

His interface now looked like this

Name - Levi Crimson

Level - 1


Race - Vampire

HP - 1000/1000

MP - 100/100

Combat power - 2(+25)

Spirit - 10

skills - lunar enhancement,enhanced strength,enhanced regeneration,blood manipulation,transformation(vampire),blood absorption

His stats were increased by a lot he had to level up so he could be even stronger thinking this he went to look for prey he found a monster holding something in its hand when he got a closer look he realized that it was holding human intestines he was so disgusted that he threw up but he soon regained his calm he decided to test out his abilities he used blood manipulation to gather the blood and launched it in the form of an arrow the monster died very fast he was surprised at how powerful he was

exp + 10

sp + 100

New skill created Blood arrow lv1

he was surprised so skills could be created this way suddenly something attacked him from behind his back was wounded he looked back to see a wolf-like creature standing behind him his HP was decreased by half he launched three blood arrows one of them hit its weak point and nearly killed it but it went berserk because of its injuries and started attacking him madly his HP was decreasing fast he needed to do something now suddenly he got an idea he lured the creature near a pool of blood when the creature leaped at him he dodged and the creature fell into the pool of blood I used the blood to trap it and used blood absorption on it, its body dried up my wounds were fully healed

New Skill acquired phantom steps

EXP + 100

SP + 100

leveled up