
Vampire zone

poth_gula · Ação
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5 Chs

You are late

"Four years have passed your highness I don't think she will return"

"Yes your majesty we are losing hope maybe it's time to give up"

"No... no! it can't be she is still there, alive we just need to find her" A young voice spoke desperately.

"It's no use, your majesty we won't find her she's..................dead" Then along with threatening silence.


twelve years later,

"Good morning young master, you woke up late today" A maid who was standing near a king-size bed spoke to the king's son who just woke up. The prince turned his head to the drawn curtains. The moonlight landed on the prince's face which brightens his red eyes.

"What time is it? " the prince asked. "Ten - o'clock young master you had to wake up at eight o'clock to meet your new teacher and your father said to call you to the throne room to decide your punishment" "Mm I better get ready soon then" The prince had white hair that matched his red eyes which gave him handsome and dangerous looks, so does the maid have red eyes, everyone in this world has this special feature. The prince dressed in a black suit and a coat with cat years on both sides of the hood with a red fabric inside and black on the outside. And went to see his father king Stephen the king of the vampire world.

.....dramatic music being........

A dark hallway being lit by fire on both sides of the hall and a stage where the king sat on his throne waiting for his son to arrive.

....dramatic music ends......

The huge doors to the entrance of the hallway opened and in came the white-haired boy and bowed to his father" I apologized for being late father" "Hump" the king smirked. " I will forgive you son but I will still punish you for letting your teacher wait for an hour"

"Yes father," the boy said looking down sadly his father's punishments are the worst. Once his father whipped his butt so hard that he needed to apply treatments to his butt a whole month! "But this time it's a different punishment" his father added

Hello there everyone Like it ? Add to library! note: if anyone doesn't understand anything please leave a comment below.The white-haired boy's name will be revealed in the next chapter

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