
Vaewolf Emperor's Hybrid Imperial Consort - A Modern Assassin Grandmaster Transmigrated as a Dragon-Serpent Princess

(Warning! Explicit Scenes and Mature Content were written ahead, so read for your own sake.) Zhang Zhi Ruo, an assassin grandmaster from the Modern Era who's assassin's creed fell to the hands of her enemy, forcing her hand to give up every ounce of power that she possess. She died protecting her little brother. Zhi Ruo's soul was lucky enough not to be broken, upon seeking enlightenment her soul was forcibly transmigrated to another era. The modern assassin descended as a reincarnation of the devilish princess. Zhang Zhi Ruo woke up playing the role of the unadorned, psychotic-rumoured princess, the eldest daughter of High King Zhang Ao Hui and Empress Tan An Hao. A princess who's reputation was degraded hellish. A rebellious daughter who was misunderstood by her people. Her father and mother heavily doted on her, but she has rendered them helpless, as she attempted suicide which caused her life dearly. Now that Zhang Zhi Ruo was given a chance to live she is determined to do things right and fix the life of the body's primary owner. But she has a problem! and that is remembering the real reason behind this, she is betrothed to the Crown Prince of Vaewolves. A ruthless man, a hybrid of a vampire and a lycan, an enigmatic prince who was destined to ascend the throne and fulfill the prophecy of defeating the Dragon-Serpent Princess. Zhang Zhi Ruo was destined to be the rightful descendant of the Dragon-Serpent Empire, while Prince Li Fengmian was destined to kill her. In this tragic marriage, will they learn the art of love and pain? To battle for love and be the victor is one of the hardest thing you can do. Will love be enough? Will it be enough to mend the dispute between races? Or will it shatter everything?

AmaleaRisa · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

| 3rd Chapter

It was late afternoon when I was awakened by the chirping of an inkling black peregrine falcon. I can pretty tell it's a he. While his piercing gaze focus on my sorry state. The numbness of my body was gone, my breathing is stable, but I have less to none energy base.

Maybe the flames has consumed much amount of adrenaline in me, to burn and save me from death's door. Or maybe the draining part and the exhaustion I'm having was mainly because my body has never been trained in effectively using my potential energy. Well the owner died before her body tasted the real strength that was sleeping in her.

I reached for the small jar that was on the far end of the bed lying on top of the drawer. I opened the lid and smell its contents. Herbs greeted me, but it was too strong so I can hardly modify the ingredients mixed in making it. All I can confirm is that this is a potion made to cure poisons, but why would the princess have it beside her if she already attempted to kill herself in the first place? Did she have doubts upon ending her life so soon?

I shook my head and poured some of the jar's contents in my mouth. The bitter taste of a supersaturated solution evaded my taste buds, making me want to vomit what I drank. Its concentration was a great help, I feel binds of energy surging through my neurons. Blue flame enveloped me once more, but it was strong enough to cover my body. A faint thundering white light illuminated its ends, like a brewing lighting in the middle of the storm. The temperature started to change as its intensity fired up.

My eyes blurred for a moment. Steam rose from my body like a dumpling pulled out of the oven. Oh how I've missed the modern world! But this is my fate now and I need to make the best out of it. I need to change my future! The flames died down as I drank the remaining contents of the jar. The jar I'm holding fell from my grip and I tightened the pressure in supporting my body. I need to be strong enough to wield things. The arena is wide enough and graves await the weak.

"Patience" I whispered

The black peregrine falcon made its glamorous way towards me in its fastest speed of flying. It landed on my arm when I laid it to accept him. He chirped once more which made me dumbfounded, its rare to see an unusually black coloured peregrine falcon that chirps.

Most birds that prey on the weak ones make sound less, and hide their selves before they find any opportunity to kill their prey. The peregrine falcon's violet eyes held power as it bowed down in front of me, like how spirit saints choose and acknowledge their masters. My hand brushed its head slowly.

"Why are you here?"

"Who sent you?"

A wavelength of vibration hit me, sound waves rang like bells inside my head. A voice? Is the falcon talking to me through telepathy? If so-- then wow! This is so amazing!

"Is this your voice I'm hearing little falcon?" I asked the falcon resting on my arm. His claws were as sharp as doubles blades assembled like a shave. But its structure isn't affecting me in any way. Maybe it will, if it's in a defense mechanism mode or maybe if it is facing danger. I should not forget to train and test it. I can see that this peregrine falcon isn't as simple as it looks.

The sun is setting down, twilight should come by a few minutes from now. Thank the heavens I have an enhanced night vision. But it will be difficult for me to tidy this room without help and without proper lighting. I still need to discover what Era I am in. From my past life I have maids that tend to tidying my room, my father also made sure that I and my brother have everything that we needed. I wondered what happened after I left my brother? And I wonder how he's fairing now? Now that I'm gone, he will have no one, other than Lin An Sun. I hope he takes care of him and make him the best man that he could. Fit for running the familia.

"Master, as your assigned protector I was sent by the Peregrine Falcon's clan to take care of you and your health. And make sure you're safe at all costs. We can only communicate through telepathy, since I am yet to mature. As a royal divine spirit beast and the next to the throne, it is with great pleasure that I serve you. We must prepare--"

"Why did they sent you to me? As far as I remember I've never had ties with the cultivation world before. As you see this good-for-nothing body of mine--"

"Master, you have awakened the Phoenix fire crystal"

"The Phoenix fire crystal? So that means--" the blue flame that enveloped me was a sign of awakening. How many clans have knowledge of this? I need to know!

"Yes, based on my father's instructions I must went ahead and secure your safety Princess. There will be threats to your life since you've awakened the flame. A hundred thousand prophecy shall be unlocked. Clans will fight to kill you." So I am that important? And the flames what does it have to do with the prophecy and the clash of clans? It left me frustrated! The previous princess has learned nothing than dirty her reputation and rebel! I think I will have a headache later, she doesn't even know a bit of this Era's history.

"Let me tidy my room first" the falcon flew and landed on the window.

"But master! Your wounds have yet to heal, you cannot force yourself--"

"Thank for your care but I must do this. One, the Emperor father will surely check me in the morning with the Imperial mother. Two, I feel so stinky and it's not the nicest feeling in the world. Three, I need to start learning the history of this Era and the past Era as well as a glimpse of the prophecy. Four, I also need to practice martial arts and power control. And five, I need to plan and prepare."

"Your majesty, you have forgotten something"

"What is it?"

"The Crown Prince of the West is making its journey to retrieve you. Your betrothal to him will make him the new Emperor and he can fully claim the left legacy"

"How many days will it take him to arrive here?"

"A week Princess, you only have one precious week to spend and prepare. The crown prince will arriving with betrothal gifts and the mark of the start of your marriage will be done right after"

"F**k! Too little time! I will make sure to beat the Devil Crown Prince! He dare come here and drag me to his harem, then blood will shed!"

"You don't have to worry princess, the crown prince himself has no harem"

"Impossible!" How can a man with power not have women to satisfy his needs

"He was rumoured gay, so it's impossible. His Highness Prince Li Fengmian doesn't even like women 3 meters near him."

My eyes widen! How ugly does this beast look!

"Princess, I know that kind of look. And no, the crown prince is far from the word ugly. It won't justify his being"

"Then how handsome is he?"

"You'll see soon"