
Venture of Tomorrow

In a snowy season in the Arkala Village, there was a young boy named Lucas. Who lives happily with his family until one day... A group of criminals known as "Shadow Phoenix" invaded their village. The people got panicked as they were running away while he got knocked down and left unconscious. When he woke up, he ventured through the wilderness to seek help from others but he collapsed due to the fact that he doesn't have the energy to do so... Before he knew it, he was already inside a mansion, he was saved by a gorgeous woman and he called her his master but eventually she died because of a powerful curse that she was carrying around. The last words that Lucas heard to her was "help others even if no one would, this way you can get your revenge without regret". This is the starting point of Lucas Hart's journey.

Aug_Akise · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 1


One day, there is a man whose name is Lucas. He visits some kind of trading place in the Kingdom of Axminster which trade slaves. The atmosphere is always tense whenever he came there. Maybe because they say that the slaves are quite a treasure. The first slave showed up and the buyers shouted..

[Buyer 1: I'll buy her 20 golds]

[Buyer 2: 30 golds here]

[Buyer 3: 50 golds!]

Then the buyer 3 grins like an idiot, his face is readable that he will do something to that slave that he bought.(Lucas pitied her). The next one caught Lucas's attention. She has a blonde hair with blue eyes and that reminds him of someone…..

[Lucas(Thinking):I should do this tactic again]

[Buyer 1: 37 golds!!]

[Lucas(Raises hands): 190 gold]

Everyone there was shock and couldn't say anything due to shocked except..

[Lucas: TSK! He's here huh]

[Ethan: 200 golds!]

(Ethan Albertine was Lucas's rival in anything since he was well known to that town since Ethan was famous until Lucas came.)

[Lucas:225 Golds]

[Ethan: That's my #1 Rival but I'll go all out this time, I won't lose again THIS TIME!!. 300 GOLDS!!!]

[Lucas: (sigh) not again… 450 golds]

The place was quiet and no one didn't budge to say anything else.

[Owner of the trading: Unbelievable! Truly magnificent!! You! What's your name? Come here and take your slave]

[Lucas:…. Tsk she's…](he was wearing high magic item that only some veteran magicians can see through its spell like Ethan that's why the owner doesn't know him)

Lucas directly gave a bag of coins(450 golds) and he quickly run towards the slaves and freed her.

[Lucas: let's go somewhere safe]

They went to a place somewhere in town, in front of a mansion.

[Lucas: so what's your name]

[Woman: you can call me slave however you want]

[Lucas: no no no. I want to call you by your real name.]

[Woman: my name is..(hesitant)…. Micaela]

[Lucas: ok Micaela. From now on you're free.]

Micaela who looks upset.

[Micaela:??!? You don't need me so you're telling me to go die by myself?! No, please I don't want to die yet.]

[Lucas: uhh... no what I mean is…. You're free to do what you want. It's up to you to decide your future.]

[Micaela: what's your name?...]

[Lucas: I'm Lucas Hart]

[Micaela(who's about to cry)why?...(crying) why are you so kind to me?... When there was a lot of people out there who hated me?..]

[Lucas:…. Well… It's a story…from a past..]

[Micaela: can I know what is it?]

[Lucas: Why?]

[Micaela: uhm..(silent at first… Then) how about this? If you tell me your past then I will choose what will I do from now on.]

[Lucas: HUHH?!]

[Micaela: sorry!!!... I forgot that I'm still your slave.. I mean when I talk with you. It feels like I'm at ease…(Shock) Sorry for my rudeness again!...]

[Lucas: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you're funny huh… I guess I don't have a choice here but to accept your request..]

Then he talks about that story.

[Lucas: how should I tell it… I guess from the very top. In a snowy season…. My family and I live a comfort life when I was still a kid but suddenly some groups of most wanted dangerous people. Or should I say Shadow Phoenix. They were like a huge storm that something we can't even stop them because that time our village only have a few people who can use magic. Before I knew it, I was the only survivor left.. I don't know why they ruined my peaceful life but I swear I'll get revenge on them. I also suffered, felt the coldness of my body and I fainted… When I wake up, I first saw a different ceiling. I was rescued or should I say SHE take me to her mansion. You reminded me of her.. That's why I bought you out of selfishness.. She taught me a lot of things. What is magic?, life?, and more. She treated me as if I was her own family… I called her my master.

