
Veiled Brilliance: Chronicles of a Reincarnated Being

Glen was taken advantage of throughout his entire life. Depressed at the miserable state his life is in, he goes for a walk and ends up dying. He meets the god over death who gives him a second chance at a new life in a world of magic and a system. Join him now, as Eric, as he fights to seek happiness in his new life. This is my first book so feel free to leave your feedback. I feel that criticism helps to improve some people and I'm one of them. Right now I'm writing whenever I have the free time. This isn't meant to be fast paced but if it's too slow just let me know. Expect a few errors because I'm only human after all.

Eaglestriker_22 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs

Chapter 41- Excuse Me?

I walk into a classroom, where about 30 students are already sitting and I look for an open spot to sit. Surveying the room, I just so happen to lock eyes with the Princess, who motions for me to sit at the only table with open seats left.

I take a look around for the last time for any other spots before I reluctantly head over to one of three chairs, but she sits in the middle, so I was going to sit next to her anyway.

I ignore her gaze as she stares at me, trying to subtlety get my attention but thankfully, the teacher walks in. She looks to be in her mid 40s with brown hair and glasses, wearing a brown dress.

"Good afternoon class, I am your teacher for the support role for this semester, Ms. Naomi Lightbearer. As I look at the young faces sitting in this class, I notice a lot of determined gazes. That's good, determination is a supports best asset.

Always keep in mind that supports are the backbone of any team. Others will tell you that it's the tank, or the damage dealer, but without us there the party ends early. Can anyone tell me why the support role is so important?"

The Princess's hand shoots up and the teacher motions for her to answer. "The support enables the fight to flow in the teams favor by either healing, assisting with damage when possible, or aiding the teammates in their performance."

"Perfect textbook answer Princess. What she says is true. Long ago, parties just consisted of whatever willy-nilly classes were put together by friends to go against the dungeon. After many casualties, structure was needed so the guild concept was first formed.

This helped establish the roles needed to balance skills for the optimal fight. The original support class always had healers that were backline and always needed protecting, but now, the role has since evolved.

I am here to teach you that there are more ways to be in the support class other than just heal. Where the complexities really come in, is when the team member who is not a support class themselves have healing capabilities. I see your faces confused, but not to worry, we will get into all that at a later date. For now, just know, you greatly matter!

Ok, let us get one thing out of the way, the concept of non-healing "support" depending on the role shows up in many different ways. For example, the frontline support is done by tanks who have ample life and stature, while the ranged fighters support at a distance while providing valuable damage against enemies, and the outright healers support by providing massive heals ensuring the team's success in the fight.

Now think to yourself, about any skills or spells you have that could disrupt enemy movements, performance enhancers, or provide healing. Now think about how you use those skills and stand over to the right if you can heal, head to the back if you feel like the frontline support is more your style, and to the left if you're the ranged support."

I didn't even need to review my spells as I knew that I was the definition of ranged support. Which was funny considering my current damaging style was close combat. If I ran support, I could sit basically untouched in the backline, while providing buffs for my teammates. As a bonus, I could stack blessings on them to give them my healing perk.

There are three others, including the Princess, where she designated the ranged support while a majority of the class took up the healer and tank supports. Ms. Naomi then splits into two others and heads to each group.

"Things to know as support, depending on the team you're a part of their expectations of you will be high and your efforts often go unappreciated. Studies conducted by the Guild show that teammates don't hold themselves accountable for their own actions and will blame you supports for their own shortcomings. The Guild also found that some will expect continuous healing from the support, so its up to you to set the boundary for how you want to operate amongst your party.

So, I'm going to cast a spell that will take you to a party, facing a monster, that will need the type of support you've picked. Do not fret as no harm will befall you while in the spell, and I have full control of what happens. I can assure you that each scenario is the same and Ill grade you on your how you handle the situation."

She claps her hands together in excitement, "So who wants to go first."

