
Vengeance is My Name

Waking up with no memory of who I was, where I'm from, nor why I'd been shot in the head, my intention from the moment I wake up is only one thing. Find the man who shot me and return the favour. But it is during this trial and after that I find myself drawn into events outside my control, and possibly the only man with the influence to shape the future of the Mojave and New Vegas, one way or another.

hackwriter29 · Videojogos
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20 Chs

The Great Journey

Harland was a bitter, surly bastard. Couldn't really blame him, to be honest. I figured most ghouls would have a rather large chip on their shoulder with the cards they'd been dealt. He was a Bright Brotherhood soldier, and Jason Bright was their leader. I'd figured that out already, though we hadn't known the name of their organisation.

He knew why we were there, of course, but as I'd learned already. Life lived on favours. I do one for him, he would do one for me. He knew exactly what we wanted, and I had a feeling could have just handed the information there and then. The idea of just shooting him and grabbing it did cross my mind, but I'd resolved myself to ending the stand-off peacefully.

"I had a friend with me when those mutant bastards came out of nowhere. She panicked and ran the wrong direction, further into the basement. She's probably dead, but I ain't leaving until I know for sure. I'd have gone looking myself, except I wouldn't last a minute out there." My face fell at the fact he assumed she was already dead, so I was immediately wondering why bother. "Look, might not mean much to you, but she means a hell of a lot to me. Ghouls stick together, and despite what we look like, we're actually still human enough."

"So you love her?" Cass asked, hearing the tone in her voice. Slightly teasing but seemingly impressed a ghoul still felt things like love.

"Yeah, guess you could say that," he admitted, "So now you know why I care."

I sighed, told him that we'd do our best, and headed back out. Once the door was closed, I couldn't help release the groan. "This was supposed to just be clearing out some feral ghouls," I muttered, checking my Pip-Boy, "Right, we get this shit done down here then head back to the hotel. It's already been a long day."

Walking back towards Davison in his office, I asked about a ghoul prisoner. He talked with 'Antler' again and admitted they had taken a prisoner. When asking if she was still alive, he further admitted he didn't know. That the others with him were 'crazy', and that they might have already killed her. At least he was honest…

"So are we going to have to fight our way towards the jail then?" I wondered.

"Hmmm. You might have to be sneaky. The others patrol the halls. You're smart. You can make it there."

We made it to where the Nightkin had been keeping prisoners without being seen. How we did manage that was down to pure luck, as we saw more than one shimmering figure on patrol, but waiting in darkness while they passed by meant we made it without needing to fire our weapons in anger. But the Nightkin in charge of the jail noticed us, and that's when we had to shoot.

The sound mustn't have travelled throughout the basement as no other Nightkin came steaming in to investigate the sound. It had only been one blast of the shotgun, but it was certainly loud enough. The Stealth Boy the Nightkin had been using failed, and figuring we would need a key to open the cells, I check the body and found it.

We found Harland's friend. She'd obviously been dead for a few days. Whether they'd torture her or not, I couldn't be sure, but after checking for signs of life, I could only sigh, wondering how Harland was going to react to the news.

As he'd already guessed she was dead, he was a little pissed off but agreed to leave without causing a scene. Making sure he made it to the exit without being seen, we headed back to his room, ensuring his traps were disabled, before we found the information required.

"Fuck, they're not here," I said.


"The Stealth Boys. They're not here. The bunker sent them back to RobCo before the bombs dropped. The Nightkin have wasted their time."

"Shit, they're going to go nuts."

"Keep your weapon handy, just in case."

Davison was waiting for us as we walked back into his office. I took a moment just too look at him. Muscles rippling. His breathing alone made him look intense. His eyes were darting all over the place. He was an insane as the rest of his people, but for some reason, he seemed to still be capable of some logic and reasoning. I could only hope he wouldn't react negatively to the news.

"The Stealth Boys aren't here," I reported.

"What? Impossible! The invoice said Stealth Boys here! Antler read it out loud to me!"

"They were sent here a long time ago, but the error was noticed, so the Stealth Boys were sent back to where they'd come from."

