
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

VodaBread · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 16 : A New Beginning?

"Get the hell out of this place" Ethan stood by the young lady to protect her. The skinny man was holding his reddened cheeks where Ethan hit him.

"Who the hell are you to mess with us!!!? Do you know who we are??? Boys teach him a lesson."

The two muscular men cracked their knuckles as they stood in front of Ethan surrounding him.

"Don't do this, this matter isn't related to him!" the young lady from behind shouted.

One of the muscular men then threw a punch at Ethan's face. Ethan deflected that punch and gave a blow directly to that man's chest making a dent and slamming him into the walls behind. The other man grabbed Ethan from behind with a tight grip. Ethan then used the back of his head to hit the man's face causing him to loosen the grip. Ethan then bent down and from between his legs, he pulled that man's leg making him fall to the ground.

Taking advantage of the man's defenseless state, Ethan sat on top of him and landed a flurry of blows directly into his face knocking him unconscious.

Seeing two of his strong men get defeated like that made the skinny man's face darken.

"Who are you?" Ethan said with a menacing tone.

"I am Grifo, brother of the leader of the White Tigers. Don't you dare lay your hands on me or we will kill you!"

"Kill me? With people like these??" Ethan chuckled. "So, Why are you here?"

"W-We are just here to collect our money! These people owe us money for years! Wh-Who are you to s-stop us?" The skinny man was too scared to talk normally. After all the man standing in front of him could easily kill him if he wants to.

"How much?"


"I said how much money do they owe you?"

"W-With interests and all- 5 Radiants"

Ethan then took out a pouch from inside his coat and threw 5 radiants at the skinny man. "Now get the hell out of here"

Grifo then took his men and took off from the inn.

"S-sir are you hurt? You didn't have to pay that money. It is after all us that owes them that money." The young lady hurriedly came over to Ethan's side to check his injuries.

"How did the amount raise so much?"

"It's all because of that bastard" It was the old woman that answered. "Sit down first, finish your food while it's still hot"

The old woman explained their situation as Ethan and Seraphina dug in their food. Apparently the woman's son took a loan from a loan shark while gambling. As his wife passed away his addiction only grew leading to his untimely death. So only the old woman and her granddaughter run this inn.

After they finished their lunch they got up and before leaving, Ethan handed over a small pouch to the old woman.

"What's this?"

"For the food"

"I can't take this. You already helped us. I don't even know how I can replay you"

"Then think of this as an investment. Your inn has by far the best noodles I have ever had. Run it well and pay me back later" Ethan then placed the pouch on the old lady's hand before going out.

"Was it really your friend who told you about this place? You resemble someone I know a lot."

Just as they were about to exit, the old woman asked from behind. Ethan didn't say anything. He only chuckled before he went out of sight.

Ethan and Seraphina stepped back into the bustling streets of the market, leaving behind the quaint little inn with its delicious noodles and heartwarming family. The encounter with Grifo and his thugs was but a brief interruption in their journey, a reminder that trouble could find them even in the most unexpected places.

As they walked through the market, the vibrant chaos of colors and sounds enveloped them once more. The sun bathed everything in a warm, golden glow, and the aroma of street food wafted in the air.

They continued to explore the market, their footsteps echoing on the cobblestone streets. They spent their afternoon in the city visiting places, buying things and having fun.

As the sun started to set, they went to a nearby inn from the academy and had their light dinner.

Soon night fell upon them. It was time for them to return. As they parted their ways, Ethan came to the male teacher's room. The dorm was fitted with an elegant texture. However it wasn't on par with other buildings.

[ Last time I was here, there was no teacher's dorm ]

[ Seems it was built later ]

Ethan first went to the dorm keeper's room to pick up his keys. As he knocked on the door, he waited outside. There was no answer. He knocked it again yet no answer. He can feel a presence inside though its faint but he's sure that someone is inside.

This time he started to bang the door aloud. The door finally opened. "The hell do you want?"

It was a bearded guy who had no hair on his head. Ethan wondered if this man ever heard anything about hygiene. He had an odd smell coming from him. Yet, unbeknownst to him, his hands twitched when he first saw this guy as if he was about to prepare a spell.

He couldn't sense it properly before but this beggar-looking guy was strong, very strong.

"I am here for my room keys, Lady Grimhild told me to come to you"

The man looked at Ethan from head to toe as if he was scanning Ethan. Then he went back into his room and brought out a key. The key itself had an unique pattern. There was a magic combination on it as well. It just shows that the security of this place is not a joke. Judging from the key alone Ethan could guess how hard it would be for even an experienced thief to break into a room.

"Now get lost" Just like that the door was shut closed with a bang in front of Ethan's face.

As Ethan entered his room he found the room to be more elegant than its exterior.

[ Since most teachers are nobles so they paid extra attention to this stuff I guess ]

Ethan removed his coat and boots, unbuttoned his shirt and jumped on the bed. The bed was more fluffy than he expected. But he felt something was missing.

[ Guess sleeping with her left an impact on me ]

Ethan then closed his eyes as he started to think about his next steps. He knows nothing about the apostles except the fact that his brother is one of them. He has no idea how to meet that goddess again. He can't control his demonic energy completely.

[ When I fought those two men today… ]

[ I… wanted to really kill them ]

[ This wasn't supposed to have happened ]

[ But I'm still glad to see granny alive. I should go to the inn more ]

Then he suddenly remembered the class he had to take tomorrow. He got up from the bed and sat on the chair beside his bed and opened the file he got from Grimhild. It contained the information on his class.

[ Seems like teaching these guys would be fun ]

Soon the dark night passed with the coming of the rising sun. It was Ethan's first day at work. He wore the cloak that was in his room that all teachers were meant to wear. A dark cloak with a broad hood. It had the emblem of the Academy on its left chest.

The emblem had a large shield with a sword and a wooden magic staff fitted with a red orb at the end behind it crossing each other. The shield is engraved with the motto, 'Through wisdom, we conquer' in an ancient text.

Ethan then made his way into the main building. He had a nostalgia as he once ran through this place when he studied here. Though he isn't that old, he has lived around 40 years already, combining his time in both worlds.

As he walked through the hallway he was yet again mesmerized after all those years by this hallway's beauty. There was a rush of students as always. Some students gossiped as they saw a new teacher in the hallway.

Female students kept staring at Ethan's face. Ethan had now an intriguing look with red hairs and a left eyepatch. He also had a mark on his forehead now. His cloak fluttered as he walked, raising his elegance.

He then went to where his classes were at. The more senior a class was, the higher the floor their classes would be at. Unlike the administrative building, the main building didn't have any elevators, only stairs.

He was soon standing in front of his class. He took a deep breath and opened the door.