As everyone nervously hesitates, I steel my resolve and raise my hand. If I wanted to be the first ranked at this school, I needed to show that I was going to be exceptional at challenges like these. I step next to her podium where runes light up under my feet and my mind blacks out.

I blink to notice the familiar blue lights in the dungeon and take a second to look around. With me is a fully armored knight with a shield, a swordsman, and a guy wielding two short axes. In front of us, is a huge blue wooden double door with a skull and chain. I quickly understand the assignment is to keep the team alive during a this upcoming boss fight.

They don't speak to me and just pull on the chain to the door, splitting the skull in half and run inside, with me behind them preparing for anything. They run into a room roughly the size of a tennis court with nothing but a giant tiger with huge fangs extending out its mouth. Activating Mana Survey, I look at its status.

Great Tiger Beast LVL 25

Health: 1000

Mana: 100

Seeing its stats confirmed my suspicion about what to do while here and I wait for my teammates to make the first move. The knight runs forward, his shield lighting up attracting the monsters attention. I go ahead and cast Blessing of the Fox and Blessing of Titanium on him, which activates my perk allowing him to heal.

The others start slashing at the monster and I can see that they're pretty strong. I cast Curse of Diminishing and Curse of Invigoration, activating Withering Curses, on the monster and its health is getting lower much faster.

After a couple of seconds of the party members letting their blades fly in a fury, the monster lets out a roar, causing all party members to freeze. While I'm struggling to move, a notification pops up,

[You have been afflicted with Fear. One of your perks will break you out of the effect momentarily.]

More in the Zone activates bringing me out of the stun, and I can see the monster raising a paw towards the guy with the two axes. I cast Curse of Paralysis on the monster but it doesn't take effect, so I follow up with Shadow Warden and hands come from its shadow, wrapping around the monster stunning it.

With it now stunned, I activate Blessing of Cleansing on the knight, bringing him out of the monster's stun to which he casts a spell and a shield form around the other members. They spring into action, hacking at the monster until it finally lays dead.

As soon as its body lays on the dungeon floor, I snap back to the classroom, where everyone's looking at me curiously. As there is moments of silence, until Ms. Naomi claps her hands together, "Absolutely perfect, you get an S+. You handled that situation like a veteran. Now, who wants to go next?"

Stepping back, I watch as the next student from the frontline support decides to attempt it next. The runes light up and his eyes lose focus as he stares off in the distance. 30 seconds pass and he falls to his knees, clearly shaken. "Ah a team wipe. You panicked too much and in result you couldn't properly handle the situation. You get a... D. Next student please."

We go through the class, and nobody gets anything higher than a C, until the last student is the Princess.

"Alright Princess it's your turn, or so I would say if I didn't hear already about the note, you have so your excused. I will now go over tips on how everyone should improve. Just so everyone is aware, the class will proceed like this for the remainder of the semester, where you can expect to go through different scenarios and graded on them. Mr. Eric, and Princess Denise you are excused from class for the day."

Leaving the class, there's nothing for me to do so I head towards the courtyard to laze about until the bell chimes for the next class. As I'm walking, I feel the presence of someone behind me and I slow down. Turning to face the stalker, I once again come face to face with Princess Denise. Weary from our last encounter, I remember pain was what snapped me out of her skill, so I begin pinching myself.

"Relax, it works better if you're not expecting it. It was in good faith however, as I was just trying to get you to a safe place to talk." She admits.

"Not like I'm doing anything right now. I'm sure you don't want to talk here in the corridors. I was on my way to the courtyard by the tree if you wanted to join me." I suggest.

"Why yes I believe I shall." The trip is taken in silence as I try to work out what she could possibly want. Finally making it outside, she waits for me to sit first before gracefully sitting a the table across from me.

"So, what could the seventh Princess want with me?" I question.

"Quit the school and come work exclusively for me." She says in a prompt manner.

"Excuse me?"