
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

8. First move time with roommate

Two weeks has gone by, and the same routine took place, something close to the first day—except that Touya picked you up in the morning for the usual, came by in-between your classes, and dropped you off at night.

You appreciated his over-the-top efforts, which almost convinced you that he truly liked you, while you also replicated mutual feelings. Except that your roommate has been acting extra strange.

You lifted up the little water spray and began to spray the beautiful flowers in the cute little pot that Touya gifted you with. You placed it right beside the corner of your room—always reminding you of him every morning.

You hummed to the tune of your instrumental music within your ears, tapping your feet to the beat. You loved relaxing mornings like this, especially since it was the weekend. You didn't have much planned, except of course for meeting up with Touya later on.

As you were enjoying your serene moment, Shinsou's kitten came along. She began circling around your feet, while licking the edge of your toes, causing splutters of giggles to escape your lips. If there was one favourite thing you could take out of this dorm with you, was his cat.

As if on cue, the tall male was making his way upstairs, spotting you with the cheerful vibe, while petting his cat. He went inside, stared blankly at you then towards the adorable creature before dismissing you completely.

If there was one strange thing that has been happening with him was that he no longer bothered to even take his cat away from you. He would simply stare at you for a while before ignoring your existence. This time, he simply went to his closet and began changing to some outdoor garment.

It was rather strange. But, that was not all.

After you were done, you placed down the mini water spray and strolled your way to the washroom. You grabbed some of your prepared clothing ready to take a warm, soothing shower. You hoped that he would give you the privacy that any human deserved. A part of you thought he was not human at all, since he couldn't care less about giving you rights to privacy, but you dismissed such an unusual thought. Assuming he was just a bad boy that has no compunction in his conscience towards giving a lady some privacy—since the first day you took a shower.

You stepped in, allowing the heat of the water droplets course down your exposed skin. You stroked through your hair, using the new minty-flavoured shampoo on—which you bought recently with Touya, right across the street at the mini-mart. The insistence was on his part, while you partially agreed. At the end, you had to agree with him, it feels and smells much fresher than you thought.

Suddenly, a set of knocks was found on the door. You blinked, still getting used to it since about two days ago—he knocks now.

"Are you done yet?" His deep voice questioned, through the wooden door.

"Almost! Just give me five more minutes!"

From there, he did not reply, but simply waited.

You wondered what was the cause of the sudden change in him. He was just plain rude since you first came, and now, after two weeks of being mostly away from the dorm—mostly hanging with Touya—caused him to act differently.

You didn't know what, but you appreciated it nonetheless. After all, this is how he ought to treat you anyway. You were tempted to ask him for the reason, but you doubted he would bother to give you a straight answer, so you simply dismissed such a thought.


You sat down on the comfy couch, with a sandwich full of meat—which Touya insisted for you to eat, unsure of exactly why he would concern you on your consumption. You assumed he truly cared for you and wanted you to try out some healthy meals. Besides the fact that he mentioned it was his favourite, so why not give it a go for the morning?

You scrolled through your phone, while the kitten was busy playing with some little ball at the middle of the living room. Footsteps evidently gotten louder with every passing moment, causing you to flicker your eyes up to spot the purple-haired male making his way towards you.

You eyed him once before getting yourself immersed back to your phone—mostly chatting with either Fuyumi or Kirishima. Touya was out of the picture, since he mentioned how he had some work to do, and some hangout he has with his older friends.

It was understandable, considering your age gap, yet you wanted nothing more than to talk to him, or at least see him face-to-face. You admitted that you reached at a point where you had fallen for him completely, within the span of two weeks.

You took another small bite of your sandwich, while Shinsou switched on the large screen TV and browsed through some shows on Heroflix.


Your eyes perked up at him, watching his pale face illuminate from the bright sunlight through the tall glass panes.. "...Yes?"

He averted his eyes away for a bit, before he turned his violet eyes back into your own, red lips parting slightly before he spoke, "...Wanna watch something?"

You blinked repeatedly, a mixture of shock and surprise went through your mind, wondering how he suddenly changed into someone completely different.

...Sure," you replied, "...I'll stay and watch, I've got nothing else planned anyway."

He nodded softly before he averted his eyes back towards the large screen. "...not hanging out with that guy this time?"

"...no, he said he said he's busy with some work with some of his friends," you replied with a slightly sad tone. "...so, I'm just stuck here today."

"Ah, his work..."

"Yeah...his part time work," you continued. "...somewhere at his dad's place, at least that's all he told me."

He scoffed. "His dad's place? What a great excuse."

"Excuse?" You questioned, quite taken aback as you watched his unmoving expression, yet he was talking as if he knew something more than you could ever have within two weeks. "...his dad works in a large company, and he said he's working there."

"Tch, everyone knows he hates his father," he mentioned, averting his violet orbs back at you. "...The last thing he ever wants is to be a part of his company."

"But..." you began, brows furrowed at what he said. "...I know he seems to have some form of hatred towards his father, but he said he wanted to be a good son and earn some of his own pocket money."

He forced a small laugh, before looking back at the screen, some light dancing within his eyes with slight mockery, before he clicked on some movie. "...[Last Name], all I can say is that there's a lot about his history that you still don't know of yet."

"...I know that," you swallowed, slightly nervous. "...which is why I want to know him more, in fact, I plan on dating him."

