
Vampire Love Eternal

I have never regretted becoming a Vampire. If anything I was thankful for being turned. It gave me a second chance and I live every day like it's my last. Ironic how I only started living this way after I becoming immortal. I am happy with the way things are now. Of course, I have many regrets from my past life but I have learned to live with them. I will no let anything take away my peace. Not even him... ***** She looks happy now. Her smile looks as genuine and beautiful as I remembered. I wish I could just live her be but I am as selfish as ever. I miss having her in my arms. I miss the way she looked at me like I was her world. She was my world but I was too weak to protect her. That man is gone, I am stronger now. Strong enough to protect us and this time I won't run. She may think she can resist me but I have time on my side. I owe her an eternity of love and I intend to pay her in full. *****

MaiaRevo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

My Beautiful Halle

Halle POV

"How many times do I have to tell you not to put the kitchen towel near the stove? Do you want to burn my kitchen down?" I shouted scolding one of the newest hires in my restaurant. She was being trained as a kitchen porter.

Bowing repeatedly, she started to apologize, "I am sorry chef, I am so-"

I interrupted her before she could continue apologizing.

"You don't have to apologize; I have told you about this twice already," I explained still talking in a loud stern tone. I sighed inwardly. I could sense people's eyes on us, so I turned and scolded them too, "You clearly don't have work to do if you have time to watch me, GET BACK TO WORK."

I turned back to the newcomer, "Please go to my office and wait for me." She hurried out of the kitchen with her head down. I could tell she was embarrassed after being scolded in front of everyone.

I needed to cool down, so I didn't blow up at her again.

I quickly went to my sous chef to inform him that I would be in my office for an hour. And I was available if he needed me.

Once I got to my office, I could sense her nervousness. She was fidgeting with her shirt. I knew she always did that when she was nervous. At times like this, I am reminded of how young she is. She has come a long way from the girl I met 8 months ago...

***** The past *****

I engaged the alarm then walked out of my restaurant, locking the door behind me. As I walked to my car parked close by, I heard someone crying. I looked around but only saw a few cars on the road and about 4 people walking on the sidewalks. I thought to myself that the crying may not be close.

This is the perks of having supernatural hearing. I am a vampire so I can hear things from a long-distance. I can see clearly during the night, run faster than a sports car and also sense people's feelings if the feelings are strong enough. It can be a curse and a blessing.

I focused on the sound of crying and that is when I saw her. A girl on the roof, two buildings away. She is standing on the edge of the building. If the slightest wind blew, she would definitely fall, that is how close to the edge she is.

I sighed and thought, "I guess today my curse could be her blessing."

I ran to the rooftop and made it there in 3 seconds. She didn't hear me come up behind her, so I spoke as lightly as possible as to not startle her, "Excuse me…"

Unfortunately she still got startled despite my best efforts, so I ran to her barely grabbing onto her hand before she fell over. I pulled her down from the edge and she crumpled to the floor crying.

I let her cry because she obviously needed it.

After 4 straight minutes, I finally said something.

"Are you okay?" She looked up at me in a daze, her face cover with tears and nose running. I could finally see her face very clearly. She had to be only 21 years old. I could feel her unbearable sadness, something I have not felt in a very long time.

I asked again if she was okay and she finally spoke, "How could they do this?" "I thought they were my family, I thought he loved me."

I moved to sit next to her so she could talk to me better. "What happen to you?" I asked concerned.

"He is getting married, to my sister. He used me to make her jealous. I didn't even know they dated before he was with me. How could he say that he loved me, then the next day he tells me it's over and he is getting married to my sister".

She paused for a breathe before continuing, "I can't believe my parents didn't say anything about it. They told me I was being dramatic, and I should just understand that my sister loves him," she said.

I could feel a rise in anger coming from her.

She said with her voice raised, "What about me? Do I not love him? How could my sister do this to me? I told her how much I loved him, and we finally started getting along for the first time in years. She may not be the nicest person, but she is still my sister."

She returned to her sullen mood and said, "How could she do this to me. She told me that she was seeing him for a year while he was still dating me. I finally confronted him today, and he said that I was pathetic for thinking he could ever love me."

She started crying again. "Don't I deserve to be loved," she said. I looked at this beautiful young girl in front of me and all I could think of was ripping her boyfriend apart. And her sister deserves so much worse.

"Can you tell me your name?"

She sniffed a little then said, "My name is Becca."

Between her heavy sobbing she looked at me curiously, "Why are you listening to me? You don't even know me."

"And you don't know me, yet you talked to me. That must have been hard. All I had to do was listen," I said.

"Well, thank you. It is good to talk to someone who may remember me when I am gone," she said.

Suddenly the look in her eyes changed. She stood up and tried to get onto the edge again. Pulling her back, I saw the empty look in her eyes. She truly looked like she was ready to give up. I know that feeling, there is no going back for her, but I have to try at least.

