
Veilbound: Arcane Awakening

Kael Alvion’s mundane life is upended when a mysterious system grants him extraordinary abilities. As he navigates a hidden world of magic and danger, Kael must battle monstrous creatures and uncover dark secrets. His quest for survival and truth reveals a prophecy linking him to ancient forces. In this high-stakes adventure, Kael must master his newfound powers and confront the shadows that threaten to consume him. Will he reshape his destiny or be lost to the darkness?

jitace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 7: Unseen Hunters

The darkness of the tunnels seemed to close in around Kael and Elara as they ventured deeper into the labyrinth of concrete and steel. The threat of the hostile group still hung over them, and every sound, every shadow, felt like it could be another enemy waiting to pounce. Kael's senses were on high alert, his eyes constantly scanning their surroundings for any sign of danger.

Their supplies were packed tightly in makeshift bags, the weight of them a constant reminder of their need to keep moving. The further they got from their previous base, the better. But the deeper they went, the more unknown the territory became.

Elara kept close to Kael, her normally calm demeanor replaced by a wary tension. "We need to find a new spot soon," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the oppressive silence of the tunnels. "Somewhere secure, where we can regroup."

Kael nodded, his mind racing through their options. The tunnels were vast, but not endless. Eventually, they would either run into another hostile group, or be forced to surface—both of which were dangerous prospects.

"Keep an eye out for anything that looks defensible," Kael replied, his voice equally quiet. "We can't afford to stay exposed."

As they continued, Kael noticed the air growing cooler, the walls of the tunnel becoming slick with moisture. They were descending further underground, and with each step, the sense of isolation deepened. It wasn't just the threat of other people that unnerved him—it was the unknown dangers that might lurk in the dark corners of this forgotten world.

After what felt like hours, they came across a fork in the tunnel. One path continued downward, the air even colder and damper. The other led upward, with a faint, almost imperceptible glow emanating from around a distant corner.

Kael paused, considering their options. The lower tunnel offered more concealment, but it also led them further away from any potential escape routes. The upper tunnel was riskier—it could lead them closer to the surface, or it could be a dead end. But that light… it was a sign of something, perhaps a place where they could find some respite, or at least a clue to where they were.

"We should check the upper tunnel," Elara suggested, her eyes fixed on the faint glow. "If there's light, there might be something useful up there."

Kael hesitated, weighing the risks. But Elara was right—the light could mean a way out, or at the very least, a place to gather more information. He nodded in agreement, and they started toward the illuminated tunnel.

As they approached the source of the light, the tunnel widened into a large, open chamber. Kael's breath caught as he took in the sight before him—an ancient, dilapidated subway station, long abandoned and overtaken by nature. Vines and roots had broken through the concrete, intertwining with the crumbling walls and ceiling. The glow came from bioluminescent fungi that dotted the walls, casting an eerie, greenish light over the entire scene.

"This is incredible…" Elara breathed, her eyes wide as she took in the sight. "I didn't think anything like this could exist down here."

Kael felt a strange mix of awe and unease. The station was beautiful in its decay, a relic of a time long past. But there was something unsettling about the way nature had reclaimed it, as if the world above had forgotten it entirely.

They carefully made their way into the station, their footsteps echoing off the walls. The air was thick with the scent of earth and decay, and the sound of dripping water was constant. Despite the eerie atmosphere, Kael felt a slight sense of relief—this place, at least, seemed free of human threats.

As they explored further, they came across a series of old, rusted metal gates, leading to what appeared to be a maintenance area. The gates were slightly ajar, enough for them to slip through. Beyond them, they found a small, enclosed room—perhaps once a storage or control room for the subway system.

"This could work," Kael said, examining the space. It was small, but defensible. The thick walls and heavy door would provide protection, and the bioluminescent fungi gave enough light to see by without the need for torches or flashlights.

Elara nodded, already setting down her pack and beginning to arrange their supplies. "It's not perfect, but it's better than the open tunnels. We can fortify the entrance and set up some traps in case anyone tries to follow us."

Kael agreed, and they set to work transforming the room into a makeshift base. They used the old furniture and debris to create barriers and secure the door, while Elara rigged up some simple alarms using discarded metal scraps and wire. It wasn't much, but it gave them a sense of security in an otherwise hostile world.

As they worked, Kael couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. His enhanced senses didn't pick up anything unusual, but the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He tried to ignore it, focusing on the task at hand, but the feeling persisted.

Once they had finished setting up their base, they sat down to rest. Elara had found some old rations in the storage room—expired, but still edible. They ate in silence, each lost in their thoughts.

Finally, Kael spoke up. "We need to figure out our next move. This place is safe for now, but we can't stay here forever."

Elara nodded, her expression serious. "We need to find out more about the groups operating in the tunnels—and what they're after. If they're hunting people with systems, there has to be a reason. We need to know what we're up against."

