
Vengeful Redemption


Szav_xy · História
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


In the high-ranking noble families of Valerie, also known as the Western lands, the Al Hère family occupied a prominent position. Their distinct features set them apart; with their golden-blonde hair and piercing amethyst eyes, they were unmistakable. This family of three, consisting of Count Helen and her two children, Callisto and Isabelle, had more than just their striking appearance in common.

Envy and insecurity ran deep within the Al Hère bloodline, a shared trait that bound them together. They were forever looking upward, their eyes tinged with jealousy whenever they cast their gaze upon those nobles deemed superior. The curse of wanting what others possessed was a shadow that loomed over every member of the family.

Count Helen, once celebrated as one of the most beautiful ladies in the country, had once garnered the admiration of lower-ranking nobles who eagerly pursued her. But her dreams extended far beyond their affections. She yearned for more than just admiration; she aspired to be chosen by a future ruler, a dream that burned within her heart. But due to the lack of skill, Helen was never chosen to be one.

In this noble family's complex tapestry of ambition and longing, one member stood out as the central figure, bearing the weight of her mother's unfulfilled aspirations—Isabelle Al Hère. The illegitimate child of King Charles, Charlotte's father, to Helen. With every graceful step she took, she became the embodiment of her family's relentless ambition, proudly inheriting their distinct features and personality.

Isabelle Al Hère, the jewel of the Al Hère family, was adorned with striking features – her signature blonde hair and captivating amethyst eyes. She reigned as the reigning beauty of the Western kingdom, and her grace and elegance were admired far and wide.

Isabelle was, by all accounts, a paragon of kindness and love within the family. Possessing everything a noble girl could dream of, her existence aroused envy in every corner. Noble families vied for her hand in marriage for their future heirs, while young ladies harbored jealousy for the life she led.

But behind the facade of benevolence lay a hidden truth, a reality she shared with her mother. Isabelle's desires transcended what she already possessed. In truth, she was seldom content with her station. Her appetite for more drove her to pilfer not only the jewelry that caught her fancy but also the hearts of men, regardless of their relationship status. Her talent for seduction was unparalleled, and she knew the art of beguilement well.

Caught in the act, Isabelle wielded her beauty as a shield. She was an adept manipulator, portraying herself as the victim even when her culpability was clear. Her allure and looks served as her armor, deflecting accusations like a delicate dance.

The power she held, the ability to sway others with her appearance, was her most cherished weapon. She reveled in the envy she stirred among those who admired her beauty.

However, her perception of herself as the most beautiful woman on earth was shattered when she arrived in Sserfène. There, she encountered Charlotte, the embodiment of Sserfène's charm. Charlotte possessed resplendent, natural rose-gold hair that shimmered like a rare gem and eyes as azure as the purest sapphires. Gazing into her eyes was like peering into the depths of a precious jewel.

But it wasn't merely her physical attributes that drew Isabelle's envy. Charlotte was, by birthright, the legitimate daughter of King Charles and an epitome of a princess. Her grace was innate, her talents encompassing not only beauty but an array of skills, from drawing and dancing to musical prowess. Charlotte's intelligence was also a crown jewel, and her innate elegance surpassed the affected manners of many women.

The stark contrast between Isabelle's superficial beauty and Charlotte's natural grace was undeniable, marking a turning point in Isabelle's perception of herself. A new kind of envy stirred within her, that changed both of their lives.


Amidst the darkness and deception that shrouded the Sserafim family, Isabelle could not contain her envy when confronted with Charlotte, a living embodiment of everything she longed to be. She knew she could never truly outshine her half-sister in every aspect. However, her mother, Helen, harbored ambitions as dark as the night, and this darkness would bring forth a sinister chapter in the lives of the Sserafim siblings.

Helen's malevolent intentions led to the poisoning of Queen Charlene, casting a long and ominous shadow over the family. This betrayal resulted in Charlotte's recurring nightmares, another layer of treachery emerged as Helen, driven by unquenchable ambition, became Charlotte's stepmother, subjecting her to a nightmarish existence.

In the wake of this terrible tragedy, Charlotte found herself forcefully betrothed to the future ruler of the northern kingdom. Yet, Helen's schemes were boundless, and she orchestrated a shocking swap, cunningly replacing Charlotte with Isabelle to marry the northern prince.

As the unsuspecting Charlotte was coerced into a marriage with Anton, a mere earl, Isabelle, her own sister, became wedded to the Northern Prince, Sebastian. However, their union existed merely on paper, devoid of the warmth and affection that should accompany such an arrangement. Isabelle grappled with confusion and despair as she attempted to comprehend Sebastian's cold, distant demeanor. This struggle drove her to seek the comfort, intimacy, and love she so desperately desired in the arms of another man.

It was in Anton that Isabelle found refuge from the loveless marriage forced upon her. Their illicit affair offered the passion and excitement she longed for. Yet, the price of their transgressions would prove to be steep. Isabelle became Anton's mistress, embarking on a dark path that intertwined her life with his. As if her actions were not wicked enough, Isabelle manipulated Anton into believing that Charlotte was infertile, casting doubt on her sister's ability to bear children.

As Isabelle reveled in her twisted deceit, the northern kingdom spiraled into turmoil. A devastating attack by an unknown group left the kingdom in ruins, claiming the life of the king and rendering Isabelle a widow. Her newfound status as a widow would serve as a gateway to even greater darkness as she delved deeper into her relationship with Anton.

In the tangled web of deception that Isabelle had woven, there remained a sinister secret that she held close to her heart. Isabelle had been secretly carrying the child of the Northern Duke, not Anton. She had chosen to use this pregnancy as a pawn in her sinister games, misleading Anton into believing that the child was his own.

Isabelle's manipulation ran deep. She knew that by convincing Anton of the false paternity, he would be driven to cast Charlotte aside, ensuring that her own marriage to the Northern Prince, Sebastian, remained unscathed. This treacherous lie served as a critical element in her plan to torment Charlotte, making her sister's life an unending nightmare.

With each layer of deceit and betrayal, Isabelle's actions cast a long and haunting shadow over her family. Charlotte, despite her innocent nature, found herself ensnared in a web of lies so dark that it threatened to consume them all. Isabelle's thirst for power and envy knew no bounds, and it would take an extraordinary turn of events to unravel the twisted tale that had become their lives.

Isabelle wasn't bothered by anything or anyone when she found out that she was pregnant with Sebastian's child. All she know that she needs to manipulate and lie to Anton for him to be fully hers.

But Helen wasn't very happy about this decision of Isabelle, she knew that their family might get in trouble with the rest of the northern poeple once they find out about her pregnancy.

"Isabelle are you out of your mind?!" Helen shouted as she stood up from her seat before continuing, "That thing could cause so much trouble for us?!"

"That 'thing'? Mother this is your grandchild! And it doesn't matter wether this child belongs to Anton or not! I will carry this child even it doesn't belong to Anton!"

Isabelle vociferated angrily as she stormed out of the room slamming the door open. As she open the door, she collided with an unexpected obstacle: Charlotte and Ana, who had been attempting to slip away unnoticed.

Isabellw froze on spot, as she took of the sight of Ana and Charlotte in her fragile and hunting form.



To be continued