
Treasures Are Anchors

After what seemed like an eternity, but was only just an hour, Lith completed circling the peak and stood in front of his aunt again.

Mayzin stared at him for a good few seconds and analyzed his spirit. 

"Not bad, nephew." She said and on its own, her hand went forwards to pat Lith's shoulder.

Mayzin was trying her best to keep a distance from Lith, however, the aunt within her that cared for her nephew and nieces couldn't help but come out from time to time when Lith did something she found astonishing.

The peak they both were on was a place no dragon had access to, not even the ones serving Mayzin. 

It was Mayzin's personal spot and she came here to relax and nap, shutting herself off from the world.

This place was filled with traps, illusions, and most importantly… curses.

If Lith's will was weak, he would've fallen down sooner or later due to the illusions.