
Veil of Thought

-In the Dark Ages of humanity, when Heaven and Hell first appeared, the world was completely in ruins. The angels and devils fought relentlessly over control 3 keys to unlock the truth behind a realm called False Reality. As the war progressed with humanity in the crossfire, legends appeared from across the world to defend humanity, they were known as the 12 Gods. They were the first ones to use the powers of divinity also known as Ascent. With the war won and the realms disappeared to their respective realities, it wasn't long until the world had to begin a new one. Peace proceeded across the world and every story that had been created continued to become reality... that was until his history was born. Reawakening from the mysterious feeling of death, Kiryuu Amuka finds himself in a new world and body. He was reincarnated as the main character of the story he created, Xion Trinity, the adopted son of a baker family located in Blackband, a city south of the capital of the Luminous Country Capital City called Chanda. In the Electric Age Eon, technology has grown to use steam power and other technology such as machinery, canons, transportation, canons, airships, and ships, as well as, positions, Arcadius Keys, Apollo Artifacts, laws and authorities, curses, and more. With the mystery comes more questions to ask about the world he truly created. Follow Xion as he finds himself entangled with the Lost Souls, lower gods, and Paradoxs, both physically, metaphysically, and transcendently - as he slowly awakens and develops newfound powers he was given by the Transcenders. The Sovereign of Dawn spoke of the mysterious nature of the future worlds. As stories continue in an endless stream of lies and misfortunes, they also talk about magnificence and truth. The Seraphims spoke of a man who would eventually open the False reality, a man with potential that would be unrivaled by all who approached him. This is the Story and Legend of "Judgement." Or how the gods and Patriarchs call him "The False God."

Acreogoth · Fantasia
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17 Chs



All of the physical matter and linear time that comprises a world. These universes are gathered together to for the "Material World" in the physical world. A universe has its own laws of physics and history which differentiates each of them from other universes. All universes are separated by a higher-dimensional space in-between each other, thus being able to travel to other universes with sheer movement alone qualifies for 5-dimensional movement, as one will first have to breach time as well to escape from a universe to other universes.


A group of isolated universes that ranges from two to an infinite number of universes that abide by the same laws of physics. A kiloverse can also be used to describe a conventional multiverse. However, the term "multiverse" is used to describe several universes that are dimensionally bound inside a higher-dimensional barrier. Thus "kiloverse" is a more specific and accurate term regarding the scale of the multiverse that is being described.


A larger collection of universes in the form of infinite kiloverses. Since a kiloverse is 4-dimensional, it has a 5-dimensional barrier that encompasses it, so a megaverse is 5-dimensional with a 6-dimensional multiversal barrier, although this is the bare minimum. Megaverses come in various dimensional sizes, expanding to the 11-dimensional spacetime of the Domain of Man. "Megaverse" is a general term, but there are other specific terms used to describe the larger megaverses, examples below.

Megaverse: Contains infinite kiloverses. (5-dimensional with a 6-dimensional multiversal barrier)

Gigaverse: Contains infinite megaverses. (6-dimensional with a 7-dimensional multiversal barrier)

Teraverse: Contains infinite gigaverses. (7-dimensional with an 8-dimensional multiversal barrier)

Petaverse: Contains infinite teraverses. (8-dimensional with a 9-dimensional multiversal barrier)

Exaverse: Contains infinite petaverses. (9-dimensional with a 10-dimensional multiversal barrier)

Zettaverse: Contains infinite exaverses. (10-dimensional with an 11-dimensional multiversal barrier)

Yottaverse: Contains infinite zettaverses. (11-dimensional with a 12-dimensional multiversal barrier)

Multiverse Plate

Multiverse plates are areas with a cluster amount of multiverses


Multiverses contains an infinite amount of possibilities and universe within them


Within multiverses are universes. There are an infinite amount of universes within these multiverses. Universes can contain their own separate space-time

Quantum Multiverse

Not a typical multiverse, but a single universe in which every single possible thing, regardless how insignificant it may be, causes the timeline to diverge into infinite possibilities and outcomes in which these also diverge into infinite possibilities and outcomes indefinitely in the same manner. The entirety of a quantum multiverse is a 5-dimensional structure for a standard universal model, but it is able to get far higher depending on the structure.

World Line

A specific set of outcomes an individual may experience during their lifespan and everything that happens after the time they die. Every universe has an infinite number of world lines represented as alternate timelines. These timelines are described as if "if linear time is a line, then alternate timelines would be a 2D plane", making the smallest quantum multiverse a 5-dimensional structure by default.

Physical World

The world which is physical, meaning it is still controlled by laws of physics and causality, even if they are irregular to traditional laws of physics or causality. The physical world can be described as "the world within any dimensional scale, regardless if the scale is infinite-dimensional or finite", the realms that exist beyond the physical world are purely abstract and metaphysical, such as Limbo.

