
chapter 1 (travel to scotland after a vision)

One late night as I was lying in my bed asleep I dreamed about going to Scotland to go meet Nightwish it was a blood red moon I was looking up at the moon as the song Elan was about to play I looked down from looking up at the moon and saw someone or something look at me with dark red eyes so I looked at the moon again and then heard someone talk to me and he said "your majesty time to wake up and come to the cliffs of Scotland by tonight as this isn't a dream it's a vision your having Nightwish will be playing truly and it's a full blood moon tonight so be warned" I wake up and go downstairs for some breakfast and asks my mum "can I go to Scotland after breakfast please mum" she says "why there is nothing happening tonight" I reply back with "that's where your wrong mum Nightwish are playing tonight and I would like to go see them please mum" she says "okay then sweetie start packing after you have had your breakfast" I say back "okay mum thank you" she then said "your welcome sweetie" I finish my breakfast and starts to pack my stuff for the trip to Scotland. After a while of getting packed I come back downstairs and says, "I'm ready mum" my mum then says, "okay sweetie wait for me in the car" I say back "okay mum". So, I go to the car and wait for my mum but as I do so I see the same guy who was in my vision and he says "your mum is hiding a secret from you and she is on her way to the car now so I will see you tonight your majesty" I nod to say okay as my mum opens the car door she says "sweetie are you okay" I say "yes mum I'm okay" we then start heading to Scotland as I say to my mum "mum can I ask you a question please it's really important" she says "okay sweetie ask away I'm ready to answer whatever question you have" I reply back with "mum the same guy who was in my vision I saw him before you got to the car and he said that your keeping a secret from me is this true" my mum says "yes sweetie it's true you're not a human nor a witch you're a vampire who is respected your father is the king of vampires and tonight is a blood moon and tonight you will be awakening into your true self you're the princess of vampires that is highly respected" I say back "so what are you then mum are you part of the vampire family or are you just a human" my mum then says "I'm the same as you and your father a royal vampire and tonight once you awaken you will no longer be able to eat human food unless it's sweets and cakes as there the only things we can taste" I say "okay mum lets go to Scotland I have to be there by tonight as I don't want to miss this blood moon awakening and watching Nightwish play" we both are in Scotland by the time I finish my sentence and my mum says "sweetie I'll book us in a hotel so you can see Nightwish till late tonight" I reply back with "okay mum will do" we then start to head to the hotel and we get our room number and it's number is 666 we just look at each other and just smile and we say this is going to be fun to each other in our minds we start to unpack our stuff and start heading towards the cliffs where Nightwish will be playing and by the time we get there the blood moon starts to rise so we just wait until Nightwish comes on stage I say to my mum "the guy who I told you about is right in front of us mum" she says back "I know sweetie he just smiled at me" I nod my head as to say ah ok then mum he then looks at me and says "your highness glad you can make it and has your mum told you what secret she was hiding from you" I reply back "yes she did but why don't you call my mum your highness as she is the queen of our kind and I'm the princess and the only child" he says back "because your mum isn't actually our queen as she retired from the throne to look after you until tonight" I look at this man and then to my mum and says to them both "is that true" they both nod their heads to say yes it's true.

After waiting for a while the moon rises and everyone's eyes that are vampires go red the same goes with me and then Nightwish comes on stage and starts welcoming everyone who has come to see them live and not long after they welcome everyone they start playing their first song which is called noise everyone including the vampires sing along to the song and then they finish the song and move onto the next one and so on until the song elan comes on and I sing along to it as I get looked at by the other vampires as they all recognize my voice they all bow down to me and starts singing along with me same goes with my mum as soon as that song finishes and I finish singing along all the vampires gather around me and my mum and say "welcome back your highness your father is waiting for you in the forest where your parents met you are not far from the forest but please wait until after the concert with us and we'll escort you and your mum to the forest" I say back "we would be delighted to stay until the concert is over aren't we mum" my mum says "yes we are delighted to stay and have you lot escort us" by the time the concert finishes my fangs start to grow and I try my best to cover them and then one of the vampires see this and they say "your majesty you have now fully awoken and all you need right now is some blood by one of us lot to complete It fully and so you can control your thirst for blood" I nod in acceptance to the offer I was given and they all said "which one of us would you like to drink blood from" I reply back "the one who appeared in my visions when I was starting to awaken he was always there to help me" he steps forward and says "are you sure your majesty" I say back "of course I'm sure otherwise I wouldn't of chosen you" he nods and then offers his neck to me as I couldn't contain the thirst much longer I slowly penetrated his neck to go as deep as I needed to get some blood" I drink his blood until the thirst was quenched and I pulled away as soon as I finished drinking and saw him heal up quickly but not as quick as I heal so I ask him "are you okay did I get too much out of your body or was it enough" he replies back with "it was a tiny bit more than enough but I wouldn't blame you your majesty as you have not had blood in a while" the concert finishes with phantom of the opera and I look at the moon and notices that the colour is getting darker the vampire who I drank blood from says "your majesty are you okay you used to sing to this song all of the time what's wrong" I say back "the moon it's gotten darker and I thought the moon reflects the sun unless there is another lunar eclipse going on" he says "yes the moon does look darker and yes you are correct the moon does reflect the sun so there is only one possible chance that the mistress of darkness has truly accepted you now and is creating a lunar eclipse to say that you are accepted into the night" I nod my head as to say yes that could be correct. After we hear Nightwish say gidos we all look over to the forest and start walking over to the part where mum and dad met for the first ever time there we see my dad look at me and my mum as he started to cry and says in his shaky voice "my two favioret women in the world my how our daughter has grown into one wonderful woman you must have been taking really good care of her my wonderful wife" my mum says "yes I did as what you told me to do my wonderful husband but we need to find a husband for our daughter as her boyfriend isn't a human nor a wolf nor a vampire he's a cross between them all. I look at both my parents and say "I would like to stay with my partner i have now please mum and dad" they both look at eachother and says to me "sure sweetie but you have to be careful around him as he's a mixed hybrid can you promise us that" i nod and say "i promise you that i will be careful around him" they smile and hug me and then my mum says "sweetie do you want us to teleport him here or do you want me to go and get him as we know he's not far from where we are" i say "mum can you teleport him here please" she nods and smiles and by the time she finished the nod and smile my partner is teleported next to me and i give him a hug and he hugs me back we then look at my mum and i tell mum in her mind "should we introduce him to dad mum" my mum says back "sure thing sweetie" we look at our other halfs and tell them to get to know each other they walk ahead of us and talk to each other and find that they have so much in common and they start to bond like a farther and future son in law should

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