunny disposition to be his world? And is Veronica ready for her first real love?

Daoist4aPFuy · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Roman was seated a few tables down from Veronica, and he couldn't help but stare. From here, he could hear her conversation with her friend. 'Naughty,' he thought when he heard that Veronica lied. What a beautiful face. He didn't realize just how tall she was until she walked in, and now with his enhanced vision he was mapping out every inch of her long legs. What he wouldn't give to caress those legs, to move up those legs with his hands… 'Stop!' he commanded himself. She was just an insignificant human, he didn't understand why he was so obsessed with her. He had to leave. He practically jumped out of his seat and walked out, leaving some money on the table for the scotch and a generous tip for the server. As he walked past Veronica's table, a delicious aroma came from her. It smelled like sunshine, and daisies. He felt his fangs elongate and he walked faster, taking deep breaths. On his way out the door, he bumped into Mr. Cook.

"Mr. Cook, I am so sorry, some emergency just came up and I have to run," Roman jumped into his apology. "I'll have my assistant get in touch with you to reschedule our meeting. Again, my deepest apologies."

Mr. Cook looked stunned, so Roman took this opportunity to walk out the door. He quickly got into his car and drove off, he wasn't sure he wanted to head home, and he was hungry, anyway. He drove to a local park that was his normal hunting ground. He found a space and parked his car. Dusk was already falling, making it easier to see, so he ran as fast as he could to the center of the park. He then let his hunting instincts take over. He could smell birds, squirrels, and other small animals, he could hear the soft breeze rustling through the trees and the footsteps of a jogger to his left. He dashed over, spying on the woman jogging. She was listening to music in her earbuds, some new pop song. She was young, blond, and she had blue eyes. He was reminded yet again of the woman he actually craved, but he wasn't here for her. He was here to forget about her, if only for a moment. The woman tripped, she couldn't see very well since it was getting dark, and scraped her knee. She was sitting on the ground now, inspecting her injury.

"Aw shit," she exclaimed, looking at the cut. She was bleeding. Roman felt his fangs elongate for the second time tonight, and this time he caved. Making sure no one else was around, he came up behind her silently, then bit into her neck, bringing her to stand up with him. Vampire venom has an incapacitating ability while a vampire is feeding, and usually wears off about an hour after the victim is bitten. It also has trance-like properties, causing the victim to be easily influenced after the feed. He drank his fill, being careful to leave her alive, and then turned her to face him.

"You won't remember any of this," he said, looking deeply into her eyes. "You were jogging, and you tripped. That's all that happened."

"I won't remember any of this," she repeated. "I was jogging and I tripped."

Roman left the woman, still standing there in a trance. He drove himself home.