Material World

The lowest plane of existence of the physical world and the bottom of the Domain of Man, filled with matter and time to form universes. The material world is filled with many universes to form multiverses. All universes have higher-dimensional space outside of them which separates universes from each other, and they never share the same dimension of time. There are also "larger" multiverses called "megaverses" in which hold an infinite number of multiverses. "Multiverse" is general term, as it describes an infinite collection of universes in general, so "kiloverse" is used to specifically describe an infinite collection of universes. "Megaverse" is also a general term to describe an infinite collection of multiverses, but it is also used to specially describe an infinite collection of kiloverses. Megaverses are separated by a higher-dimensional "barrier" which separates them from even larger megaverses. For these "barriers", it is always one dimension greater than the megaverse's size. (See Multiversal Barriers)

Quantum Realm

Real Time

Real time is the name for conventional time, and is represented as a linear line running from past to future. Real time is what normal people view as "time", as it represents their entire lives and experiences, as well as holding conventional causality. Although real time exists as one temporal dimension, it is greatly influenced by the Quantum Realm and all of its layers.

Imaginary Time

A temporal dimension running perpendicular to real time. Imaginary time exists outside of the Domain of Man as the first layer of the Quantum Realm. Unlike real time running as a linear current from past to future, imaginary time plays out all events simultaneously. By viewing imaginary time, one would be able to process all of history and its future all at once.

Complex Time

Known as the duality of real time and imaginary time, complex time isn't a layer of the Quantum Realm, rather it exists as a composite of real time and imaginary time, sharing the properties of both. Due to this, an event can occur before it even starts by selecting the "cause" in imaginary time, then causing the "effect" to occur in a previous point in real time.

Quantum Time

The next temporal dimension of the Quantum Realm, otherwise known as "hypertime". Quantum time is referred to as the "branches" of complex time. Instead of listing a single timeline of complex time, quantum time lists an infinite number of branching outcomes in time which all occur simultaneously. Quantum time also states "anything that can mathematically occur has already happened".

False Time

The final temporal dimension of the Quantum Realm. False time is the most incomprehensible layer of the Quantum Realm, due to its nature. It can be labelled as the "opposite" of quantum time, as it holds everything that cannot mathematically occur. Also known as "mirror time", being a "mirror" that contains impossible outcomes as the reflection of quantum time.

The Endless Abyss

An endless realm that starts right outside of the confines of the Domain of Man, with the material world being at the very first "step" of the Abyss in fact. Even though it is described as an "abyss", this is from a higher being's perspective, but to those below these beings, the Abyss is more of an endless ladder spiraling upwards for eternity. Each "step" is described as "one less limitation, and a step higher into the realm of the godhood", with each one being infinitely further away and harder to reach than the previous. Every step higher they ascend, is another limitation that is removed from them from the physical world, as such, one may have to rest after every few steps, as ascending too fast may quickly drain mental capacity by not adapting to the higher worlds and drive them to insanity, if not downright kill them by losing the mental capacity to even think to continue living on. Every step is also described to be mentally agonizing and spiritually taxing to endure, from feeling extreme frostbite all over your body, to feeling as if your body was being ripped apart to shreds with every step taken.

The Underside

Often referred to as the "background" of the physical world, even existing outside of the Endless Abyss. This "background" lies far beyond all the higher planes, permeating and influencing all of the planes of existence in the physical world. This "background" can also be described as the final boundary which separates the physical world from the metaphysical realm beyond all concepts of the physical world. These concepts include all logic and the "meaning" of logic itself, as well as all forms mathematics all every possible extension of it as such things are contained by the Endless Abyss. This would include all geometry and manifolds, as well as all forms of sets that may describe them, which would include all absolute sets and any higher extension of them, regardless of the scale. Regardless of how high a being may ascend, they are unable to escape the Physical World without letting go of their physical form. The Underside is ruled over by Charon, who is the guardian and acts like the gatekeeper between Physical World and Metaphysical Realms, as well as the guide who guides the conceptual essence that is the soul into Limbo after their death.

Outer Realms

These realms are free of all limitations in a story, these worlds completely encompass everything else in them. Even the smallest of these realms is able to completely encompass the concepts of the physical world and the the only way to be able to access these realms is by letting go of one's physical form and accept themselves as a completely metaphysical and abstract entity. "Death" is one way to access these realms, as it allows the very core of a person's being to escape beyond the confines of the physical world. Since it does not participate in the concepts of time and space, the core of a being is a metaphysical attribute which transcends such concepts altogether as the essence of the being's sense of self.


A realm that lies far beyond the physical world, it is a purely abstract and metaphysical world where the souls of the dead are sent before they ascend to the Afterlife. Every verse has its own interpretation of Limbo which connects to the Afterlife of the layer of reality it exists in.


