
Chapter 39

Janus had a dream to become a game developer in the past. Janus was overconfident that he can create a game that no one has experienced before. As a preparation for his dream job, he made several unique names for the characters and places he will create once he gets accepted on his future company. Some of it was cool but most of it sounds so lame or funny in his perspective.

For Janus, the names Goliah and Davida are very creative and cool. Or maybe it was just him. Still, Janus will not change his mind about their names being cool and unique. His taste is always different from the so-called normal people anyways.

Janus suddenly wants to praise whoever made those names for these NPCs. He or she probably based them on the story of a young shepherd who defeated the evil giant Philistine. They even got the same body size since Goliah has a huge and muscular body while Davida is a short and skinny person. It is also a good thing they have a good sibling relationship instead of being enemies.

After the heartwarming reunion of Goliah and Davida, the brothers turned their heads only to see Janus who is staring into space once again. Goliah secretly wiped his tears using the back of his hand. He does not want to display more embarrassing sights to his friend. Although it is now useless to do it since Goliah became a huge crybaby even when they were still inside the Rozea Dungeon.

"Sorry about that, Janus." Goliah said and pulled Davida closer to him. "Janus, I want you to meet Davida. He is my younger brother. Davida, he is Janus. He is the one who saved my life several times."

"He saved you?" Davida asked. His voice is filled with suspicions.

"Yeah." Janus answered before raising a brow. "You have a problem with that?"

This weak-looking man? Did he save his brother Goli from danger several times already? But how? Davida quietly observed the man named Janus with squinted eyes. In just one glance, Davida thinks he came from a wealthy family.

Janus is wearing clothes that are too different from theirs. Janus's clothes are made of silk Davida usually sees at expensive and well-known tailor shops. Davida also noticed the buttons in his clothes. He is very sure they are made of gold and read diamonds! Diamonds are the most expensive jewel in their kingdom that only the high-ranking nobles can easily afford it.

And that face! Compared to his brother's scary face that can bring nightmares to a child at night, that young man's face looks so soft and fragile! Davida is very sure that Janus's face will definitely earn a lot of praises from many women in their kingdom. After all, girls love to see beautiful things and people all the time.

Davida also noticed that Janus can possibly pass as a girl if he will only wear a dress or grow his golden hair a little more. Not trying to offend, but Davida thinks he exerts more feminine aura than masculinity. Even his mannerism such as crossing his arms and raising a brow does not show any manliness at all.

"What will you do if I really do—Ah!"

Before Davida can ask more question to Janus, his big brother Goliah suddenly hit him at the back of his hand. Because of the huge difference between them when it comes to height, weight, and strength, Davida almost kissed the dusty road if he did not regain his balance immediately. Rubbing the back of his head, Davida turned his head to glare at his monstrous brother.

"What was that for?!" Davida complained. "Is this how you treated me after not seeing each other for years?!"

"And you are still rude just like before! Why are you talking to my friend like that? You should be polite to him because this is your first time meeting each other." Goliah said.

"He may be your friend but he is a stranger to me!" Davida refuted.

"This brat! I am betting that you are still not married because girls hate your rudeness and ugliness."

"Ha! That is a strong statement coming from a person who looks like a goon in the slums!"

"You are really testing my patience, huh? Come here and let me hit your head once again!"

"Do you think I am a fool who will follow your words after threatening me?!"


'That's an unexpected...plot twist.'

The brothers were literally bawling their eyes after meeting each other again. They were hugging as if they do not want to be separated from each other anymore. But after their tearjerker moment, they suddenly start fighting out of nowhere.