I could sense Cass preparing to fight, but after talking to 'Antler', Davison relented surprisingly quickly, suggesting if he wanted complete proof, he go to the terminal in the other room and read the letter that said they were sent back. Aware that they were not longer there, Davison said he and his fellow Nightkin would depart immediately. Their mission priority was the Stealth Boys. Now that they were not there, they could leave the ghouls to whatever it was they wanted to do.

We let Davison and his Nightkin leave first before we headed upstairs. Jason was waiting for us, reporting that the Nightkin had left and that we'd also helped locate Harland. Jason knew about the latter, the surly ghoul having announced his presence, but thanked us for helping clear the basement, surprised we'd managed to do it peacefully.

"Do you still need help?" I wondered, "If you do, we'll return tomorrow. It's been a long day."

"If you don't mind helping…"

I glanced at Cass. She just shrugged, so I nodded in agreement. "Sure. Helping a bunch of ghouls to the Far Beyond should prove quite the story."

We hadn't been outside since entering the building hours ago, so by the time we walked through the doors leading into the facility, day had already been replaced by night. Without any light, I flicked on the Pip-Boy so we could at least see where we were going, ending up back in Novac within the hour, heading straight for the reception, asking for dinner again.

It seemed many from Novac came to the hotel for their meals, the dining room filling up rather quickly, Jeannie May and a couple of locals preparing and delivering the meals to our tables. Manny sat at a table alone, glancing our ways and nodding. We didn't recognise anyone else, but it seemed Novac had a larger population than other places we'd passed by.

We ended up chatting with a few of the locals, sharing a couple of drinks at the same time. They asked who we were and what we were doing in Novac, as they didn't get many travellers heading their way, though they were aware the Long 15 had been recently closed, so more than one caravan was attempting to make the trip via the diversion. I went over the basics of what happened to me, the healing scar still obvious. Cass went into a little detail about what had led her to the Mojave and why she was with me, explaining that I offered a way out of the Outpost, and that she figured it would be an adventure.

Feeling rather sober for once, we returned to our room, and by the time I'd left the bathroom after giving myself a quick wipe down with the bucket of water provided, Cass was already lying back on the bed, completely naked, rubbing her pussy as she met my eyes.

"I just want to fuck you," she said, "Or you fuck me. Either way, just getting myself ready." Raising my eyebrows, she smiled in return. "Consider me impressed, Courier. I'm not easily impressed but what we've done together since leaving…"

Throwing away the threadbare towel, I joined her on the bed, leaning over and down to kiss her. She was eager. Definitely eager. Breaking the kiss, leaving a trail down her cheek, I whispered in her ear, "I do believe I promised eating you out first."

"You really want to?" she whispered back.

"God yes."

"Please," she almost whimpered, a mixture of delight, desire and just unabashed need.

Though I had already learned that I loved teasing a woman, sometimes you just wanted to get straight to business. I left a trail of kisses down her body, Cass spreading her legs as wide as possible, running my nose down through the hair above her pussy, smiling as I enjoyed her scent, before I lowered my mouth to taste her.

"Oh god," she cried, raising my eyes as my tongue got to work. Resting on her forearms, her eyes were intense as she watched me. "Make me cum. Please make me cum. Then you've got to fuck me."

I lifted my mouth for a moment. "Has it been…"

"Not that long, but I wanted to fuck you last night and this morning. Wish I did now. I've been horny all fucking day!"


I'd only been in the bathroom for all of five minutes, but she must have stripped quickly and got to work on herself, as I was surprised at how quickly she seemed to be on the road to orgasm. She had no problem giving instruction, letting me know what felt good, and I certainly didn't mind, simply savouring her taste and enjoying the reactions to whatever I did with my tongue.

Her language was filthy the longer I ate her out, giving plenty of suggestions as to what I could do to her later, meeting her eyes more than once, hers absolutely smouldering in return. I was beginning to realise Cass was a woman who enjoyed sex, thoroughly enjoyed sex, and I think she might just end up enjoying it with me for a while.

I certainly wasn't going to complain. Her pussy was a delight. Her body was fantastic. And I had enjoyed her company before this moment. Adding sex might just bring us a little closer, though I had a feeling it would never be anything more than that. I think that would suit both of us.

