
vengeance: Rise and Fall of the demon king

The Demon king evades the the nations killing everyone but the human kids, ash is the main character and a demon king level human. will ash fight for humanity or join the demon ranks and destroy the world.

writting_account · Jogos
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5 Chs

The beginning of the end.

The nations had just emerged from the ashes of a grueling five-year war, leaving behind a landscape marred by conflict and sorrow. Kings, queens, and elders converged to seal the fragile peace between their realms, a beacon of hope amidst the devastation that had ravaged their lands.

In the midst of this fragile tranquility, young Ash, a mere five years of age, found himself nestled within the embrace of the Great Stone Nation. With his raven-dark locks and an unassuming stature, he dwelled alongside his tender-hearted mother, Julia, their existence tinged with the haunting absence of his father, lost amidst the tumult of war.

"Mom, mom, hurry!" Ash's voice, filled with excitement, echoed through their modest abode as he tugged at Julia's arm, eager to witness the historic signing of the peace treaty.

"Calm down, honey. I'm coming," Julia reassured, her voice a soothing balm as she secured the door behind them, shielding their sanctuary from the uncertainties that lurked beyond.

Their path to the town hall, where jubilation swirled in the air like a tangible force, was interrupted by a sudden upheaval. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and before them materialized enigmatic portals, casting a pall of unease across the realm.

"What is that?" Ash's cry pierced through the chaos as one such portal materialized directly in their path, a harbinger of impending turmoil.

Fear rippled through the populace as these ominous gateways defied comprehension. Knights and guards scrambled to contain the unfolding mystery, their efforts mirrored by rulers converging to confront this unprecedented threat.

The portals, towering monoliths of mahogany hue, bore no handles, their purpose shrouded in enigma. As they swung open with an eerie creak, a vista of crimson abyss greeted their startled gazes. Atop a sinister throne loomed a behemoth, adorned with horns and a chilling countenance that bespoke malevolence. Flanking this demon king, legions of fiendish warriors awaited his command.

With a gesture, the demon king unleashed his minions upon the unsuspecting populace, plunging the realm into a maelstrom of carnage. Amidst the chaos, Ash found himself separated from Julia, his desperate cries drowned amidst the din of battle.

"Mom! Mom!" Ash's voice rang out, a desperate plea amidst the tumult, as he sought refuge atop a crumbling tower. Yet, his entreaties fell upon deaf ears, the brutal hand of fate claiming Julia before his anguished gaze.

Captured by the merciless demons, Ash was shackled and herded through the sinister portals, each step marking a descent into an abyss of despair. As he bore witness to the annihilation of his homeland, tears mingled with the ashes of his shattered dreams, heralding the dawn of a harrowing journey into the heart of darkness.