
Chapter 63: Night of the Undead Part 2

Romaine's POV

"We've just wasted the last few minutes talking about this and have gotten nowhere." Cas stated, "Now if we could please come up with some sort of plan before they storm the building, I'd love that."

"We fight." I stated, "Simple."

"No Romaine." Melany stopped me, "I can't let you go out there."

"Look Mel, there's a lot going on here that you don't understand right now, but I can handle it."

"But would it be so wise for the target to go out there?" the Prince questioned

"Well I need to do something useful with my powers while I still have them."

"You're gonna fight an army of a thousand demon soldiers?" Dondre chuckled, "Well I know that I sure as hell aren't gonna come with you."

"Just like Dondre," my older version mumbled, "whenever things get bad he turns tail and runs."

"I'll help you Romaine." Dondre offered

"Me too." joined Shante

I'd hate to have kids out on the front line of something like this, but I'll take all the help I can get.

"We don't have much more time before they're here." Cas told us

"So let's get going." I prompted

"Right." the siblings affirmed

The three of us sped into the other room, changing into our speedster outfits. Once done I went directly into the elevator in order to avoid my sister's questions.


Once outside, we were promptly surrounded by the shadow demons.

"You know," I started, "A thousand looked a lot smaller in my head."

-"Regretting your decision yet?"- Dondre questioned

"Nope. Not yet."

"So what do we do now Romaine?" Donte questioned

"Don't let them anywhere near the house. If they break through our line of defense, then it's all over."

At first Shante was weary of touching them or even getting close, but after not too long the two had started following my lead.

Each of us managed to take down around ten or so, but more just kept coming; and the ones that we'd knocked down got back back up. We were quickly overwhelmed, with little to no room for us to move around .

Suddenly my attention was grabbed by Shante's hollowing scream. My eyes darted in her direction to see her getting drawn away by several of the shadow demons.

"Shante!" I called out to her

Almost immediately my future version sped in and saved her.

"It's alright." He reassured, "I've got her."

"Future me." I said, "You're gonna help?"

"I have my reservations, but I can't just sit idly by and watch this."

"Don't forget about me now." Dondre interjected

"You're here too?" I questioned

"I couldn't just sit down either, even though I know that there's no way we're all surviving this."

"We can do this."

"He's right." backed up my older version, "It's five of us so, each of us would just have to take out 200 of them."

"200 huh?" went Dondre, "Sounds easy enough."


It's been nearly ten minutes, but we don't seem to have made even a dent in their numbers.

"Ok what the hell's going on?" Dondre voiced, "It looks to me like more just keep coming."

"Well it's more than clear to me now that these guys are immune to our electricity; and physical damage at that." I observed

-"Not entirely."- Cas corrected, -"We found something down here."-

"You mind sharing this bit of information before we get completely mangled?" Dondre rushed

-"The shadows you all knock down with your electricity get back up after a while, though Donte's victims are left stunned for a notably longer period of time."-


-"Given his recollection of earlier this night plus this recent evidence, the Prince and I were able to deduce what could be Donte's speedster ability."-

"Any day now Cas."

-"I can't fully explain it just yet, but by overcharging atoms with his own energy he's able to dispel negative energy."-

"So he can what, purge the demons?" I questioned

-"Something of the sort, yes."-

"So what's the new game plan?" Inquired Dondre

"Weaken them enough and let Donte finish them off." answered my older version

"Guys," Donte stopped us, "I don't know if I can do this."

-"You're more than capable to do so Donte, just make sure each finishing attack has enough energy."- Cas reassured

"I'll try."

"So much for 'Dondre saves the day'." Dondre mumbled to himself

With our new plan in mind, we all rearranged ourselves and set Donte up for the kills. As usual, Cas and the Prince were right; Donte pumped one of the demons full with his energy and it quickly burst into light-blue light.

"Woah." Donte gasped

"1 down, 999 more to go." said older me

"That's if we last that long." noted Dondre


It was all good so far, 20 minutes in since we got our new strategy.

"Cas," Dondre beckoned, "About how many are we down on right now?"

-"You've all successfully taken down 187 of the shadow demons, leaving you with 813 more."- she responded

"Yikes," I said, "looks like we're in for a much longer night than I thought."

We continued our grind, attempting to go even faster than before.

I hadn't realized before this how slow I was going tonight compared to my usual performance, but it all hit me hard when my body came to a dead stop whilst running.

"What's with the pausing man." Dondre rushed, "These guys won't beat themselves."

It was as if everything I knew at that point was a lie, I tried to vibrate multiple times, but nothing would happen. No matter how much I tried tapping into my powers, I'd get nothing in return.

-"Romaine, what's going on?"- Cas questioned

"I lost my speed." I uttered, shaking in fear