When she did orgasm, it was beautiful to hear and see, her head rolling back, her back arching a little as she tried to crush my head with her thighs. If she thought I was going to stop, she learned quickly I had no problem continuing, earning a look of appreciation with a warm smile as I kept on eating her out. "Love a man who eats pussy," she murmured, "Particularly if their tongue has your talent."

"Just getting you ready before I fuck you, Cass."

"One more, then I want that dick."

She came again quickly, so asked me to keep going. She then had another one, then another, although maybe it was just one continuous one. Whatever it was, she eventually had to ask me to stop, sitting up on my knees as I watched her catch her breath, her body continuing to shake every so often, eventually looked at me with rosy cheeks but an easy smile.

Spinning around quickly, she wasted no time whatsoever lowering her lips around the shaft of my cock. I groaned as she did, running my fingers through her hair as she wasted no time trying to suck the cum from my balls with an urgency I found rather endearing. "Fuck," I grunted. Having eaten her out for however long I had, no surprise I wasn't ready to blow rather quickly.

Looking up at me, there was still that need and desire, though this time it was to please me in return. I smiled down at her, gently holding her head as I watched most of my cock disappear into her mouth and down her throat. Woman had as much talent regarding oral as I apparently did.

I warned her that I was close, but that just made her intensify her efforts, groaning against as I felt that first spurt of cum fire. Groaning was replaced by cursing, Cass not relenting for a second. It was such a good orgasm, I almost sagged into myself, Cass continuing to such my cock until it was obvious I had nothing left. Only then did she let it go, running her tongue up my shaft a few times before leaving soft kisses up my chest. I definitely surprised her when I kissed her, holding her tight to my body, before she leaned back.

"So we're definitely attracted to each other then," she said softly.


"You wanted to fuck me that first night, didn't you?"


"Is that why you slept with…"

"No. That was simply… the opportunity presented itself, and as I said, she was a nice girl."

"I don't mind either way, just wondered."

"We're here now, Cass. That's what matters."

Lying her down, sliding my cock inside her made us both moan softly, burying my length gently before leaning down to kiss her again, feeling her pull her knees back, resting them against my torso. Learned that I loved that position with Sunny, as I felt deeper, and she had said the same thing.

"Fuck me," Cass whispered.

So that's what I did. And as she'd made me cum, I fucked her for ages. I received a number of compliments, mostly how thick my cock felt inside her, while she added that I gave that pussy of hers a good fucking. I retorted in kind, letting her know how tight and warm her pussy felt, and that I was definitely planning on fucking her a whole lot more the longer we were together. We just turned each other on even more, and once her legs were wrapped around me, I was fucked her harder than ever.

"Fuck, I want you to cum in me!" she cried.

"Pussy first, arse next," I grunted.

That made her laugh. "Right now, I'd agree to anything. Tie me up and just use my holes." I met her eyes and we both laughed, despite the fact I was relentless in my fucking. "You feel fantastic," she said softly. That earned a smile, leaning down to give her a soft kiss despite the fact I was now fucking her hard.

When I did cum, I'm sure everyone in the hotel complex heard me. She practically wrapped and moulded her body into me when I did, resting on my forearms once I felt empty again, soft kisses on my cheek as I took a couple of minutes to catch my breath. I felt her squeeze my cock with her pussy, making both of us chuckle. "I'm not done yet," I murmured, "But I'm going to need a few minutes."

"I'm riding you next," she whispered, "Definitely going to cum that way."

She wasn't wrong. Watching Cass ride me a little later was a thing of beauty, much like watching Sunny and April do the same thing. But Cass was… something else, as she leaned forward and seemed to just slam herself down onto my cock. Her face was a picture as she did, the delight in her eyes, the pleasure on her face, this was a woman who loved to fuck. And, I think, she really liked my cock.

She rode me until she had an orgasm, then she simply needed to stop, as it was so intense, she had to lift herself up off me and just lay on my chest, barely able to handle me touching her for a couple of minutes. "Holy shit," she finally exclaimed, "Where have you been all my life?"

"No idea!" She met my eyes and we burst into laughter, able to now cuddle her as she rested her head on my chest, a sign of just how much shorter than me she was. "Should introduce you to Sunny. You been with a woman before?" She gave me a look. "Have to ask, can't assume. But that last night in Goodsprings, I think you'd get along with her rather well."

