
Veiled Secrets: a journey of redemption, fate, and betrayal"

Dana Wang leads a double life to conceal his true identity. Behind his reserved demeanor as a gifted student, Dana harbors extraordinary talents beyond comprehension. Unbeknownst to his peers, he possesses the speed of a racing champion, the name that once heard, put fears in people's heart, and the prowess of a martial arts master. As the lead singer of a quite famous band, consisting of three extraordinary singers. Haunted by childhood and his mother's busy nature, Dana desperately seeks his mother's attention and love. Faced with her perpetual absence, he embarks on irrational ventures to capture her fleeting affection, risking everything for a glimpse into her In "Veiled Secrets," join Dana on a pulse-pounding journey of self-discovery, love, and redemption, as he battles against his traumatic past, uncovers the truth behind his mother's perpetual absence and confronts sinister forces determined to control his extraordinary powers. As the stakes rise and suspense tightens its grip, Dana must strive to rise above the darkness and carve a path to his own identity and happiness. Will he emerge triumphant or be consumed by the very secrets he seeks to unravel?

rofiat27GoLd · Realista
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71 Chs


"mum, our Halloween party is near, I need a set of Halloween costume." baby said.

"mnn" mama Wang replied.

"let's shop for groceries." she added.

just mnn? changing the topic! oh mum very good.

mama Wang glanced at baby to read his expression but she got nothing.

baby smiled but it faded immediately he saw a particular set of people running around. shit he muttered under his breath. he brought out his phone and sent a SOS to Ryan.

**[where are you?, what happened?]** Ryan replied almost immediately.

**[I saw those kids just now]** baby texted back.

**[huh which kids]** Ryan replied

**[they call me daddy]** baby texted and followed his mum closely.

"what are you doing on your phone?" mama Wang asked.

baby quickly shared his location with Ryan and kept his phone in his pocket.

"nothing mum, I just remembered I need to buy a new shampoo." baby replied.

I hope these people doesn't see me. they continued to shop baby picking the things he likes, thing Romeo, baby and Callum likes and things they don't. thankfully I'm not paying for it. I'd just buy them till I get tired baby thought.

"daddy" someone called and baby looked back. I'd just pretend I don't know you, don't be angry ok?. baby said mentally and continued what he was doing.

the little girl that called him, ran towards him and hugged his legs. "daddy why didn't you answer me" she said. mama Wang looked at the girl and found her cute. "little girl are you lost? looking for your daddy?" mama Wang asked and bent down to her level. "I'm not lost, he's my daddy." the little girl replied.

baby finally knelt on one knee and said "you must have mistook me for someone else, I'm still young I can't have someone as old as you as my daughter." the little girl pursed her lips and said "daddy, are you playing a prank on me? your hair smells like milk, you are really my daddy." baby's head hurts immediately she said that. I really need to change my shampoo, little mia are you a dog? how did you know what my hair smells like baby thought.

"little girl what's your name and how old are you." mama Wang asked. "I'm mia, I'm five years old. daddy do you remember? I'm your little mia" the little girl replied. "mia what is the name of your dad, let's find him together." mama Wang said. little mia please don't say my name baby prayed silently in his heart.

"my daddy is Dana Wang, we also call him baby sometimes. dad do you still want to deny that you're my daddy?" little mia said.

little mia why did you have to go to the extent of calling my nickname. I know I'm your dad ok?

mama Wang laughed and said "you're so cute little mia." I need to get out of this shit, Ryan why haven't you arrived.

Ryan stood in one side and had a clear view of the matter.

"little mia" he called and mia looked back. "uncle Ryan" she screamed happily and ran towards him. Ryan caught her and lifted her up. "uncle Ryan why is daddy saying that he doesn't know me?" mia asked

"your dad is just playing around. baby why did you deny her, did you want to see her cry?" Ryan replied and gave baby a you can't even handle this look. Ryan smiled and said "mama Wang you're back." yeah I am, who's she?" mama Wang replied.

"she's my niece, she likes calling baby daddy." Ryan replied.

mama Wang wasn't convinced with his explanation so baby said. "little mia, how did you recognize me with my face mask on?".

"although daddy is always dressed In Black suit, I can still recognize you in this outfit."

baby gritted his teeth, that wasn't the question I asked little mia, I shouldn't have asked the question in the first place. mama Wang looked at baby and said "oh? always on black suit?, little mia, tell me more about your dad."

"daddy is so cool, daddy is rich, daddy is handsome." mia replied.

thankfully she didn't say that I broke her class teacher's leg for making her cry baby thought.

"daddy also broke my class teacher's leg, he's so powerful, he broke his leg with a kick." mia said with her eyes full of admiration for her dad.

"little mia I've told you to stop believing those stories your mom told you about your dad it isn't true." Ryan said.

"but mum didn't tell me" mia replied stubbornly. "of course she did, do you want an ice cream?" Ryan asked trying to direct her attention to something else. "yay! ice cream." mia said happily and left with Ryan.

baby massaged his temples, this girl is really an headache.

"you're so cool, you broke her class teacher's leg with a kick" mama Wang said and focused on his expression to find a flaw but baby the master of disguise didn't even change his expression. "how could I do that mum, I don't even know her class teacher" baby said.

I need to change the topic baby thought.

"mum about my Halloween costume" baby said.

"I thought you hate Halloweens" mama Wang said.

"I don't hate it, I just find it scary." baby replied and continued to toss whatever he likes into the trolley.


Ryan took mia to meet the rest of the kids that came for shopping.

you guys are using boss's credit card but almost got him in trouble, very good Ryan thought and said "you guys are done right? you should go home now." "we want ice cream and Oreos." they said. "but you have that at home." Ryan said. "we want the one you buy for us uncle Ryan." a girl said. Ryan rolled his eyes and said in his mind the credit card is for your dad, spend the money the way you want. if baby knew what Ryan was thinking right now he'd curse him to death and say this is karma.

"ok let's go, buy whatever you want and get your asses into the bus. I give you 30 minutes" Ryan said and glanced at his wrist watch. the kids ran in different directions. Ryan looked at those who brought those kids for shopping and gave them a bone freezing gaze. "what were you guys doing when mia left your side?" he asked in a cold tone.

they froze in their spot and started trembling. their backs were drenched in cold sweats.

"b..boss, we are sorry, we didn't know when she ran off." one of them said.

"oh? you didn't know? how can you guarantee their safety then?" Ryan asked his voice getting colder. it was as if something was pulling them down. they wanted to kneel and beg for forgiveness. the oppression was already suffocating them when they heard Mia's voice. he withdrew his oppressive aura and said "take them home and wait for your punishment."

"yes boss" they said and left immediately.