((One and a half years later)) I know now how to use magic how to control and analyze them. My revenge is coming soon. (The other day) master didn't tell me something very important.. I only knew it because it's already as clear as day. The most difficult one to cleanse. A curse. There are only very few who can lift a curse. I was helpless.. (My master told me the truth, that the curse she was holding was created by the shadow phoenix) I thought I can take my revenge but I was naïve. If I can't even lift this curse how can I even take my revenge to that criminals who created them??!! My master told me before she died… (Help others first.. The secret of magic is to help others in this kind of world and if you do that you'll get stronger, she said) despite helping a lot of people nothing change. Nonetheless, I was still helping because I believe in my master's last words. After all, she was the one who save me from despair.]

[Micaela(who's amazed while her tears are going down): … I didn't know you also suffered that kind of pain… (She saw the pendant he was wearing) it's a beautiful pendant. Did your master gave that to you?]

[Lucas: Yeah.. She gave this to me before she died…]

[Micaela: I see… (she bowed) allow me to be by your side master. I'll dedicate myself to you. My whole life changed because you bought me from there, this is the least that I can do.]

[Lucas: I see.. Then it's decided. Let's go to our house.]

[Micaela: where is it?]

[Lucas: here. This is our house]

[Micaela: that mansion!!??]

[Lucas: HAHAHAHAHA I always get that kind of reactions]

[Micaela: what do you mean by always??]

Then they went inside. There were 4 other girls inside the mansion waiting to their master- Lucas.

[Micaela: Wait wait wait… What??!! You already have someone?!]

[Lucas: (confused)….? What do you mean? They were also the girls I bought at the trading place. They were also slave but it's different now of course they are my cuties.]

[Micaela: Then why are they wearing a maid outfit?]

[Lucas: ah that?... Well I ask them why but they said they will wear it because I told them that I like maids…. Waitt!! I stop them ok but they didn't listen to me..]

[Micaela:….(thinking) and here I thought I was the only one(pout)]

And a new story beginsss…


((The other day))

The 4 girls that are wearing cute maid outfits were Olivia, Charlotte, Lily, Hazel. Charlotte has a short red hair with a pale skin. Lily has a curly long black hair. Olivia has a matured looking body also they say that she's a "mystery" while Hazel is still a developing young girl.

[Lucas: Hazel where's Micaela? I ask you yesterday to be with her right?]

[Hazel: (bashful) Yes master. She and I were really having a good time last night]

[Lucas: hey hey! Don't say that weird things again I'm still a guy here and don't call me master, how many times do I have to tell you that you can call me by my name?.]

[Hazel: ohh.. Sorry maste- Lucas!!]

(Lucas sighed)

There was someone who knocks the door 6 times.

Charlotte opened the door and she came to Lucas with "that person".

[Lucas: oh it's just you... Ethan]

[Ethan: Geez, why aren't ya surprised, my rival?]

[Lucas: (unamused face)well you're always going here after I bought someone from that place(thinking: if I could only destroy that place without any harm to others)]

[Ethan: ehh hehehehe. Mannn you really have a good taste about those slaves]

[Lucas: (angry) hey, if I heard that word again from your mouth, you'll regret what comes next.]

[Ethan: yikes! Scary!! Sorry for my rudeness hehehehe]

[Lucas: So? Why are you here?]

[Ethan: Well.. I just want to see those slav- beautiful girls]

[Lucas: then you can get out now, you already saw them right?]

[Ethan: hey that's rude, I'm your guest here ya know. I just want to thank you that you finally took my place from being the #1.]

[Aug: no, I didn't really mean to, it just happens ok]

The chitchat ended and Ethan left the mansion. Lucas wondered around his mansion to look for Micaela.

[Lucas: Where the heck is Micaela?! The 4 girls went outside and I keep looking for her but where is she?.]

Lucas surrendered, he went to the bathroom and suddenly while he opened the door… he saw Micaela buck naked…

[Lucas:…. This isn't what you think, ok? Calm down, slowly inhale and exhale…]

[Micaela: (after inhaling)….. kyahhhh!!!!!!!(she punches Lucas)]

Lucas was hallucinating outside the bathroom after being punched by Micaela.

