Finding herself in a virtual world left by her supposedly deceased father, Valerie sets off to find her missing father. --- Hello, author here! I will be dropping VANHA,, sorry, I know I said I wouldn't but ah well here I am qaq I wont delete the already posted chapters! And I am moving accounts to @YueLqn so I might write another story on that acc.
My father was a great man.
He was someone that helped the world advance many years ahead.
He died when I was 4.
Whenever I recall, I can still smell the metallic scent in the air.
I can no longer remember what he looked like.
They killed him in front of me.
'Target killed'
That was what they said.
I swore revenge on the people who killed him.
Hiding in the closet until they left.
Someone came to the house and told me,
'Let me help you'
He reached out to me with his had, deep blue eyes filled with warmth.
I took his hand and followed him.
He took me to an underground base.
They trained me harshly.
'You need to be strong in order to take revenge, okay?'
I nodded and believed in them, I believed in him.
They molded me into a puppet.
I didn't care, they were to help me in my revenge after all.
When I turned 10 they sent me to the outside world.
My task was to kill the richest man in the world.
I didn't want to. He was fathers' friend.
But he said that the guy was one of the people who plotted to kill my father.
So I killed him.
As well as many others.
I didn't regret.
Because they killed my father.
The people called me a demon.
A ruthless, cold hearted devil.
Yet I didn't care.
Because I was taking revenge for my father.
So when I found out that he lied to me, that it was they who killed father?
I killed them.
My father was a great man.
I died shortly after getting my revenge.
Because my body couldn't handle it anymore.
Pure will kept me going and when I reached my goal that fire extinguished.
I burst.
I wasn't one to believe in 'God'.
In my opinion, doing so just a show of weakness.
Praying to an unknown spiritual being just shows how one cannot rely on oneself and must seek the help of something that may or may not exist.
Which was why I belived that after death, I would get my eternal rest. no kingdom of God, no heaven or hell, no reincarnation.
It was tiring to be alert and on guard at all times.
And mentally, I was exhausted. But I still needed to survive so I could get revenge for my father.
When I was younger there were other children, same age as me in the underground base.
I made friends with some of them.
After which I found out that my friends betrayed me.
They left me to die in a mission.
Because they were envious.
Jealous of my talent.
After that, I decided that I would act alone from then on.
But the missions were too hard to do solo at the time.
So instead I was always on guard whenever I was assigned to a task with my so called 'teamates'.
Which resulted into a habit that never put me to sleep.
It was all a light rest, nap or break.
I wanted to sleep.
Wanted to rest.
When I was younger, when father was still alive, we would make our own imaginary world.
We named it Vanha. A fantasy world of our own imagination.
After he died, I made a VRMMORPG which I named VANHA, in memory of him.
The system was built on top of his latest research.
When the game released, it soared in the rankings. Reaching the top spot in a matter of days.
Sometimes, I would go in the game and sit there.
Give myself a little break.
And sometimes I wonder, is he still out there?
Making big achievements, satisfying his never ending thirst for knowledge in a place far away?
I died at 16.
Normal girls my age would be crushing on boys and taking exams in school.
Like a normal kid.
I wasn't so normal.
The only thing about me that was fairly normal was that I read light novels from time to time.
And though I didn't hate my life, I disliked being told what to do.
Living like a normal person, a life of ignorance doesn't appeal to me that much.
I guess I inherited that from my father.
He always wanted to see the bigger picture. Wanted to be a part of it.
Not living in ignorance and in our own bubbles.
We wanted freedom from these invisible chains that weigh us down.
December 3 31xx 6:41 AM
'This is xxx news, we bring you some breaking news this morning. The serial killer xxx has died, her body was found dead in the outskirts of the xxx forest.
Autopsy reports estimate that she had died a few hours prior to being found.
DNA testing identifies her as the daughter of xxx, a famous computer scientist and xxx, a prodigy martial artist. She was artificially made using the genes of her parents.
In the surrounding area, multiple bodies, as well as an undergound base entrance was found.
The xxx has released a statement saying that they are still searching for possible motives. xxx, a friend of xxx's father says that xxx was a nice kid and adored her father very much.
12 years ago, xxx's father was killed in a murder. The case is still an unsolved mystery today. Could this be the reason why xxx was going around killing people? Revenge for her deceased father?
Thats all for now, this is xxx news and I will see you all again at 11 later this morning!'
The fire which once burned inside me died out after I completed my goal.
I could feel it extinguish.
Then my body, which was trained to the limits went limp.
I collapsed onto the ground.
My eternal rest awaits.
It was so deafening yet there was no sound left to distinguish.
The lack of light yet the darkness was the most blinding of all.
Emotionally and physically scarred until the pain was numbed.
Heavy pressure weighing down until one bursts.
Em breve