
96. Fan

(A/N: Hohoho, I thought of something that can be annoying and hilarious.)

As the Gods descended from the temple on the Mountain. Various colourful lights flashed in the sky. The people in the City just dropped on their knees and started worshipping the Gods. As the lights died down, there they were, standing in all their glory. The 12 original Olympians except Hermes that got Blasted away.

Just as the light died down. I disappeared from my place and delivered a spinning kick right on Pollo's temple. Apollo went flying back right in the mountain side. He got firmly planted in the mountain side. Surrounding where he got blasted was a deep crater.

The rest of the Gods looked at me incredulously. I literally Stomped Apollo without even letting them have the chance to speak anything." That felt good. What? I didn't like his face". First, I dusted my hands then I looked at the rest of them asking the question.

Even if he is not the same, he is still Apollo and I hate Apollo with a passion. No need to be considerate, when you can lessen your anger a little bit with just a nice Kick to someone's face. Not paying the Gods any more attention, I got back in line with Kratos and the rest. Grayfia just looked at me and said nothing but I could see her mouth twitching.

"That was so cool". Came the voice of a hulking muscled figure, standing beside Zeus."Hey look like that guy from the Show. Who was it again? Umm..... Ahhh, Geveto". He went into thought for a bit, then suddenly hit his palm with a punch and said to me. Hearing him my lips twitched.

"You say that name, one more time and I swear to myself that I will erase you right there". I was happy at first that maybe someone finally recognised me a little bit and I was about to feel smug about it. Then this happens. There was a purple energy sparkling on my palm, ready to erase him from existence at a moment's notice.

Looks like, he felt the danger from the energy I was releasing and shrank his head in his neck."Sorry, Sorry but you are one of my favourite characters". I rubbed the back of his head while saying to me." I am Heracles, by the way". "Vegeta".

As we were bantering between us and not really minding the surrounding people or Gods. Zeus was looking like he was about to burst from anger."You mortals come to my realm and do whatever, do you think this is a Joke?!!" He was going Hysterical by now. He was so blinded by rage that he didn't even look and see the Kratos was a Greek God.

"And your point". I said while looking at him. My arms folded in front of my chest and contempt clear in my eyes.

This made him literally spit fire from his eyes, Anime worlds and their logic. I just rolled my eyes at this."Listen here, I am here to see the family of my friend Kratos here. If all is good, we will be on our way. If not then there will be one less pantheon in this world". I said to him with a neutral expression.

"And why would we let you check!? Kratos is traitor of Olympus. He killed all the Gods once and we had to reincarnate again and get our powers back". That pretty much answered the questions and what we were looking for though.

"And the thief gives himself away". I said while clapping my hands together. Kratos on the side was ready to take action and rip a new hole to every one of the Greek Gods here.

"Kratos wait". I said to him and hurriedly went to the downed Apollo. Taking his head in my hand, I used my abundant amount of Ki to read his mind. Getting what I wanted to know, I went back to the party.

"Not all of them are involved in the death of your family. It was just Ares, Zeus, Apollo, Hera and Aphrodite, who did this". I said while looking at the rest of the people standing here. Guess the story in some of the Fictional worlds is same for the Greek Pantheon huh.

(A/N: Before you go yapping. Know that he is not the Original Vegeta and has lived a good and fulfilling life with his family. Not like Vegeta, who had to do Frieza's bidding. It all depends on circumstances.)

I know, I have no business in even checking, who is innocent and who is not but killing innocent will leave a bad taste in my mouth. I am not morally the best but I have my own bottom line and I am no the original Vegeta, who had destroyed plenty of Planets.

"This doesn't change anything!!" Kratos growled from the side, looking at me."But the innocent ones will have to be spared". I said and made my stand clear on this. I don't mind killing but innocents are to be spared.

"If you have taken her as your daughter then you have to set example for her and not just go on a mindless killing spree". I said and targeted his soft spot and it seemed to work. He just shifted his gaze away from me with a hmph.

Seeing the situation and hearing the talk between me and Kratos. The rest of the Gods got ready for what was about to happen. Heracles just up and left, didn't even consider joining the fight between us. Guess, he knows the horrors of the Dragon Ball characters.

"Grayfia, take Ophis and go away from this area. This area is not going to be so peaceful from now on". I said to Grayfia and pattens Ophis' little head. Even though I know that Ophis can handle herself in front these weak Gods but Kratos won't let me take chances.

"I will say this again, those who are not involved in this. Step away and I know that you can figure out, what I am talking about". I said to all of them with my usual posture.

(A/N: Well, DB is a show in DXD and I made Heracles an Otaku. I mean it just felt right. Had to give Vegeta at least some recognition, even if a bit wrong. Next video on my YouTube channel will be out in the next two days. How Strong is Luffy? Link and description of my Channel in Author's Notes.)

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