"She like pussy too?"

"She was the one that suggested a threesome with Trudy, and I think it wasn't the first time she'd been with a woman. Knew her way around pussy."

"Woman after my own heart. Love being fucked while eating out a woman at the same time." She slid off my lap and cuddled into my side, and only then did she admit to feeling a little tender. "Haven't been fucked like that in quite a while," she said, causing us both to chuckle again, "Worth the wait though. Hope I won't be waiting that long for dick again, particularly yours."

I looked down. "Give me ten minutes."

Despite tender, she was keen and definitely wanted to fuck again. This time on her knees, sliding into her from behind, and once I was leaning forward over her, she was soon begging me to fuck her as hard as I was before. I barely moved for that position, Cass lowering her head to a pillow, before she rested her entire body flat, but wanted nothing more than for me to keep going until I'd cum in her again. Once I did, I had to admit that was me done for the night, so after a quick wash in the bathroom, we laid together under the thin blanket, Cass spooned against me, and I did enjoy cuddling her back against my chest.

"Could get used to this too," she whispered.

"Why don't you get close?" I had to ask.

"Defence mechanism," she casually admitted, though didn't add anything else. I had a feeling there was probably quite a lot, but left it alone, just cuddling her a little tighter. She liked that, whispering a thank you as I just kissed her cheek.

Waking up together in the morning, she slowly turned around to meet my eyes and it's fair to say, that morning, we made love. It was the completely opposite of the night before. Rather tender, and I certainly didn't fuck her anywhere near as hard, plenty of kissing, perhaps a few whispered comments, but it was simply about being together intimately. By the time I'd cum and helped bring her to orgasm, it was the first time I ever saw real emotion cross her eyes. Resting back against me later, she whispered another thank you. I had a feeling it was exactly what she needed from someone that morning. Glad it was me.

After dressing, grabbing our gear and heading downstairs for breakfast, we returned to the rocket facility, heading upstairs to speak with Jason, only to find nearly all of them had disappeared except Harland, who explained that they'd all headed down to the basement to resume their preparations for the journey.

Jason had told us that the obvious human who worked for them was Chris. For some reason, he thought he was a ghoul. Likely signs of mental health issues, but the ghouls had simply given up trying to get him to see the truth and figured that he could at least help them get to the Far Beyond. But now that we were alone, Cass and I took the opportunity to try and convince him, Cass eventually taking a mirror from her bag and showing him.

"You're human, Chris. You're not going on this Great Journey. Not sure how often Jason has told you, but there's a reason you're down in that irradiated hellhole right now."

He sat down, running a hand over his bald head, then looked at that hand. "So it wasn't radiation, I'm just… bald?"

"Have you not looked in a mirror?" I asked.

"Well, no. Would you want to see your face if you knew you looked like a ghoul?"

"Probably not."

"They used me," he muttered, "They fucking used me."

"No, Chris. They tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen, so since you were here to help, they used it."

"Fuck, they must think I'm a joke."

"No, they respect your skills, Christ. And they still need your help now. So tell us what still needs to be done, and we can do a good thing here. Would be nice to finish all this without having to kill a whole lot of people."

Chris explained that the rockets still needed plenty of work to be anywhere close to working, but with the help from Cass and I, he was confident that the rockets should be able to launch. Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy, Chris admitting we would be spending time walking to and from a couple of places, confident we would find what they needed.

"So the rockets, as a whole, are in pretty good condition considering," he explained, "Though I guess any radiation shielding is gone, the reason why I can't go. So… I know you can get parts at a nearby scrapyard, owned by someone going by the name of Old Lady Gibson. Doubt she would have sold them to a bunch of ghouls, so you showing up to buy them should help."

"Where's the scrapyard?"

"North of Novac. After that, we need fuel, or more accurately an igniting agent, to help get the rockets into space. Clark Field, south-west of Novac, was a pre-war industrial facility. Might have to be wary of radiation. I can give you some rad-x to take before you head out."

"Anything else?"

"No, I'll keep working while you obtain those things for me. With those last two major pieces, the rockets should be good to go."