[Lucas: hey is that… Melon? No I think watermelon.. It's jiggling… Woah woah woah sooo many stars…(fainted).]

The 4 girls finally arrive and they saw Lucas sleeping to Micaela's lap.

[Lily: My my.... You're so bold Micaela..]

[Charlotte: I… I also want Lucas to sleep on my lap…]

[Hazel: Big sis..]

[Olivia: you guys… We all know that we want to do that to Lucas but let him rest first I'll make the dinner ok?]

A few minutes later and Lucas wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and saw two huge watermelon of Micaela....(he freaks out)

[Lucas: AHHH!! Huff huff huff… Wait what happened? If I remember I was looking for you but then…(he remembered) Sorry!!! I didn't mean to see your 2 massiv-.]

Before Lucas finishes his sentence, Micaela covered Lucas's mouth.

[Micaela: (shy) hey don't say it out loud they'll hear it…]

They were silent for a minute then Hazel called them to eat together.

(While eating)

[Lily: So? What happened to you Lucas?...]

[Charlotte: Do you really love Micaela's lap that's why you can't stop your desire and went to sleep on her lap?(whisper) my lap is also as good as Micaela…]

[Olivia: Hmm.. I think I get it now.. Did that happen again Lucas?]

[Lucas: Yeah…]

[Olivia: (sigh) knew it. The first one was Lily right?]

[Lily: hey I already apologized for that and why did you remember it?!? You always forget things but that!..]

[Olivia: hey hey, alright I'll try to forget it and Lucas if you really want it that badly you can come to my room you know.]

[Lucas: (choke) Ugh. Hey I almost saw the afterlife you know.]

(everyone laughed)

[Lucas: Guess it's fine as long as you guys are happy. I'll protect what's important to me. I don't want to lose someone precious to me again… (thinking: if only I have the healing magic… then master...)]

The 5 girls were embarrassed after hearing that words coming from him.

((The next day))

Micaela wake up on her bed and was confused that it was so quiet. There she walks along with a nervous on her side.. Suddenly she heard an explosive sound in the backyard. She hurriedly run to that place and saw all of them performing different techniques of magic. Micaela observe them first. She saw Charlotte's using fire element, Lily in lightning, Hazel in water, and Olivia in earth element. Then a few minutes later she saw Lucas using different kinds of element but she noticed that he's more capable of using light magic. A very powerful one against dark magic if you train yourself with it. When Lucas takes a break to collect his lost energy, he notices something that there's someone who's watching them. He uses shadow magic to lurk in the shadow for 25 seconds. When he gets out of the shadow he then went behind that person's back.

[Lucas: What are you doing Micaela?]

[Micaela: YIKES!!?(shock)]

[Lucas: (Sigh) Let's go I'll train you. You want to stay by my side right? You need to be strong enough to protect yourself, at least if I'm not around.]

[Micaela: But I only can do healing magic I don't have a magic for fighting…]

[Lucas: (Shock) WHAAAT?!? Healing magic??! That's very rare! They are the only one who can lift the curses. Why didn't you tell me sooner?.]

[Micaela: You never ask me you know.. And.. I keep it a secret too…]

[Lucas: (thinking: Well that's to be expected. If she told someone her healing magic, I can't imagine how things will go for her….) You did well on trying to keep that a secret. It must be hard for you… It's fine now I'm here, I'll protect from any bastards out there.]

[Micaela: (crying)Thank you, Lucas but I don't know if I can master it.]

[Lucas: It's fine, I'll take care of it, we'll train you.]

Lucas didn't say anything else. They went to the backyard or should I say training ground. He explained everything to them. The 4 girls were truly happy when they hear that Micaela has a healing magic. They said that they will also protect her not because her magic is rare but because she's important to Lucas now, and to them, After all the 4 girls were slave last time so they want to help her regains her confidence in magic.

To be continued…

Hello! I'm still a newbie and I know some of you are wondering why my format is different from others.. Pleaseee just spare me from doing this!.. I really am comfortable writing like this and I really like it! Thank you for understanding!

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