
Vampire Deus

Dark Destiny was a 23 year old man, he grew up in an orphanage, without the love of his parents, his girlfriend was unfaithful, feeling betrayed and alone in the world, an encounter, will change the course of his life, will lead him to know his origins and the truth about the world, unknowingly he would become one of the most powerful entities in the world. >

KURO_SCAN · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Everything begins to turn

The next day << 57 Days for mourning >>.

-The damage to your body is severe, it will take you at least 2 weeks to recover.

Akira is in Dark's room, sitting on the bed, checking his internal condition.

Dark is sitting on the bed resting his back on some pillows, with Akira's right hand touching his chest.

-Thank you, for taking care of me.

A big smile forms on Dark's face, causing a slight blush on Akira's face.

-You are family after all.

Avoiding Dark's gaze, Akira stands up.

Dark noticing that, grabs Akira's arm and stops her.

Turning around in surprise Akira looks perplexed at Dark.

-I want you to tell me how the powers are divided in this kingdom," Dark asks with a serious face remembering his crushing defeat.

Akira sighs heavily and sits back down.

-You shouldn't be worrying about such things right now.

Akira says a bit annoyed.

-I understand that, but... I want to know what I'm going to face," Akira says, biting his lips slightly in frustration.

biting his lips slightly in frustration

-I understand... well listen.

Akira glares at Dark before continuing.

-The scale is quite simple in fact, vampires are divided into different classes which are: Low, Medium, High, Disaster, Transcendental, and King-.

Akira pauses before continuing.

Dark nods and listens attentively to Akira's explanation.

-Remember the guy you met at the beginning, the one who attacked them?


Dark says remembering that man

-If we put him, on the scale, he is someone of high class, he is strong yes, but far from being part of the most powerful, you must also take into account something, that they are in the same class does not mean they have the same power.

Akira says while he generates a violet energy flame on the tip of his finger.

-What class does Alaric belong to?

Dark asks seriously.

Akira smiles.

The duke? he's a disaster class.

-And me?

Dark wants to defeat Duke Alaric, give him back all the damage he did to him.

-You? If we talk about raw energy, you are Transcendental class, of course only if we talk about one of your traits, if you somehow managed to use both powers together I think you should be King class.

fading the flame from his finger Akira continues

-But currently you are at most High class, but someone with less power can defeat you, since you lack experience, if you survived against Alaric it was because you overflowed your two Energies, right?

says Akira feeling a little annoyed by Dark's recklessness.

-Yes... I'm sure I would have died.

Dark says feeling guilty

-You had no other choice so it's okay," says Akira sighing and continues.

-You use your divine power more than your vampire power, do you feel more comfortable that way?

Akira asks curiously, staring at Dark.

-Yes, I'm comfortable using that power, it's familiar to me.

Dark says, creating a mini sphere of crimson energy in his right hand and fading it instantly.

-Do the same with the other hand, using your energy as a Vampire.

says Akira giving directions to Dark

Dark creates a sphere of violet energy slightly smaller than the previous one in his left hand and fading it instantly.

-It's strange, maybe it's because I feel more familiar with the other power," sighing heavily Dark lies down on the bed.

Akira crosses his arms and brings his right hand to his mouth as if he was thinking about something.

-When you go back to training just using your power as a Vampire, you should get used to using it, although what we do is more Energy manipulation, if you notice, our energy can acquire an element, but, it doesn't take the form of the element as such.

Akira creating a flame of violet energy in his right hand, and creating liquid energy in his left hand.

- See, it can take on elemental properties, but it still looks like violet energy.

-It's as if it doesn't take on the appearance of the element you give it.

Dark is fascinated by Akira

Dark brings his index finger of his right hand towards the Energy flame on Akira's right hand.

-It's hot.

Dark's eyes shine with enthusiasm

Akira seeing Dark's reaction smiles, fading the energy from both hands.

Dark seeing the flame disappear, feels a little sad.

-Well you have to rest, I'll be back later, get some sleep.

Akira gets up from the bed and leaves the room.

[Two weeks of rest...]

Closing his eyes, before falling asleep Dark remembers something

-Ra we need to talk-

(I understand)

Ra's voice echoes in Dark's mind.


Somewhere in the vampire kingdom

In a large subway room dimly lit by candles on the floor, two beings are talking to each other.

-George Alaric, report.

A man seated on a limestone throne, rests his chin on one of his hands, looking arrogantly at the man who is kneeling and looking down at the floor in front of him.

-Yes sir," Duke Alaric raises his head to look at the being seated on his throne.

-The target was successfully eliminated," says Duke Alaric, speaking firmly.

Squinting his eyes at the Duke the man sitting on the throne says

-Did you confirm its extermination?

-Yes sir, it was completely disintegrated," a big smile forms on Duke Alaric's face.

The man sitting on the throne, smiles and says -With this the 3 targets have been eliminated- rising from the throne, the man raises both arms in the air and shouting says -It'S TIME MY SERVANTS! passing by Duke Alaric, the man walks towards a wooden door, opening it with force, a balcony appears, and in front of his eyes tens of thousands of Vampires formed a great army - THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED, PREPARE YOUR WEAPONS, HERE I START THE WAR- - The tens of thousands of Vampires are now in the throne.

The tens of thousands of Vampires shouted in unison.



Turning abruptly the man returns to the room next to Duke Alaric sitting down on his throne the man says

-You may leave.

Duke Alaric stands up, gives a bow and quickly leaves the room.

[There is no more disturbance, no more beings that can stop me.]

Creating a Crimson energy stake the man thinks internally.

[First the parents, now the son, all will fall before me]

Laughing loudly the man leaves the room.