"Okay, we'll only return when we have both. Hopefully tomorrow, but maybe the day after."

"Don't worry, there's no real rush now that those demons are gone."

Heading out of the facility, Cass and I agreed to visit the scrapyard first before returning to the hotel, and we'd worry about the fuel the next day. The scrapyard was enormous, piles of junk high to the sky. At the gate were five guard dogs, though Old Lady Gibson called them all away as she walked towards the gate to let us in.

Once we'd made introductions, we explained what we were there for. She told us that she did have exactly what we wanted, but that it was going to cost us five hundred caps to buy them. I had plenty of caps, so did Cass, but that was just extortionate in my eyes. Who else was going to show up and buy them?

I was ready to say something but Cass had experience in dealing with merchants. "Two hundred and fifty caps. Unless you think you'll find another buyer soon for such specialized parts?" she retorted.

Old Lady Gibson relented rather quickly, agreeing that no-one else had ever shown an interest in the parts, no-one else likely ever would, and what we were offering was better than no caps and the modules just sitting in her scrapyard. Then we asked about Clark Field, and she had plenty of information about that and a prospector who'd been buy only recently, asking about radioactive materials.

It was getting late so we agreed to return to the motel while it was still light. Leaving our things at the room, we headed to the dining room. Dinner wasn't being served yet, so bought a bottle of liquor to enjoy and waited. Though we did chat, Cass spent a lot of the time sitting back, gazing at me with a slight smile. I think she had ideas in her mind, but we hadn't eaten since breakfast, and I was starving.

Once dinner was served, other Novac citizens started to appear, including a man we hadn't seen yet. The beret he wore was distinct, Cass following my eyeline and she immediately glanced back at me. "He's a soldier, or at least he was one. Same as Manny, it seems."

"Guess he's the other town guard."

"His name is Boone," a citizen sitting nearby whispered, "NCR Army. First Recon. Their reputation is something else. Some of the best soldiers from the west."

"What's he doing here?"

"Long story. I don't know all the details. But he ended up here with his wife, Carla. He was friends with Manny once, but… again, don't know the details, but something went wrong. Carla disappeared. Now the two friends don't speak."

He probably heard our whispered conversation, as he looked our way once, though I couldn't see his eyes for the sunglasses he still wore, even inside. He finished his meal quickly and walked out the door without a word of his own. I look at Cass. "That is one angry man," she murmured.

"We'll just focus on what we're doing for now. Tomorrow, Clark Field, then back to the rocket facility. Might even get a launch tomorrow sometime."

"What about Chris?"

I shrugged. "Could always suggest he just come live here? Or maybe we could suggest he head somewhere that could use his obvious talents?"

"Hmmm. Where?"

I shrugged again, admitting I didn't know. Finishing our meal, we again remained in the dining room, chatting away with the civilians again, being regaled with plenty of stories about life in the wasteland. As I didn't have many memories, Cass shared a few of her own stories, most of her life as a caravaner. She'd certainly seen plenty of sights, many interesting characters, but her life hadn't been easy, much like all those around us.

It was later than the previous night when heading back to the room, and we were not as sober as the night before when heading inside. That didn't stop her leaping on me as soon as the door was closed, nor falling to her knees rather quickly as she undid the belt of my trousers before fishing my cock out.

She looked up at me and smiled as I was hard in seconds. "I want a load on my face," she said.

"Whatever you want."

"Eat my pussy afterwards?"


"Then we'll fuck?"

"Cass, I'm going to fuck you so hard…"

I think it was the right thing to say, as the idea of anything else was dropped rather quickly, instead standing up and helping undress each other. Soon as we were both naked, she jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me as I carried her to the bed. Once she was on her back, I gently slid my cock inside her, enjoying the gasp she made, letting her get comfortable before our eyes met again.

"Ruin me, Courier," she said, "I mean it. Just fuck me for as long as you can. I just want… you…"

I left a soft kiss on her lips, which made her smile. "That feeling is mutual, Miss Cassidy."