The Afterlife is interconnected to all of the stories within its layer of reality, yet it isn't bound by any of them, thus any character that dies or is discarded from the story is sent here to observe from far above. This realm exists far, far higher than the infinite hierarchy of the Grand Design of that layer of reality. The beings that are capable of manifesting at the absolute bottom of this realm are infinitely above those at the peak of Limbo. In simple terms, this could be considered being uncountably infinite steps above baseline Outerverse level at the very bottom with it spiraling upwards for eternity, having an extremely high degree of transcendence at the very peak. The Afterlife does not exactly exist outside the framework of Limbo, as Limbo is a lower aspect of the Afterlife; they not being completely separate realms, as they are still connected in some way, forming one, large composite hierarchy.

Heaven and Purgatory

These two realms exist on opposite sides of the Temple of the Supreme. In Heaven, you have the divine beings, such as angels. In Purgatory, you have the demonic beings, which are not to be confused with devils, whom of which are in a completely different category of beings than demons. Both of these realms exist even higher than the Afterlife by an incalculable degree of transcendence in relation to the Afterlife.

Temple of the Supreme

A massive temple that stands right below the Library of Creation and exists outside of all reality layers, looking down at their existence as if they were nothing but scraps of paper. The Temple of the Supreme stands at the center of both Heaven and Purgatory. Countless beings exist inside this vast temple, all of whom are vastly more powerful than the inhabitants of both Heaven and Purgatory and it also houses the Judgement Circle inside of it.

Grand Design (WIP)

All of the possible stories that exists in a current layer of reality, containing the Afterlife of that reality layer as well.

Reality Layer

A composite hierarchy that builds up the very foundation of all narratives and story hierarchies, as well as being the very framework in which all story hierarchies are able to even exist in the first place. A reality layer is often described as a sort of "boundary" which separates each layer of reality, with each layer completely transcending the previous as each reality layer has a reality-fictional difference between each other.

Every reality layer is also infinitely-layered on their own, being comprised up of an infinite number of Grand Designs and utterly transcending them.

Veil of Thought

The absolute height and limit of all intelligence and truths of the world. The Veil of Thought contains all intelligence, as it is the "truth" of the world itself. Due to this nature, everything that can be said or described is "false", or rather anything said or described is impossible to be true, since the Veil of Thought holds "truth" itself. Since the Veil of Thought is the absolute limit of intelligence, it is "truth" itself, which is an indescribable nature that forgoes all logic and comprehension. If one was to describe the "truth" of the world, whatever can be said would fail to describe the true nature of it, since all things that can be said are falsified and incorrect.

The Antiverse

An empty world of nothingness where all stories and characters go after they meet their end, breaking down their concepts into conceptual information that go to the Conceptual Void which then can be used for later use.

Conceptual Void

An endless void where all the conceptual information in existence is created, visualized, and returned to once concepts are destroyed and broken down. This information can then be pulled from the void, weaved into concepts and implemented into stories.

Roya's Dream World

Is made up of a grassman variable number amount of complex vector spaces. Essentially making it a grassman superspace.

To explain this I will use a fragmented string theory space time. A fragmented space time is a space time in whcih an infinite amount of spatial dimensions(width height and volume+)

These dimensions(vector spaces( are labeled in natural and real numbers like "1,2,3…infinite"

A complex vector space is a vector space in which the amount of extended spatial dimensions is labeled in complex numbers. Complex numbers are numbers that completely surpass real numbers like infinite. These complex numbers have cardinalities within them including aleph numbers which layer into infinity.

Grassman variables are a part of the number system over even the complex numbers. It's a variable that completely surpasses all forms of infinity.

Now that we understand the concepts that make up her world I'll restate what is going on.

The world is made up of a grassman variable amount of complex vector spaces that's spiral upward in bulk. This universe is under constant mental distress that could kill a celestial creature 1000 times over from even a second inside this dimension. This dimension's gravity is so strong because of the space time fluctuation that an extreme amount of force is required to even close there. All these effects are controlled by Roya.

The Library of Creation

The source of all fiction and nonfiction, this realm is completely transcendent to all narratives and story hierarchies rather than simply existing outside of them, completely and utterly transcending all reality layers, completely breaking through a strongly inaccessible cardinal of higher powersets, transcending all definitions and mathematical sets and hierarchies to where they cannot be defined in any manner.

This endless library contains all of fiction and nonfiction as well as the noncanonical forms of them and all of their many interpretations, such as if a single letter was misspelled in a story or even unfinished versions of them. This realm was once thought to be the lead by The Author as if it was their domain. While it is true that The Author has complete power and absolute authority over this realm, it is later revealed that the true domain of The Author exists on a far, far higher plane which transcends even the Library of Creation, a much higher plane that is far too incomprehensible to be understood by lower beings, being ℵ1(P((ℵ0)) in comparison to the Library of Creation.

Fragments of Acreogoth

The Fragments of Acreogoth is the very existence of abstract Destruction. As the opposite of the Library of Creation it holds the Theory of Everything, it transcends the very equations of the theories and the narratives stories that are within the possession of the Library.

Fragments exist on an higher abstract existential plane higher than all of the cosmology itself though it's what powers the Sea of Chaos.