

Amethyst, a resilient and determined young woman,had tragically lost her mother to a group of ruthless hunters. Her family being werewolves had always faced danger and discrimination from those who feared and sought to eliminate supernatural beings. Driven by her desire for justice and fueled by her grief, she found solace and purpose in working for a spy agency. Her skills as a spy were honed over the years. Amethyst made a vow to herself that day a solemn promise to avenge her mother's death. She understood that in order to succeed, she needed to be patient and cunning. As she begun to seek vengeance , she also embarked on a journey of love with her New partner in Crime Lucas and had the most unbreakable bond , on one of there missions she spotted a familiar face,it was her mother's killer .

Purple_Princesss · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


The morning sun cast a warm glow over the city as Pearl and Amethyst prepared themselves for another day at the agency.

They chose their outfits, ensuring they showcased confidence and professionalism.

Amethyst got into her car and drived to the agency. However, as she parked her car and stepped out onto the sidewalk, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

Glancing over her shoulder, Amethyst's eyes widened in disbelief as she spotted Lucas following her. His face showed a firm expression, suggesting he planned to confront her . Panic coursed through her veins, and she quickened her pace, trying to evade his advances. She felt so embarrassed about what had happened the previous night.

Within the agency, creative energy filled the air, yet Amethyst struggled to concentrate due to Lucas's constant presence.. She tried her best to maintain her composure, yet her heart raced with each passing moment. She looked for comfort in her office, aiming to escape the growing unease feeling.

Her efforts to separate from Lucas were unsuccessful. He managed to slip past the office , finding his way to her door. The click of the doorknob turning sent a shiver down Amethyst's spine as she stared wide-eyed at the unwelcome figure before her.

"I just want to talk, Amethyst," Lucas pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. "Please, hear me out."

Amethyst gathered her bravery, speaking with a strong and steady voice."Lucas, I don't want anything to do with you. Our date was a mistake, and it's best if we keep our distance."

His gaze locked onto hers., pleading for a second chance, but she stood her ground.

Lucas, with a blend of frustration and resignation, finally said, "I guess I'll back off." As he retreated, Amethyst felt a sense of relief, though still felt uneasy and bad about the whole situation.

As evening fell and Amethyst prepared to leave the agency, she glanced around cautiously, half-expecting to find Lucas waiting for her around the corner . But to her relief, he was nowhere to be seen. She released a sigh of relief, as she stepped out into the cool night air.

As she drove home, the city lights shined guiding her path. While driving thoughts of Lucas' and the silly stuff she didn't crossed her mind and she laughed.

Then frowned" Snap out of this." she lectured herself. "You need to keep your heart guarded until you find someone who would appreciate you for who you truly was." She thought to herself.

With all this happening she decided to take a detour and have some coffee to clear her mind.

Amethyst entered her favorite coffee shop, unaware that Lucas had followed her there. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of her new upcoming mission. She approached the counter, placing her usual order for a double espresso and a slice of chocolate cake.

As she waited for her order to be prepared, a voice from behind her caught her attention. "I'll have the same, please," the voice said, and Amethyst froze. She turned around slowly, her eyes widening in surprise as she found herself face to face with Lucas.

Annoyance and frustration surged within her. The memories of their ill-fated date resurfaced, stirring up anger and embarrassment. LAmethyst couldn't understand why Lucas seemed to be everywhere she went.

Her patience wearing thin, Amethyst couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. "What are you doing here, Lucas?" she exclaimed "Are you following me? This has to stop!"

Lucas tried to look surprised at her accusations, he widened his eyes making it seem as though he was surprised. "Amethyst, I had no idea you frequented this coffee shop. It's my favorite place too," he responded.

Confusion washed over Amethyst as she absorbed Lucas's words. Something didn't fit in because she had never seen him there , she was a regular at the coffee shop.

Lowering her voice, Amethyst replied, "I apologize for my outburst, but I don't believe a single god damned thing you said, your presence seems to coincide with mine a little too often, and it makes me sick , you were intentionally following me."

Lucas's expression softened. "I can see why you would think that, given our history. But believe me, it's merely a coincidence. I come to this coffee shop regularly, and I had no idea you did too. I never meant to make you feel uneasy."

Amethyst took a deep breath, attempting to compose herself.

"I appreciate your honesty,"Amethyst replied "but I don't buy it ."

Lucas nodded, "I understand, Amethyst. "

Her order came in and Lucas watched as Amethyst left the coffee shop.

Despite the awkwardness going on between the two of them, they couldn't neglect their job . Lucas and Amethyst sat in a room, huddled together around a small wooden table.

The table was covered with an assortment of gadgets, maps, and blueprints.

Amethyst's eyes were fixed on a small chip that lay before them. It was the valuable piece of information she had extracted from her last encounter with The Shadow. The chip held the key to a hidden location, a place where critical information awaited them.

"So, what do we know about this place?" Lucas asked, adjusting the lenses of his glasses as he examined the maps spread across the table.

Amethyst leaned forward, her brown eyes scanning some documents. "According to the encrypted data I extracted from The Shadow's chip, this abandoned building was once a central hub for a powerful underground organization. It's believed to be the location where they stored their classified documents and conducted covert operations."

Lucas nodded, taking note of the information. "And how do we plan to retrieve that information without being detected?"

Amethyst smirked, reaching for a sleek black device. "We're going undercover. I've managed to secure some disguises that will help us blend in undetected. With these, we'll be able to infiltrate the building without raising suspicion."

As she handed Lucas a set of false identity documents, a sense of excitement washed over them both.

"Remember," Lucas cautioned, "we must remain cautious at all times and not lose contact."

Amethyst nodded.

With their disguises carefully secured and their plan outlined, the duo set off towards the abandoned building.