I have no idea how long we fucked. No idea what time we went to sleep. No idea how many times we both enjoyed an orgasm. We changed position after each orgasm, at least, and I think we both really enjoyed it when I fucked her from behind, as she proved quite submissive in that position. But my cock was inside her pussy the entire time. No suggestion of oral sex. She did mention anal, but we had nothing that would make it easier for us, something she suggested we needed to rectify quickly, as she was adamant about wanting my cock in her arse sooner rather than later.

But despite the fact we fucked for hours, and it was hard, fast, sweaty fucking the entire time, once our appetites were sated, she simply cuddled into me once again, enjoying my arms wrapped around her, and there was no doubt we were really starting to like each other. But we both knew we couldn't allow anything more than that. Not when I didn't even know who the hell I was.

She was in a good mood the next morning, though unlike the previous one, we didn't do anything, admitting I'd fucked her for so long the night before, she was far too tender to make love again. "Well, you did say ruin you, Cass."

"I think it was just the right level of whiskey intake. Get you nice and hard but you lasted for ages each time."

"I heard no complaints."

"Are you kidding? Part of me didn't want you to stop each time you came in me. You fucked my pussy red raw."

"Glad you approve."

Clark Field was positioned on the other side of the old highway, crossing the bridge before we turned south. Popping rad-x before we got too close, I also switched on the Geiger counter than was one of the features that came with the Pip-Boy on my wrist. When it started to tick, Cass threw me a concerned glance, but I assured her all we needed to really do was find that prospector Old Lady Gibson had mentioned. Find him, we'd find what we'd need, then we could get out of there.

Of course, an irradiated dump like that was going to have something infesting it. Thankfully, they were only geckos, though these geckos spat fire. So we kept them at bay with some well-aimed shots with a pistol. Couple of bullets in the head put them all down quite easily, more than one head dissolving into little more than blood and bone.

Thankfully, we didn't have to venture too far into the irradiated ruin to find what we needed, amazed that the cylinder itself didn't appear to be radioactive, or whatever lay inside was radioactive but the seal was secure so we'd be safe. But Cass and I agreed to return to the rocket facility immediately, not wanting to carry around that was potentially lethal for too long.

Once we'd returned, the next few hours passed in a blur as Cass and I had nothing to really do. Chris couldn't really do anything either, as the work needed to be carried out by the ghouls that could enter the launch bay. If Chris had headed down there, he'd have been dead within minutes. I could sense he was still a little pissed off about everything, but he'd calmed down since we last talked, admitting that helping the ghouls escape was a good thing, and that he had the talents that would surely get him work elsewhere.

It was dark by the time all the work was complete, Jason making a touching speech to his ghouls, but also in our direction, before it was suggested the three of us head upstairs so we could initiate the launch sequence. Chris took control of that too, suggesting with a few minor adjustments, he'd make sure all three rockets would launch in the same direction, though once they were in space, the ghouls could take charge and fly wherever they wanted.

Music started to play once the rockets appeared through the window. I recognised the tune though couldn't name it. Then there was the countdown from ten before the engine fired and the rockets took off. Two departed as expected, the third one veered off slightly but was soon out of sight, assuming it would eventually fall in alongside the other two.

And that was it. Chris sighed to himself, so I suggested he follow us to Novac and figure out what to do next. Leaving behind the now deserted rocket facility, I figured citizens from Novac would be arriving within a few days, though we'd warn them about the irradiated parts, but there had been plenty of things they could take, whether to sell or use for themselves.

We arrived back at the hotel just in time for dinner, also managing to get Chris his own room at the same time. Jason had given him all the caps the ghouls had plus various other supplies. Buying the usual bottle of liquor, he was still feeling rather melancholic about everything that happened, but admitted the world was now his oyster, he just had to find somewhere his talents would be appreciated.

Manny must have heard news of our arrival, as he walked in as we were halfway through the bottle. Taking a seat at our table, he thanked us first for solving the ghoul issue, happy to hear that they were not all feral, and admitted everyone from Novac had seen the rockets launch and disappear into the night sky. Then he got around to what I needed to know.

"The man in the checked suit, the one who put two bullets in your head. His name is Benny. He was travelling with some members from my old gang. They were going to Boulder City."

"Where is that?"

"North-east of here. Follow the highway and the signs, you'll get there within the day."

I looked at Cass. "We head there tomorrow."