"..." there was silence before he slowly craned his head towards you. His look grew solemn, dark aura surrounded the creases of his brow before he looked back at the TV. You averted your eyes away from his serious stare, almost wondered what was going through his head, at the mention of your plan to date Touya.

"Here, let's watch Twibright."

"Twibright? Isn't that the romance movie on Vampires?" You asked, as you finished off some of your sandwich.

"Yeah..." he began before he stood up. "...Want some popcorn?"

You raised a brow, quite surprised to find that he has some popcorn hidden somewhere. "...Yeah, sure!"

You heard rummaging through the kitchen, and some popping sounds from the microwave. You waited patiently, while thinking about what Shinsou had said about Touya. If you were honest with yourself, there was certain things that he remained disclosed, but you simply dismissed it and hoped that one day he would share it with you—at least when you do start dating him. But, you also somewhat knew that you were blinded by your love for him to bother questioning further into things.

Soon enough, Shinsou made his way towards you with a large popcorn bag in his arms. You were seated at the side sofa of the TV, so he motioned you to come and sit with him at the front sofas—to have a better view of the movie.

You stood up, and made your way to sit with him. The popcorn was placed in the middle with a large ceramic plate underneath to support its balance.

"Hold on, I'll grab some drinks," you suggested, getting up before he stood up with you.

"Nah, I'll do it," he insisted. "...I'm the one who asked you to watch a movie with me, I'll go get the drinks, what would you like?"

"Oh...um, what's available?"

"Just some iced tea or water."

"Then, I'll take the iced tea," you replied, giving a small smile.

He blinked gracefully with a nod, causing slight truffles of his his hair to bob down adorably, displaying a subtle tug of a smile on his red lips. "Sure, I'll get it right away."

"...o-oh, okay," you replied, feeling a sudden strange warmth upon hearing a soothing side of his voice, before he turned back from his spot and made his way towards the kitchen once again.

You felt awestruck, unsure of why you wanted to keep staring at him through the window walls of the kitchen, especially at the reminder of how he made a small, innocent smile at you—almost as if he was talking to his cat. You popped a popcorn in your mouth, chewing the salty cheese flavour in it, while the kitten jumped onto your lap and took one too.

Shinsou looked rather relaxed with that grey, sequinned sweater—looking like a winter clothing—with the black pyjamas that went along with his overall look. The most adorable part was the he wore cat slippers, which nearly changed your overall view of him.

Though you two had a bad start at the beginning, you assumed that maybe he was truly trying his best to make amends towards his past behaviour towards you. Yet still, cat got your tongue in curiosity of why he would sporadically change within days.

He sat down beside you, handing over a transparent glass of iced tea, while he held a mug with a small straw in it. He pressed the button of the remote and began playing the movie.


"Ah, what a lucky girl to have someone like him to protect her," you commented, as you took a sip of your iced tea and threw in a popcorn into your mouth.

"...but, don't you think that the guy should've stayed away from her in the first place? Or else she'll be in real trouble by getting bitten by the others?"

"Well..." you began, averting your eyes to meet his beautiful violet ones. "...Can't help it when they're in love right?"

"But, if he truly loves her, he'd stay away from her though," he replied. "...After all, it's for the best for her or else she might potentially die."

"I see what you mean," you murmured with an affirmative nod. "...but she could turn into a Vampire though, that would be cool."

"Cool? That would take away her humanity though, plus the chances of being a vampire is low, she'd die," he added as he chewed some popcorn in his mouth. "...

"But, she might be immortal with him and wouldn't it be the best to stay with your lover forever?"

He shrugged, as he took a sip of his drink, you watched how a thickly crimson red liquid went through the straw and made its way into his mouth. You curled your brow in sudden curiosity.

"What's your drink by the way?"

"Hm?" His cocked a brow at you, releasing his lips slightly, revealing a deep crimson red in between his already red lips. There was even crimson colour stuck with his white teeth.

"Oh, this?" He raised it. "...it's some fruit, I forgot what, but it tastes really good, I drink it everyday."

"But, you said there was only iced tea or water available, why didn't you give me that fruit option?" You asked, with a slight pouty look.

He chuckled slightly, before shaking his head. "Those are the options I have for you, but this is for me."

"...oh? Can it try some?" You asked obliviously, as you shifted closer. "Maybe I can test to see what fruit it is."

"...No, sorry," he cleared his throat before he shifted his eyes back at the screen. "...I don't share my drinks."

"...Oh, that's...understandable."

His eyes widened slightly before he turned his eyes towards you and spoke solemnly, "...What do you mean by that?"

"Huh?" You returned your gaze back at him.

"You said it's understandable," he repeated with a serious look. "...what exactly do you mean by that?"

You gulped, shifting back slightly at the sudden acidity in his tone. "What I meant was...that you don't particularly like to share things...I already knew that from the beginning."

"O-Oh," he simply sighed, almost in relief, before he turned his eyes back at the screen. "...yeah, you know me so well."

You let out a light-hearted chuckle, dismissing the suspicion that lingered in your heart. Yet, you knew that there was nothing suspicious about certain misunderstanding in words.

"...yep, Shinsou, I wonder what else you're hiding that I don't know about," you absentmindedly commented before returning your gaze back at the front.

From there, he remained silent, before averting his eyes back at you one more time, sipping on his drink to stop himself from the hunger that throbbed within at the sight of you.