
Venus Vengeance

Lara Venus is the heir to a multi-billion worth of Venus Corporation that her father built before he passed away and leave it to her, but she wasn't born to be the CEO of the company so she decided to get married to the man who deserves to be her husband and CEO who could manage to run the company after the first wedding attempt has been canceled, she has fallen to grieve and loses her trust in any guy because of betrayal, many different men come to approach and propose to her but she keeps refusing to accept until one day she was lost and enters another dimension of time, where she travels back to the 1800s by accident and encountered a handsome man with a burly body, his name is Reagan; someone who lives in a different time, a prince who saves her life while she was nearly burned to death by the villagers, she was accused to be the witch who performs witchcraft, right after falling from the sky.

Queenchy206 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

When we talked about 'LOVE', it always sounds familiar to everyone's ears, This simple word means a lot to everyone, it represents our heart and our feeling of deep affection toward someone or something.

When we heard about 'LOVE', the first thought that crossed our minds is always a heart shape, a rainbow, and a butterfly, it reflected the pleasure of being in love with someone, especially.

However, every 'Love Story' is not always about the rainbow and butterfly, it's often ended up unpleasant for some people, even though the first stage of falling in love is always pleasant, while the oxytocin; ( the hormone of love ) has taken control of our feeling until the time when the love faded and slowly began to vanish because lack of strong foundation in the relationship.

What it feels like when we were falling in love?

It feels like you bounce between exhilaration, euphoria, increased energy, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, trembling, a racing heart, and accelerated breathing, as well as anxiety, panic, and feelings of despair when your relationship suffers even the smallest setback.



[ Thunder rumbling ]

The gloomy sky begin to spill water out of it, as my tears sprang out of my eyes, The eyes which used to be shining each time I put the biggest smile on my face, now began to lose their shine.

[ Rain pattering ]

The rainfall landed on my forehead and slid down my eyes, it flows down my cheeks along with my tears, I stare at my open palm where another rain dripped on it, I couldn't endure the pain in my chest and begin to weep in sorrow.

Indeed, I was suffering from the pain of betrayal, by the one who used to put that biggest smile on my face each time he made me pumped up, The one who fills my heart with love and lots of joy, The one who pours me with all those promises that bring my expectation climax to the top,

Yet, he ended up tearing me apart, unfortunately,

I kinda feel dumb right now.


The water on the road splashes on me. My maxi dress was all soaked in the dirty water that stood on the road, thanks to the car that splashed it all over my dress and disappeared without an apology.

"Great!" I shouted, I was staring at my soggy dress; feeling the wetness on my skin, with the dirtiest water spoiling my white dress.

"God damn it, what could be worse than this?!" I muttered.

A hefty downpour drops out of the atmosphere a few seconds after my question blew out of my mouth, I suppose, the universe has answered my question.

"Mmh... Perfect!" I nodded.


Two hours earlier before the wedding.

I opened up my eyes and woke up before the alarm clock started to beeping, and made my ears go deafening every morning, it is 5:30 am. I feels like glue has stuck my eyes together, I was yawning and nearly getting back in my dream but my eyes were on that wedding dress in front of my bed, standing right there on that mannikin, The color white represents purity and simplicity, the design is a simple off-the-shoulder wedding dress, As a minimalist bride, I most likely be drawn to simple elegant wedding dresses that showcase my femininity and class. These dresses are some of the best ones as they provide comfort style, and radiate elegance.

"Ah... Perfect" my eyes glistened, mesmerized by the dress, "Alright, time to get my bumps off the bed and get ready for the biggest day of my life, I can't wait" I spread my wings and flew away, leaving my bed and getting ready for my wedding.

I begin to fill up my bathtub with warm water and plugged in my favorite lavender bath bomb into the water, the hot water which I am delighted to plunge myself into has nearly burned my skin,

"Ouch, it's hot!" I screamed feeling the heat under my skin,

"Lara!" my mom's called me and bang my door while my body was soaked in the bathtub,

"Yes, mom" I replied,

"Are you alright?" She asked,

"I'm okay" I replied,

"Don't be slower than a sloth, hurry up!" she shouted.

