
Vengeance Dressed In Lace

Snow sighed. "I don't care...no one has ever cared for me and I....and I need to make them pay all of them " she yelled. "What about me?!" he yelled. "Huh?". Divean moved closer to her. "You my wife and now the mother of Alia. She can't lose you...we can't lose you " he said. "But...". "No, Constance. You need to learn to put yourself first " She shook her head, "But I have never done that....nothing good came out of it. Can't you see where I am now after I did, am alone with no family and wealth. Everything he took it, after trusting him " Divean could see the tears form in her eyes. "Then let me do it " "Do what?" she sniffed. "Put you first ". She blinked her tears falling. ...... Snow Constance wants revenge but it might lead to her secrets being revealed. What will she choose revenge or her dark cold secrets?!.....

jandralitto · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs


Alia rushed out of school to see her mother at the entrance waiting for her.

"Mommy " she beamed running to her.

"Hi, sweetie " Snow bent down hugging her.

It was her first picking up the girl after school. The weird stares from other parents had already drowned her patience. She led the girl into the car.

"How was your day?" she asked.

Alia smiled holding her mother's hand.

"Good, we did a lot of fun things " She went on to tell her all about it and Snow listened attentively.

"Am glad you had fun at school dear" she said.

Alia hugged her and Snow smiled hugging her back.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"For being the best mom " Alia blurted out.

Snow smiled "Thank you, sweetie ".

"My real mom never loved me...she didn't care or listen to my stories like you do. Or pick me up from school " Alia looked up at her, "but you do, you love me so much that it makes my face red ".

Snow chuckled kissing her little cheeks.

"Am sorry she wasn't a good mother but I promise to do my best " she said.

"I know Mommy and I love you so much "

"I love you too sweetie " Snow replied.


She was in her room after putting Snow to bed when someone knocked on her door.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"It's me " Divean let out.

"Come in " She stood up meeting him halfway across the room.

"Welcome back," she said.

"Thank you " he smiled.

Silence filled the room as they gazed back into each other eyes.

"Did you come to tell me something?" she finally asked.

"Mmm, it's about Carol. She wants to see you " he said.

"See me...why?" she asked.

"She didn't say. She hasn't said anything since they took her in"

"But without her statement, we can't pin the blame on Tom," she said.

He nodded.

"They told me a strange man visited her and since then, she didn't say a word again and only requested to see you " he said.

"Okay," she answered.

"You are going?" he frowned.

She nodded.

"If she wants to see me then it's okay...maybe I can convince her to speak " she said.

"She tried to kill you in case you forget and I don't think Carol will crack just like that..after all, she has been doing it for a while" he explained.

Snow turned moving to the bed, sitting down.

"I know but I need her help if I want to make them pay" she muttered.

Divean sighed.

"Okay, I will let them know," he said.

"Mmm, thank you," she said.

He noticed how she was lost in thought, he walked out of the room.

The next day.....

Snow followed Divean to the station entrance but suddenly stopped. He noticed and looked back.

Even with her face covered he knew she was scared. Pacing back to where she was, Divean slid his hand into her trembling ones.

"No one will know who you are with your face veiled " he whispered.

She breathed, "I know but my body doesn't want to move ".

"Look at me " he said and she did.

"You my wife and with me here no one will harm you. Trust me " he said.

Slowly she nodded and when he moved, Snow followed him.

They entered the station, with Divean leading them.

The chief rushed to them with a wide smile on his face.

She moved back tightly holding her husband's hand. It was the same officer who had helped Tom sign the divorce papers that day.

Divean noticed and glanced back at the man.

"You can leave," he said

"But..." the man tried to say.

Divean glanced back at him and he closed his mouth.

Another officer came and led them to where Carol would be meeting them.

Snow requested to meet her alone, so Divean didn't go in with her. She entered the room and saw Carol.

Her cold eyes noticed Snow and brightened up.

"You're here...my dear fake sister " she smirked.