


Not every trauma creates a killer, but most killers are created from trauma

Revenge is a dish best served cold,' so goes the saying. My trouble is that I go off the boil fairly quickly by which time most of my vengeance has evaporated. But I had promised on this occasion, to give back as good as I'd got, and so determined, setting the date on which I would go into the attack. I stifled a yawn.

Was I missing anything good on the scene?

And more to the point, had I enough gas in my tank to get there, or would I have to stop and buy some? I heaved myself off the sofa, put on a warm woolly coat, picked up my bag and made for the car. I checked the petrol gauge. The needle was not quite touching empty. My 1964 Aston Martini DB5 would, with a bit of luck, just make it there and back. By the time I reached my drive: dark, long and twisty, the kind you see on television movies, my heart was starting to pump loud and strong. At last my energy was up and I was ready for the kill. As I turned out of the next bend,

there it was, the house

large, old and stately, a Gothic-like pile half hidden amongst trees.

I parked behind a Rhododendron bush and walked the last hundred yards. It was freezing cold yet sweating hot, I wished that I had worn a hoodie instead of a wool jacket. I crept up to the window and tentatively looked in. There she was, sitting bolt upright on a hard seat, knitting. I tapped on the window like a naughty child hid from sight. After a space of a couple of minutes I dared to glance once more through the panes of glass, she was still knitting, pulling her brown wool close to her side as though it were a friend.

Looking around if there was a possible way to go in,

I can sense a terrible strange feeling about this house

It is like this house had become aware of itself, history that echoed within the walls. Somewhere within, mixed with the pain, were images of soft flowers. Yet, if inside felt stagnant, just as a river, it simply needed to flow. After time unmeasured, the house opened each door and window. It shivered at first, for the wind felt cold and it was used to the dust and the odor of nothing. It was about to close, to find a way to love the isolation, to become one with the rats who crawled and the sticky spider webs, when it came the fragrance of soft flowers. They say that the pain blew right out of that house a little at a time and the nature that house craved entered a little at time the birdsong, blossom and sunshine.

Its noteworthy garage seems to be empty, looks like her spouse has something important errands. Looking at every corner of the house to find any holes that I can use as an entrance. A silky white vinyl frame seems to be his room window. I smirk as I've already find a way to go in. slowly walk to the left side of this house to manipulate how can I go to the location of the window without getting caught.

As I measured how high the glass is I prepared myself to jump like I wasn't worry that I'm wearing a heeled boot.

Silly me.

Trying for the first time seems impossible to reach the peak. Walk backward and prepare for a second try, as I reach its wooden window sill I struck my leader sort type boots to the brick wall of the house and starts to climb to reach the ledge of the gigantic size window. When my plan succeeds by enter the room, I immediately try to bring back my complexion, stretching arms and foot gives me relaxation.

The place where everyone can feel the word comfortable, and show his personality, his bedroom. This is the place where he can really be himself and do what he wants, place where he come straight home after school, and wake up every day. Room that makes him comfortable because it is his own personal space. It has many pictures that taken, about his friends.

Our Friends.

A disturbing atmosphere that gives me chills, his room is nice yet horrifying. I start what I came to. Clicking and flashing from my camera seems to be strange and unusual movement, a disturbing kit box located under his bed, I took a photo of it before grabbing it. It is like a package with an odd, uneven shape could indicate that the contents of the package are suspicious. Watch out for bulges, hard spots, or an overall uneven appearance. Look for powdery substances or oily stains on the outside of the package. Seems like I can also notice oily stains or discoloration on the outside of the package.

What's this

Distorted handwriting, homemade labels, cut-and-paste lettering on the package address. Protruding wires, aluminum foil, oil stains, or peculiar odor.

Fuck the smell… It's gross!

That stinky smell seems to have killed an animal. stinky and aroma of a not-so-good odor emanating from this immense container as I opened it, bloody bullet and prosthetics.

Why did Copper have prosthetics?

Removing all objects that are inside the box, putting the bullet on a plastic zip lock bag because it's the only thing that I can bring to the forensics at the quarters. Other things are too large to bring and handle.

"Foam latex… CFX eerie make-up melted wax and prosthetic fake blood" murmuring the names of each objects that I've pulling out from the box like I was reciting on a class.

The next thing I pulled out was a suspicious bag that has been fold into six.

A Cadaver bag?

"it's too large for it to fit on such a medium box" confusion run through my system, how come?

Where did they get all of these?

unable to believe towards devices that I'm holding, it seems as if I was a child constantly staring and holds the object because of a factor that I was astonishing shock about these professional dirty things I've saw. Chemical smells or fumes that don't seem normal.

Embalming Chemical, mixture of chemicals others may know this as embalming fluid, used to preserve deceased individuals until the funeral, other times may indefinitely. Typical embalming fluid usually contains mixture of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol, humectants and wetting agents, and other solvents that can be used. The chemical formaldehyde used to preserve bodies by changes the tissue on a molecular level so that the bacteria can't feed on the tissue. A forensic scientist like me could say that this chemical can tears apart the constructs of your tissue. This substance may mistakenly know as formalin refers specifically to 37% aqueous formaldehyde and most embalmer mistakenly do such procedure using this one not commonly used in funeral embalming but rather in the preservation of anatomical specimens.

