
chapter 2

3 person pov

 with the z warriors

 "get ready they are all coming!"

 a green alien screamed for his allies to prepare for battle.

 "Mr. Piccolo, I'm scared"

 a child named Gohan said to his master.

 "shut up boy you are our last hope against these guys don't be a coward!"  Piccolo shouted.

 but he was stopped when the invaders arrived.

 "look what we have here several worms to be exterminated"

 vegeta said as he went down to the ground.

 "it looks like they were already expecting us to vegeta" nappa said vegeta.

 "nappa is right why they would be here in the middle of nowhere" katsu said.

 vegeta looked at piccolo

 "a namekuseijin, what is one of them doing so far from home?"

 katsu saw how the namekuseijin was in shock after what his brother said and so he raised an eyebrow.

 "does he not know that he is a namekuseijin?"

 katsu took advantage of this break and decided to look at the fighting powers in the scouter, vegeta realized what katsu was doing.

 "I see that you are preparing to fight katsu do not waste your powers on these worms let the knowmen take care of it"

 after vegeta said that he waved to nappa to put the sabermans who quickly got off the ground ready to fight.

 (cutting fights that you already know)

 the three saiyans saw how the warriors were all hurt and 4 killed being piccolo, tien, chaos and yamcha.

 nappa was about to smash Gohan's head but he disappeared when nappa stepped on the floor he was confused about why the boy was gone and vegeta and katsu were also surprised.

 in revealing very close to where nappa was Gohan was on top of a yellow cloud known as a flying cloud.

 they all looked to the side and saw a boy with palm hair looking at them angrily.

 katsu smirked when he saw kakarot or Goku that even these earthlings called him when he saw that he was quick to the point where nappa didn't see them and for a second it just made him more excited to fight him.

 they all saw how kakarot checked the bodies that nappa had left on the battlefield and even nappa reminded him of the little dwarf who committed suicide for nothing, katsu laughed at the memory of that "pathetic" he would say in his head.

 standing kakarot gave nappa a deadly look.

 "bastard I will never forgive you for what you did!"

 and then Goku started to scream and increase his power level and creating a dust curtain.

 the vegeta and katsu scouters started to beep due to the increased power of kakarot.

 vegeta who was surprised started to speak the levels out loud.

 "its power is 6 thousand 7 thousand 8 thousand and continues to increase"

 when the dust settled nappa looked at vegeta.

 "say what is the kakarot's fighting power"

 katsu swallowed while saying to his brother.

 "it's more than nine thousand!"

 nappa was in shock.

 "more than nine thousand !? this device must be broken!"

 but he was interrupted by Goku.

 "don't worry post I haven't used kaioken yet"

 vegeta was confused and said "kaio what?"

 katsu looked at vegeta and said "it's kaioken vegeta"

 nappa ran up to goku smiling with confidence and said "even if you have more than 9 thousand power you will not be able to beat the great nappa i will show ... argh!"

 but he was interrupted by Goku who kicked him in the head causing him to fall to the ground.

 "impressive" katsu thought

 Goku looked at nappa and said "you are not that good you are just a failure"

 nappa got angry at Goku and said "what did you say !? did I hear you right, did you call me a failure !?"

 nappa got up and went to attack Goku with a series of punches and kicks but Goku avoided the attacks very easily and Goku got tired of deflecting and started attacking back by punching Nappa and kicking him in the face making him fly to a lot  of stones that they collapsed on nappa.

 (just one explanation Goku, piccolo and gohan are stronger than in the original story because now there are three saiyans and that ended up making them stronger)

 nappa stood up very hurt but very angry.

 "bastard you will pay for it"

 nappa threw a stone at Goku which he deflected and he saw nappa going towards him when nappa got close to Goku he deflected going to Gohan and krillin who were watching the fight.

 when they realized they started screaming.

 and Goku who realized it was after nappa but he wouldn't reach it.

 "shit didn't want to use this but I have no choice" Goku thought.

 "kaioken!"  Goku shouted.

 quickly the katsu scouter started to beep measuring the fighting power and there were 15,000

 "impossible he has 15 thousand  fighting power"

 vegeta looked at katsu.

 "katsu don't trust your scouter he is broken it is impossible for kakarot a low class warrior to have all this power"

 katsu looked at his brother and i agree and then katsu dropped his scouter on the floor and stepped on it breaking it.

 in Goku's situation he had arrived in time and brutally wounded nappa and hurled him at katsu and vegeta.

 Goku looked at the two.

 "I hope you take your friend and leave this planet"

 vegeta laughed.

 "do you really think just because you won this idiot will you beat us? don't make me laugh post is a bad joke"

 nappa who was on the ground begged vegeta to help him and he took nappa's hand and threw him into the sky and then he said.  "a saiyan who has no legs is useless to me! disappear!"

 and then a lightning bolt hit nappa that killed him instantly.

 katsu was surprised by this and so did vegeta.

 "holy shit vegeta didn't have to do that!"

 vegeta looked maliciously at katsu.

 "nappa was a weak idiot as we already have real blood in our veins we are strong and the strong prevail while the weak die"

 Goku was incredulous at what he saw he just witnessed that vegeta ended up killing his ally, Goku clenched his fists hard because of that.

 "he couldn't even defend himself! coward!"

 vegeta laughed again.

 "but what a joke you make me laugh kakarot but when i kill you i will blow up this disgusting planet ... just knowing that there are several worms on this planet makes me disgust and you are just like them a worm ready to be trampled"

 Goku looked at vegeta with a penetrating look and said.

 "your pride will be your undoing and besides you two can come and fight with me i will win and i will make you pay for what you did to my friends"

 katsu smiled at that.

 "you are very brave Goku but do not think that I will not avenge what you did with nappa know that I will also break your legs and I will see you bleed little by little begging for mercy on my feet ... and that of my brother vegeta  "

 Goku looked at katsu.

 "this is an adult fight kid don't get involved in something you can't win"

 (another katsu explanation is 16 years old)

 "What did you say you idiot"

 katsu was already going to attack Goku but vegeta stopped him by putting his hand in front of him.

 katsu looked at vegeta who was looking at him seriously

 "I hate to say but kakarot is right let me solve it don't get me wrong you are strong but you are not yet fully prepared"

 katsu crossed his arms and turned to the other side doing "hmph!  fine"

 vegeta looked at his brother for a few seconds but kakarot spoke again.

 "We will fight elsewhere"

 vegeta smirked and said.

 "I hope you are ready to die kakarot"

 and then they flew away leaving katsu in place grumbling.

 "Every damn time when there is a strong vegeta person never let me fight him it's always the same excuse" you are not ready yet " " you still don't have enough strength" "what anger"

 "I fought enemies with more than 7 thousand power and I beat them without sweating but not every time it has to happen it is as if he is protecting me or something"

 katsu was thinking about it and quickly got it out of his head.

 "Don't vegeta I wouldn't protect him he's my brother but he's not the type to help his little brother"

 katsu sighed.

 "I think I will have to wait here until I kill kakarot"