I clear my throat "Copy that"

As fast as lightning I showed up with my robe covering my body and the towel wrapping my drenched hair, oh gosh, my mom prepared everything that I need, the hairdresser, the make-up artist, and my bridesmaids are gathering to help me up with the makeover.

"Hurry up, you don't want to be late for your wedding, aren't you?" Alice asked,

"Oh gosh, I am unwilling for that to take place, hell no!" I denied.

My mom approached me with her hands full, holding a bouquet of white roses while the other hand held the veil to put on my head later on.

"What are you waiting for, chop chop, the clock is ticking!" She demands,

"Alright mom, don't blow fuse early in the morning, relax mom, I got this" I replied,

"You are slower than Lada full of elephants going uphill darling, it's your wedding, not mine, but you are still the slowest one" she scoffed.

"Hehe... My bad" I smirked.

I sat down and let the professional do the magic, staring at myself in the mirror while the four people around me were busy dancing their fingers on my face, my hair, and my nails,

Despite all these exciting moments, deep inside my heart, I feel nervous and kept wondering if I had made the right decision about marrying Chester, is he the one who could make me happy?

Someone snapped their fingers in front of me, and I woke up from my reverie, and my eyes immediately focused on the dressing mirror in front of me, "Oh my goodness, who is that girl?" I was amazed to see my face in the mirror. I look so gracefully beautiful with a touch of my natural bridal makeup, I adore my French twist hairstyle which is classic, except for my robes, it's time for the dress.

Before I put this lovely dress on, I slowly feel the silk fabric with my fingers, my imagination reflected when I walked down the aisle wearing this dress, and my heart burst into blossom "I must be looking gorgeous in it, I can not wait for that moment to come"

"Lara you should hurry!" my mom start shouted, I was shocked and woke up from my reverie when my mom started yelling. "I'm coming, geez" I replied and rushed to wear the dress before she gets enraged.

Once more, my eyes stared at the mirror looking at my reflection in there, "I look stunning" mesmerize by the look I get for the biggest day of my life, I look gorgeous from head to toe, and I can't wait to show it to everyone.

I walked down the stairs that led me to the hallway, everyone gathered and stared at me stoned by my appearance as a bride.

My mom walked towards me and said "Oh my baby, you look beautiful just like me" she wipes her tears of happiness.

"Aawh mom, don't make me cry please, I don't wanna ruin my make-up, thank you for everything mom, and yeah thanks for the DNA, I always wanted to be like you, as gorgeous as you, love you mom" I hugged her with my eyes glistening.

"I love you endlessly, you are my precious darling, I wish that your dad were here," she said with her trembling voice.

"Mom, don't be sad, he is always here with me," I said and pointed my finger on my chest to portray where my dad lives, right here inside my heart, always and forever.

I'm being so emotional early in the morning after a long wait for this day to come, starting a new family of my own.

"Oh my goodness, my gorgeous best friend, you look stunning in your white dress, I can't believe it's you!" Alice was surprised by my appearance as a bride with her eyes glistening.

"Awh, thanks Alice, what do you think?" I asked.

"Drop-dead gorgeous!" she replied with excitement.

"Awh, I'm glad you think so, thank you, babe, look at you, stunning as my bridesmaid, I'm ready!"


Ring... [ phone ringing ]

An unknown number pops up on my screen, it's odd and private,


"Are you going to ignore me?"

Shit, it's not gonna happen, I hang up the phone as soon as I heard her voice,

It's such a long night that keeps me awake and bothers me a lot, I couldn't even enjoy the bachelor party with my boys last night.

Even when I woke up in the morning, and look at my phone, there were multiple missed calls and messages popping up and all I do is just ignored them, guess she won't give up and called me with a private number after I blocked her, I won't let her ruin everything. The clock is ticking, I should probably go and get ready for my wedding. My luxurious and daring tuxedos are waiting for me to wear them.

Wondering what unexpected thing happened this morning? See you in the next chapter.