"Do you really want to do this? Are you sure you want it to end like this? They are the ones who should suffer."

"I don't want this life anymore; I don't want to watch them. I do not want to forgive. I might want to see them suffer but I don't have the strength," she said.

"If you really want it to end, I won't stop you, but can you give me your phone? And enter your passcode" She got it from her pocket and handed it to me.

I asked, "Are your contacts saved on your phone or your SIM?".

She said, "Both." She answered like she didn't care, and nothing could change her mind. Although I could sense some sadness, It also felt like there was nothing left for her to feel.

I asked her, "Do you know where your ex is?"

"Probably sleeping at home, he goes to bed early," she said.

"And your sister?" I asked.


I tried to avoid it, but I had to know for my plan to work. "How far do they live from here?"

Her eyes watered a little more before she said, "They don't live together yet, she lives 10 minutes from here and he lives 15 minutes away".

I looked through her contacts and found her ex-boyfriend's number. I texted him, "We should talk. I don't know why you had to hurt me to get to my sister, but I will tell the world what a despicable human being you are. Meet me tonight on the rooftop of the Trestin Building or else."

I texted her sister next, "I don't know what I ever did to make you hate so much that you stole my boyfriend. I will tell the world what a horrible person you are. I know you care what people think so come see me at the rooftop of the Trestin building and maybe we can work through this. Before I do something, you will regret"

Finally, I took a picture of the moon with the opposite buildings at the bottom. I posted the picture with the caption, "Hoping to hear an apology today. Is a full moon a good or bad sign?" Then I removed the SIM and gave her the phone.

I asked, "Can we talk then I will leave you be?"

She responded, "I don't mind the company, you don't have to go as long as you don't try to stop me." We sat back down and started to talk.

Half an hour passed with her telling me about her childhood, and I asked her as many questions as possible to see if there was a way to help her out of this state of mind. But unfortunately, I sensed no change in her feelings. So, I decided to just let her reminisce.

I now know she was close to her grandparents. Her granddad taught her to ride a bike. She is allergic to strawberries. Her grandparents, unfortunately, died 4 years ago, and she tried to end her life then too but failed. I also know her relationship with her parents is really bad, she felt like a burden all her life. But the most important thing I learned was she did not deserve what was happening to her.

I stood up, pulled her too, "If you could live a new life, would you?"

She looked at me hesitantly and said, "Yes, but I think this is the way mine was supposed to end."

I looked her in the eye saying, "I can give you a new life, I can't promise you happiness, but I promise you vengeance."

She looked at me confused by my words. Not long after her face started to contort in horror as I transformed into a vampire.

Couldn't blame her. In my vampire form my eyes turn dark red, my skin loses all it's color making me paler than normal. My fangs are visible, and my nails get sharper. Over time vampires have learned to control the extent of their change. We can look much more terrifying if needed but I was not trying to scare this girl to death.

I could sense her fear, but once her shock wore off, she asked, "What are you?" as she began backing up toward the edge of the building.

I moved closer to her. When I got close enough, I bit my palm and forced her to drink my blood. I moved so fast she did not have any time to respond. She struggled a bit but finally let the blood enter her system. Vampire blood is horrible at first, but it has a calming and sometimes addictive effect on humans. Once I knew she had drunk enough blood I took my hand away.

She looked at me like there was so much she wanted to say and ask. And in time I will let her but for now, I only said, "I'll see you soon Becca." Before she could respond I pushed her off the edge of the building.

**** Present ****

As I walked into the office Becca looked at me nervously. I made my way to my desk then sat at my chair. "Becca, you don't have to be nervous; I am not firing you," I smiled to reassure her. "I know it was an honest mistake, but you need to stop making such mistakes."

I run a restaurant for vampires, so my staff mambers are all vampires. "Just because we don't die when burned doesn't mean we like fire so please be more careful."

"I am so sorry, it will never happen again," she responded softly.

"It's okay. Aside from that, you have been doing a good job. How are you coping so far?"

It has only been a month since she started working for me. Before that, she was not up for living much less working. She had to take some time to work through her feeling about becoming a vampire. And work through the scars her ex-boyfriend, her sister, and her parents left on her. It took 2 months for her to stop having nightmares about them and after that, I helped her understand what being a vampire would mean for her.

"Everything is great so far and everybody is really nice," she said with a smile on her face. It always amazes me how easily she switches emotions. Her emotional control was getting better.

"I'm glad to hear that, you may go back to your work," I said.

After she left my office, my office phone rang. I answered, "Hello?"

A familiar voice came through, "My beautiful Halle, have you missed me."

I took a sudden breath in shock.

I had not heard that voice in over 400 years.

Would love some feedback. Let me know what you thought.

Never really done something like this. This is only my second time writing.

Creation is hard but fun. Hope you enjoy it.

MaiaRevocreators' thoughts