
Vampire: Heart's desire of a Werewolf

AArya07 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Guard of the same Hotel

They were returning to their home. In the bus, everyone looked sorrowful and dejected. There was a haunted silence in the bus. 

Everyone reached their respective home. 

Jack entered his room. His mother and sister were waiting for him. They heard about the incident. So, they were worried for him. 

Jack's phone rang, he picked up the call. It was his father on the phone. His father said " Jack! Tell your mom, today I will come home little late. " 

Jack asked " Why dad? What happened? " 

" I am going to visit my friend's son. He got injured on duty. He is a guard in a hotel. " his father replied. 

Jack asked " In which hotel, was he working dad? " 

Jack was shocked when his father told him the name of the hotel. It was the same hotel in which they were staying on the tour. 

  Jack persuaded his father to join him. His father agreed and asked him to reach his office. They would leave together from there for the hospital. 

Jack got impatient when he heard the name of the hotel and the time because that time they were in the hotel. He got ready and left for his father's office. His father was waiting for him. As he reached there, they left for the hospital. 

They reached the hospital. His father's friend was sitting outside the room where his was getting treatment. He was cold, melancholy and dull. 

Jack's father asked his friend " How does it happened? " Is he doing good now? ". Jack's father consoled him, saying " Don't worry. I am here for you. He will get better soon. " 

Nurse came out from the hospital room and asked us to go inside. 

She said " He is out of danger now. You can meet him. " 

They rushed inside the room. Jack was aghast when he saw his condition. He was also injured the same way as his classmate. 

Jack's father asked him " How did it happen? Any wild animal attacked you? " 

He said " No, not animal. Actually he was like us only but his eyes were red, high cheekbones, pointed finger and teeth. It was very early in the morning, I was sitting on my chair. Suddenly he came from somewhere. It was dark so I couldn't see properly. " 

" He bit on my neck with his pointed teeth and started sucking my blood. Instantly, another person came there and told him to leave me, pushed that man away from me. Listening the tone, it was female voice. She told him that she had already warned him to do so. " 

Jack was so confused because Drake was also missing from his in the morning and when he returned, there was blood on his lips. 

Jack's father consoled them and told him to ask any help if needed without any hesitation. 

After assuring them that everything would be okay, they returned home. . 

They reached home in the evening. Jack's mind was about to burst out. So many things had happened within 2-3 days. He went inside his room and laid down on the bed. 

He was mentally and physically tired. So, within an hour, he fell into deep sleep.