
Ventra amado

Dangerous union~ Two mafia lords balancing love and guns

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16 Chs

Ch02~ House Arrest(01)

He slowly dropped her on the passengers seat and fastened her seatbelt then he shut the door and went into the car. The traffic delayed them and Rey was starting to feel uneasy with the awkward silence. He cleared his throat and thought of what to say but Hano already questioned him before he could speak.

"Did we have a fight before my accident? You seem to feel uneasy around me" She asked shyly with her head bowed down

"No Hano, I just think you'll find it uncomfortable around a man you don't remember getting married to" Rey replied squeezing his steering wheel

"I promise to remember everything soon and live a happy life with you again" Hano replied with her eyes beaming with joy and hope

**this is bad** Rey thought fighting so hard not to look at her

...the mansion....

**wow, this house is so big! Everything must have been perfect between us** She thought checking out every little detail of the living room

"I have to take a bath Rey, The hospital scent isn't really my style. Which way to our room" She asked holding his arm

Rey felt flustered feeling her soft delicate hands on his arm. "Our...room? You said you didn't like sharing a room before, uhmmm... I'm a really bad sleeper an~" He explained stammering before she cut him short

"It's ok Rey but don't worry, the closer I am to you the faster things would go back to normal" She reassured him "Now take me to our room please" She requested again.

She got into the bathtub and soaked herself in the foamy warm water

**I can't believe this is actually real** She thought to herself while washing her hair. In no time she finished her bath and went back to Rey who seemed indulged in the documents he was proofreading

**it wouldn't be awkward if I sit on his laps right? We are married aren't we** Hano thought to herself before she finally decided to approach Rey

She sat on his laps and the only thing he could do was stare at her

"You're interrupting my work, get up" He said coldly trying to keep his cool

"Why? Are you seriously irritated by me?" She asked trembling and clenching her fist regretting sitting on his laps

"-I'm still not getting up" She added trying to sound more confident

He gripped her hip with his left hand and slowly traced the neckline with his other hand

"What are you doing" She said trying to hide her loud heartbeats under her beautiful voice

He pulled closer to her ear and let his hot breathe envelope her; "I'm afraid that if you don't get up now you wouldn't have the ability to get up again once I'm done with you."

She quivered at the deep chilly tone in his voice.

**what happening to my body?! Arrghh** she screamed in her head and finally sprang up

"I'm only going because I have to eat food and get some things done..... I'll be back" She said pouting in anger and storming out of the room

His lips slowly curled up into a smile for a reason he felt amused

"Go to bed without me, I'm working late" He shouted heading to the study with his laptop and documents

....next morning....

She slowly sat up stretching her arms and yawning. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and turned to check the time on the digital clock on the beds tool

**Shit! I got up late. Slept alone on the first night of my recovery and now spending today all by myself** She thought while reading the note Rey left on the clock

~I have to go to work early, the house workers are at your service.

Don't stay up, I'm coming in late~

"Best husband of the year" She said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes and fell back to bed.

........Rey's POV...

"Keep an eye on her and report everything she does to me" He said over his phone to Nath his second most trusted bodyguard

"Yes sir. She's up now eating I guess. Nothing suspicious. I'll beep you if anything comes up." He replied hanging up on the phone

"You don't really look good Rey, I think you should rest" A feminine voice said from behind

"I'm fine-" He sparked his lighter and lit a cigarette "The Regals are just too stubborn and difficult to control" He added releasing smoke from his mouth.

"You're bothered by those rascals? You weren't this stressed when I had an accident" She said trying to sound jealous in a funny way

"I'm more stressed with you around. Your new tattoo looks great by the way" He said smirking. He tossed the cigar down and crushed it with his feet "Now excuse me Ciara, I have a business meeting to attend" He said leaving her behind on the rooftop.

........Hano's POV.....

**maybe if I try going around town, something might pop up** She thought looking through the dressing room

"Wow everything here looks really expensive" She said tracing the seams of a purse

She chose a black and ash pleated skirt with a ash sweater. She wore a black wedge and styled her hair into a messy bun then added a little quantity of rose pink lip gloss on her lips.

**These men are probably keeping a eye on me, I'll just climb down the window.** She thought after thinking of ways to go out without being followed.

She landed on her feet after fifteen minutes of trying to get out.

"Great now let the adventure begin" She said to herself dusting her palms.

She brought out the phone she had taken from a drawer in the dresser, Rey had a lot of phones and watches in his dresser.

"I don't even know where to go" She lamented strolling down the road. A little girl ran and collided with her suddenly

"Hey are you okay?" She asked offering to help the girl up

"I took some food and the shop owner won't let me go" The little girl replied with tear-filled eyes

"It's okay. Next time you shouldn't steal. Come on I'm new in town. Take me somewhere nice and we'll eat together" Hano said forgetting that she had no money on her.

"Yay! Let's go to the Russel's mall" The girl said happily pulling Hano towards a really big mall at the center of town and in no time they got to the mall.

"Why don't we get you some clothes first then food and later we play games" Hano proposed looking at the girl's dirty outfit.

They picked some clothes and shoes then they headed to the food section and had spaghetti and meatballs with an ice cream dessert.

"You little rascal! Where's my money!?" A thick masculine voice shouted gripping the little girls' arm

"Stop that!" Hano shouted then she felt a light tap on her shoulder

"You still have to pay for the clothes and food ma'am" The female attendant said holding a credit card terminal.

**shit I totally forgot about that!**

......Rey's POV....

"With your investment we'd be able to~" The foreign trader started but was cut short by Rey's ringing tone

"We can't find her sir. We've been searching for sometime now" A male voice said from over the phone

"You useless idiots" He cursed ending the phone and checking his other phones' location. He finally found it and it turned out that Hano was on the fourth floor of the building. He rushed towards the elevator with his bodyguard leaving the business man behind.

.....Hano's POV...

"Ma'am this mall is not for shop lifters. We'll have to report you to the police if you can't pay for this" The attendant said as people were whispering about Hano

"And since this rascal is with you, you have to pay her bills" The hefty man added

"Uhmmm..... My husband, I'll just have to call my husband." She said with her shaking hands but she didn't have Rey's number

"You thief! You're just trying to escape" Another attendant said as she gripped her hood.

"You can pay me with your body instead" The hefty man said with a grin reaching for her shoulder

*Ding...* the elevator door popped open with a tall handsome man coming out of it, he gripped the hefty man's hand "Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on my wife" He said with a cold glare as his bodyguard pinned him to the ground...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Drop any ideas you have on the comment sectoion too, your support means a lot to me

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