
Vampire Roommate [Shinsou x Reader] [Twilight-Mix]

After getting accepted into UA University, things get suspicious living with your new hot dorm roommate, not realizing that he was another creature altogether. Not realizing that it was too late to turn back when you’ve fallen head over heels on a creature not your own.

Dimly578 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

35. Claim me now

He immediately lurched back, giving off a look of incredulity as if you had committed a crime. After all, what was so wrong about becoming a Vampire? It seemed as though it was the most ideal resort, yet it somehow sent chills down your spine, throbbing your head at the thought of two teeth-like needles to pierce through the surface of your skin.

"Absolutely not."

His lips formed to a twisted frown, violet eyes shuttered momentarily, drifting off to a distant memory that crossed the line. You stepped back, gulping with a contorted frown. Fist clenched tightly, nails digging your own flesh at the frustration settling uncomfortably within your situation.

"Then what? Wait until he comes back and kill me?" You snapped irritably, voice growing coarse.

He flinched, pinched his cherry lips together, parting it slightly ajar with reluctance. His brows thrusted down, took a step forward towards you with a prolonged, solemn gaze.

"…I will never do that again," he determined. "I have only one choice for you, and when I say this, are you willing to comply?"

You paused for a moment, wondering what he meant by never doing that again. What again? Has he done it before? Surely he has at least once in his lifetime. It peaked your curiosity even more, realizing that despite his honest nature, there were more mystery yet to be unveiled. You eyes flickering down with hesitance before you averted your eyes back up to meet his solemn gaze. "...depends on what."

He shut his eyes with a sigh. "It was what I said from the beginning, start a new life in another country, I'll give you plenty of money, since I don't need it anyways, so you can start there. Don't try to retaliate my suggestion, it's just an offer. So, what do you say?"

You sighed softly, "...Is that the only choice I have?"

His jaw clenched, faltered slightly as he inhaled sharply. "...Yes."

"But, won't there be Vampires there?" You asked softly, feeling a mixture of emotions rounding up in your throat, keeping it all within.

"...I'll set up security for you," he murmured, "...I have friends overseas that could help you, ones that are like me, so...I'll set it up tonight, if you let me."

"...But, why are you willing to go this far?" You asked, looking at him with curious, adorable orbs. "...I'm just another one of Touya's targeted victims...and you knew that this would happen and yet, from the very beginning...you seemed to have warned me and tried to stop me...why?"

"..." he stared at you for a moment, eyes reminiscing a foggy memory of someone that looked like you. He shook his head, before forcing a laugh, flickering his forehead. "...Just tell me your answer already, or else I'll change my mind and eat you instead."

"HA?!" You gaped at him before chortling and playfully punched his chest, rolled your eyes off before you leaned close to his face, confidence oozing off with a slight smirk. Your eyes narrowed at his confused glance. "...You wouldn't."

"Oh?" He raised a brow, a lazy grin adorned by his reddish lips, ambling his head slightly. "...What makes you think I won't try?"

"Because..." you slowly averted your eyes down at his lips, before lurching it back up to meet his eyes—since he was towered slightly above you. "...You would have already done so by now, but you didn't, you've been giving me ideas on how I could survive out of Touya's grasp...So, I can conclude that you have no intention of eating me up."

"Pft," he scoffed, grinning wider with amusement settling on his bright features. "Are you challenging me?"

Your lips formed to a tighter smirk, feeling confident. "Maybe I am?"

"Hah, you have no idea how much I'm holding back on you," he murmured, maintaining his gaze onto your eyes. "...So don't tempt me, I don't have endless willpower especially with how close you are right now."

You flinched hesitantly, lips chewed together to clump your lips in unison. Your pulse thudded in your ears, before you forced a laugh. "...Guess I found your weakness, huh?"

"Please, don't start this," he muttered, sniffing for a moment before lurching his nose away, crinkled to remove your intoxicating smell.

"Haha, alright, come're," you challenged, pulling his palm and placed it onto your neck, causing his violet eyes to widen. You pulled him close, "...come, smell me closer."

"What are you—?!"

You leaned your head forward, right up to his left ear. You knew that you had no intention of leaving this place, nor will you bother be eaten alive by Touya. But, the idea of becoming a Vampire intrigued you, and you had one person in mind that you'd be willing to let yourself be tried on. You leaned a bit closer, squeezing his hand gently before you whispered, "...I'll comply to your offer if you just...try? Let your senses or your hunger take over, even for a moment?"

He squeezed your hand back tighter, stepping back as he eyed you carefully. His pointed nose was inches apart from you, as if he could shred you to ribbons in a moment. "...Don't test me, [Name], just because I haven't chosen to take you as my own before. . .doesn't mean I can't do it now."

"Then do it," you assuaged, raising a brow in challenge at the Vampire before you. "...Shinsou, do it, claim me now."