The million-dollar question

Did the Richardson steal Copper's deceased body and preserve it?

In what reason?

Based on its volume and the size of its container, cadaver can settle over three months after embalming, dehydrating to a normal size regularly. By the time it's finished, it could last up to six years without decay. With a solution of 35 to 40 percent of water in formaldehyde or methanol is called formalin. Formaldehyde's formula known by many experts as HCHO. Formalin is a strong disinfectant and tissue hardener, it can be used for preserving biological and anatomical specimens. It's also used as an antiseptic in sterilizing surgical instruments.

"how do Richardson's know about all this?... how can they possible know how to preserve any?"

The process might be toxic. Specially those individuals who doesn't have any full knowledge on doing illegal medical procedures. It is also give the body a life-like appearance for public viewing. Formaldehyde is a potential human carcinogen, and can be lethal if a person is exposed to high concentrations. Its fumes can also irritate the eyes, nose, and throat.

If they preserve Copper's body… where it could be located?

As the thought came out on my mind, I immediately fix the suspicious objects and put it back where it originally located to avoid suspicions once any of the two go here and check any. Looking around to observe for more suspicious sort type of thing all over the room.

A bloody maroon-colored cotton carpet located at the middle of the Copper's room, slowly walking toward its location avoiding any sound to be heard. When reach it, immediately lifted the rug it exposed a secret door through a tunnel-sort type basement which possibly Richardson's corpse be hidden. As I try to open-lift the door a footsteps echoed towards my direction. Putting back the rug on its original place makes my adrenaline work even more good.

"Who's in there?... is anyone here?" Mrs. Richardson's footsteps seems to be too close at my direction. A nagging sound from the door makes my whole system shiver and nervous. Right moment where I immediately ran towards the aperture I once used to enter his room a while ago.

As I jump out from a huge sort off wall, I quickly ran through the nearest bush and hide, not enduring body pain I've gather from the moment I jumped out.

Forty minutes later pulling into the place where I parked the car, cruising slowly looking out at the rundown in front of houses with their white painted walls now peeling back to the brick in patches which look like cancerous scabs. All the windows are tinted black and wooden shutters seal off the empty exterior stores once vibrant with shoppers. From that very moment, I grasps my breath as I feel the noxious pain towards my body. Reaching my car seems to be a relief for a sudden caught-in-the act moment.

Luckily, my car is double-tinted, no one can see if there's an individual inside. Immediately enter the vehicle and relax for a moment. An inhale exhale scenario happened.

My phone suddenly rang, which makes me to jump a bit due to shock.

"Angelycko Louise Williams, speaking" I hissed as I heard the asshole's chuckle. "What do you want Lock?"

"Haven't you know?... today was Knight's funeral… you coming?" I face palm when I remember that today was my boyfriend's funeral

Thanks a lot Lock!

"nah! I don't" I simply stated as I pulling out my cotton-like coat.

"Why? You're his girlfriend for Pete's sake idiot… show some respect come' on"

This idiot tries to convince me

A moment of silence enters between our conversation; I realize that I have something to deal with the forensic team.

Ugh! Stupid ideas!

"hmmm! Okay fine… just shot your mouth idiot" I hissed out of irritation

"Fuck you! Louise!... don't yah dare call me idiot… instead call me handsome" he angrily hissed as he tries to punched any jokes against me

"Bye idiot!" as I said it between the lines I ended up the stupid call.

Driving down a two-lane divided highway. I came up to a couple car and went into the left lane to pass. I did a shoulder check to get back into the right lane when I saw headlights in front of me… in my lane. The car was going the wrong way. I managed to swerve into the ditch, felt like I was mere centimeters from death. A sight of relief automatically came out from my mouth.

That was close

Driving at the middle hour of morning makes me want to drive more, since there are less people on the road and I can take my time. At around 11 AM making good time to drive. I had stopped at a gas station and picked up some coffee. Listening to a quiet radio humming away, start getting a little drowsy and take a sip. Road was just as my coffee, no cars in sight except for a spotted few on the side of the road here and there as a pulled the road again, a thought came out,

How could the Richardson's come up to that idea?

Do they also have a secret to hide? Something mysterious with that family, though everyone in this town knows that Copper is Drain's missing brother and here they are insisting that Drain killed his own twin, yet the town people believe their stupid lies.


A cloud covers the sun as I get out of the car turning the morning into a gray canvas. Making the warm southern breeze change into a northern chill, it's as if evil itself knows he's arrived. Goose flesh rises on her arms as she walks to the entrance and under her feet the crunch of gravel echo's off the seemingly desolate building. It seems to move as she approaches almost meta-morphing into a hideous shadowy beast. To his right of the aluminum doors are a cluster of small intercom devices. Only one has a name on it. Knight-drain Pendelton Chase. I lean towards the speaker and pushes a secret emergency button.

The quarters