Kael agreed, but before he could respond, a sudden noise cut through the silence—a faint, distant thud, followed by the sound of something large moving through the tunnels.

They both froze, their eyes meeting in silent understanding. Whatever was out there, it was big, and it was getting closer.

Kael grabbed his weapon, his heart pounding. "Stay here," he whispered to Elara. "I'll check it out."

"No way," Elara shot back, her voice low but firm. "We're in this together. I'm not letting you go out there alone."

Kael hesitated, but he knew she was right. They were stronger together. Nodding, he gestured for her to follow, and they carefully made their way toward the source of the noise.

As they moved through the station, the noise grew louder—a rhythmic thumping, like the footsteps of something massive. Kael's grip tightened on his weapon as they approached the far end of the station, where the noise seemed to be coming from.

They rounded a corner, and Kael's breath caught in his throat.

A huge, hulking creature was moving through the station, its massive form barely fitting through the tunnels. It was covered in thick, matted fur, its eyes glowing a sickly yellow in the dim light. Its claws were as long as Kael's forearm, and its teeth were bared in a snarl as it sniffed the air, searching for something—searching for them.

[System Notification: Hostile Entity Detected]

[Warning: High-Level Threat. Proceed with Caution.]

Kael's mind raced. The creature was far beyond anything he had encountered before, and it was clearly on the hunt. They needed to get out of there—fast.

But before they could retreat, the creature's head snapped around, its glowing eyes locking onto them. It let out a deafening roar, the sound reverberating through the tunnels, and charged.

"Run!" Kael shouted, grabbing Elara's hand and pulling her back toward their base. They sprinted through the tunnels, the creature's heavy footsteps pounding behind them, growing louder with every second.

They barely made it back to the base before the creature was upon them. Kael slammed the door shut, bracing it with his body as the creature crashed into it with a force that nearly knocked him off his feet.

The door held, but just barely. The creature roared in frustration, slamming into the door again and again, its claws tearing at the metal. Kael and Elara pushed against the door with all their strength, but it was clear that it wouldn't hold for long.

"We need a plan!" Elara shouted over the noise, her eyes wide with fear.

Kael's mind raced, searching for a solution. They couldn't fight the creature head-on—it was too powerful. But maybe they didn't have to. An idea began to form, and Kael turned to Elara, his expression grim.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

Elara looked at him, her fear giving way to determination. "Yes. What do you need me to do?"

"Get ready to run," Kael said, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "On my signal, open the door and head for the maintenance tunnel. I'll distract it."

Elara hesitated, but she could see the resolve in Kael's eyes. Nodding, she positioned herself by the door, ready to move.

Kael took a deep breath, his mind focusing on the system's abilities. He activated Echoes of Power, feeling the residual energy from their previous fights surge through him. His strength and speed increased, his senses sharpening to a razor's edge.

"Now!" he shouted.

Elara yanked the door open, and Kael darted out, charging straight at the creature. It roared in surprise, swinging its massive claws at him, but Kael was too fast. He dodged to the side, slashing at the creature's leg with all his strength. The blow didn't do much damage, but it got the creature's attention.

"Over here, you ugly bastard!" Kael yelled, backing away toward the far end of the station. The creature roared again, its eyes blazing with fury as it turned to follow him.

Kael sprinted toward the far wall, leading the creature away from Elara. He could hear its heavy footsteps behind him, feel its hot breath on the back of his neck. He didn't stop, didn't look back—he just kept running, his mind focused on one thing: leading the creature as far away from Elara as possible.

When he reached the wall, Kael turned sharply, sprinting along the edge of the station. The creature was right behind him, its claws scraping against the concrete as it tried to catch up. Kael could feel his strength waning, the effects of Echoes of Power beginning to fade. He needed to end this, and soon.

He spotted a narrow tunnel at the far end of the station, barely wide enough for him to fit through. It was his only chance.

Kael sprinted toward the tunnel, the creature hot on his heels. Just as he reached the entrance, he activated his Enhanced Reflexes, his body moving faster than his mind could process. He dove into the tunnel, rolling to his feet and sprinting down the narrow passageway.

The creature roared in frustration, its massive body too large to follow him. It clawed at the entrance, trying to force its way in, but the tunnel was too small. Kael kept running, his breath coming in ragged gasps, until the sound of the creature's roars faded into the distance.

He slowed to a stop, his heart pounding in his chest. He was safe, for now. But the creature was still out there, and it wouldn't stop until it found them.

Kael leaned against the tunnel wall, his mind racing. He needed to find Elara, make sure she was safe. But he also needed to figure out how to deal with the creature—how to protect their base, and their lives.

Taking a deep breath, Kael pushed himself off the wall and started back toward the station. He had a feeling that this was just the beginning of their troubles. But he wasn't going to give up. Not now, not ever.