
Veil of Nebulous Dreams

Luke, a diligent worker in the routine of life, suddenly finds himself in an otherworldly place, surrounded by mysterious beings. As he grapples with the unfamiliar, his journey unfolds into a captivating mystery, where the line between ordinary and extraordinary blurs. Dive into the enigma with Luke, where every step reveals a new layer of intrigue and surprises await in the shadows.

Rabbit_Man · Fantasia
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3 Chs

In The Desert .

In a realm cloaked in golden sands and relentless heat, the sun blazed overhead, casting an unyielding brilliance upon endless dunes that stretched as far as the eye could perceive. The landscape, though breathtaking in its arid grandeur, bore the unmistakable mark of desolation. Life seemed to cling tenuously to existence, with only a handful of tenacious creatures adapted to endure the harsh embrace of this scorching expanse.

Amidst the mesmerizing beauty of the desert, an eerie stillness prevailed. The silence was broken only by the occasional whisper of the wind as it danced through the grains of sand, creating ripples on the undulating surface of the dunes. In this captivating yet lifeless tableau, the sun stood as a relentless overseer, casting long shadows that mirrored the solitude of a landscape seemingly frozen in time.

In the heart of this unforgiving terrain, a lone boy lay unperturbed. His bronze feet were adorned with weathered sandals, a shield against the scalding touch of the desert floor. 

Draped in a pristine white coat that defiantly shielded him from the relentless sun, he bore the weight of the arid expanse with quiet resilience. 

Atop his dark, dry hair rested a long blue turban, a protective veil that could be unfurled to conceal his face from the ceaseless assault of the sun's rays.

His skin, a gradient of bronze fading into darkness, bore the undeniable testimony of exposure to the elements. His visage, weathered and etched with the harsh realities of the desert, revealed the toll exacted by the relentless sun and arid winds. 

The telltale signs of his endurance were etched in the parched landscape of his face, where dryness had etched lines and his lips lay cracked.

After a while, the boy stirred from his repose, a soft groan escaping his lips. "Ah, so hot," he mumbled, attempting to reconcile the blistering reality with the cool comfort he recalled from the previous day when he had switched on the cooler.

As consciousness gradually reclaimed him, he became acutely aware of the granular sensation of sand beneath him. A subtle discomfort lingered, and even the familiar contours of his own body felt altered as he stretched.

 With a slow blink, he dared to open his eyes, only to be momentarily dazzled by the searing brightness of the sun. "Ahh," he gasped, squinting against the intensity.

 It took a while for his vision to adjust, the glaring light gradually unveiling the vast expanse of endless dunes that surrounded him.

As he opened his eyes once more, the panoramic vista of endless dunes and an unbroken sky greeted him, a sight that jolted him into a state of shock. A momentary disorientation enveloped him, and the vast emptiness that stretched in all directions left him grappling for answers.

"Where the hell am I?" he exclaimed, the urgency in his voice echoing across the desolate landscape. In a fit of frustration, he stood and screamed, the sound dissipating into the arid air. "Am I dreaming? Yes, there's no way. I'm dreaming!"

As the words escaped him, a sudden recollection surfaced—a fleeting memory of an encounter with the mysterious being. The thought dawned on him: "Is this one of those dreams within a dream, where reality blurs with the surreal?" The line between wakefulness and slumber blurred, leaving him suspended in a surreal realm where certainty eluded him.

 Luke, still grappling with the surreal landscape, began to scrutinize his own form. His gaze fell upon his attire, and amazement flickered across his face as he realized the peculiarity of the clothing he adorned—a type he had only ever seen in pictures or perhaps dreamt of in tales. The fabric draped across him seemed to whisper tales of an unfamiliar time and place.

Turning his attention to his hands, a sense of bewilderment overcame him. They appeared strangely small, yet bore the undeniable evidence of harshness and arid exposure. His palms, weathered and dry, spoke of a life lived under the relentless gaze of the sun and the biting winds of the desert. 

Even the hue of his skin, different from what he knew, painted a narrative of an existence uncharted and distinct from the reality he once called his own.

"Could I be one of those folks who got reincarnated or some crazy thing? Nah, bro, I may read a lot of novels, but this is impossible."

In a desperate attempt to shake himself awake, Luke raised his hands and started hitting his face multiple times. "Wake up, wake up, ahh!"

After the unsuccessful endeavor, he paused, thoughts racing.

 "That hurt. I've heard that when you're dreaming and look at your hand, it's impossible to see five fingers. You either see more or less. I'm seeing five." 

The harsh reality of the unfamiliar setting clashed with the disbelief in his mind, leaving him suspended in a disconcerting state between the possible and the unimaginable.

"Could I have been kidnapped and dumped in some desert? But who would do it, and why? Even if that happened, it wouldn't explain this body that doesn't feel like mine. I wasn't that tall, but this body seems like it belongs to a child."

Luke surveyed the desolate surroundings, contemplating his predicament. "Could this be some sort of transmigration?"

His voice took on a somber tone as he continued, "But why a freaking desert, and on top of that, why the body of a child?" 

The unanswered questions hung heavy in the arid air, intensifying the mystery of his inexplicable situation.