
Pair of potatoes discovered

The faint traces of the sweet substance the wolf craved hung in the air. Because the strong breeze was blowing the intoxicating and irresistible scent in all directions, the wolf was circling agitatedly. It was ensnared by its addiction and driven to madness. Xiang Yu adjusted his position his eyes never leaving the circling predator.

In a moment of inattentiveness, he stepped back, and with a snap, a twig snapped beneath his boot. He sucked a cold breath of air in annoyance. Ever since he came into this world and became a full mortal his vigilance had reduced drastically and his level of stealth almost nonexistent. He had completely lost the element of surprise.

The wolf's head snapped toward him. It jumped off the boulder its hot breath spraying across Xiang Yu's face. Malevolence danced in Xiang Yu's eyes, his lips quirking into a crooked smile.