
Vengeful Redemption


Szav_xy · História
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


"I have always been loyal to you!" Charlotte shouted, her voice echoing through the whole room. Her anger was visible, her body was tensed up as she cried.

"Your loyalty doesn't matter... it's not you whom I want," her husband, Anton, or more commonly known as Lord Anton, coldly replied to her.

"I sacrificed everything... just for you to at least love me back... but you went to Isabelle instead!"

Charlotte's knees felt weak as she looked up at her husband. His gaze was cold, just like ice. He looked at her as if he didn't even care about her feelings.

He crouched, reaching her eye level and grabbing her chin, making her look up at him as he stared at her straight in the eye.

"You've changed, Charlotte... you're like spoiled milk I suddenly forgot about, while Isabelle... she's like fine wine that gets better every time, no matter how many years it takes. There's a big difference between the two of you, Charlotte."

Anton scoffed and pushed Charlotte to the ground. He just smirked and left her alone in the room. Those words struck Charlotte like lightning. She expected those words coming from his mouth, but those words still destroyed her.

She lay there on the cold carpet, wishing that she had fought for what she wanted, even if it had cost her life. Her situation right now was worse than death. It was a living hell that she couldn't escape. It was a twisted paradise that she wished to destroy. She never wished to be like this, nor did she ever intend to be like this. Everything—her life, her family, even her husband—was gone.

Charlotte had lost all of her family members, the Sserafim family. The once considered strongest, most powerful, and the ruling family in the country of Devantoe. She had lost them in the blink of an eye.

Not long after her older brother's death, her stepmother took advantage of the control she had over Charlotte. They destroyed her. The Al hère family destroyed her.

Charlotte, also known as Lady or Princess Charlotte Suzhette, was the epitome of beauty in the country of Sserfène. Born as the second child and the oldest daughter of the Sserafim family, Charlotte was loved and respected by everyone. Heads turned wherever she went because of her beauty and her outstanding physique.

Every noble family had always fought for her, as they saw her as the perfect partner for their heirs. The perfect woman to mold their heirs into the best leaders there would ever be.

But it all changed after one circumstance; she lost everything in the blink of an eye. All the respect and love, it was all gone.

"My lady..." Her trusted servant, Ana, approached Charlotte with concern in her eyes. Ana held Charlotte close in her arms as she cried, looking at the woman to whom she had given her loyalty.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Charlotte questioned herself weakly. She sat up and placed her hands on the cold tiled floor as she looked at Ana weakly.

Ana lowered her head and closed her eyes, looking at Charlotte's current state.

"You did nothing, my lady."

"I know... I did nothing, and that's the sad part... I couldn't even do anything..."

Charlotte curled up and hugged her legs as she cried silently.

"My lady, please go to your bed."

"Ana... you won't leave me, right?"

Charlotte asked Ana as she looked at her weakly. Ana nodded as she helped Charlotte regain her composure and walked her to her own bed.

"My lady, I am here no matter what."

"Thank you, Ana."

Ana nodded once again as she tucked Charlotte into her soft bed, covering her with a soft silky blanket, the only thing that could bring warmth to her heart in this type of situation.

Ana kept patting Charlotte's back to help her fall asleep, knowing that she couldn't do anything other than watch the woman who had saved her life getting beaten up and hurt.

Charlotte's eyes were swollen after she cried. There were no visible bruises on her body, but her heart was already beaten to death by all the things she felt and experienced.

As the night wore on, Charlotte lay alone in the frigid, dimly lit room, haunted by a cacophony of tormenting catastrophe.

She was broken into pieces. By her own husband.
