
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


#For the one who always comment in almost every chapter, this chapter is for you. # Also, sorry for not updating many chapters today and the days ahead as I am busy for my upcoming college graduation. #

Magina and his two companions continued their journey through the distant lands. It was the third day of their travels, and Magina still remained in his lotus position, deep in meditation.

As night fell, Baki and the teenager, who was still in the carriage, set up a tent and prepared food. They always offered some food to Magina, but he politely declined. Magina knew well that the human heart could be deceitful, and he couldn't fully trust these strangers whose intentions he was uncertain of. He was cautious about the possibility of the food being poisoned and chose not to take any risks.

"Stop the horses," Magina calmly said, his eyes scanning the surrounding field. "There are twenty of them, stronger than the bandits we encountered before."

Baki obeyed Magina's command and halted the horses. Soon, figures wielding swords came into view, running towards them as if they were expected for someone to arrive.

"Samurai!" Baki murmured, while the teenager in the carriage opened the door and stepped out.

"I believe they are here to rescue me. They must be samurai, perhaps sent by my father or the daimyo to welcome me upon my arrival," the teenager said confidently, glancing at Magina as if to assert his power and influence.

Magina noticed the teenager's demeanor but didn't pay much attention to it. He sensed a malicious intent from the approaching figures but wanted to observe how the young boy would handle the situation, given his overconfidence.

"Kirito-sama, we are here by the command of the princess," one of the samurai said, bowing respectfully towards the teenager.

Kirito smiled and extended his hand for a handshake. "You're here to escort me, right? Finally, please escort me as I'm tired and eager to reach my 2nddestination with proper guards."

"No, Kirito-sama, you misunderstand. We have been ordered to do something else," the guard replied, smiling as he unbuckled his sword.

Kirito seemed perplexed by the guard's statement. "If you're not here to ensure my safety, then why are you here?"

"We are here to kill you!" the guard exclaimed, leaping towards Kirito with his sword raised. However, before he could reach him, a man in a violet robe appeared out of nowhere and swiftly stabbed the guard in the head.

The leader of the samurai died instantly, leaving his subordinates stunned and unable to react.

Magina wasted no time and swiftly dispatched the remaining samurai, using his blade and skills. His encounter with the samurai proved relatively easy, thanks to his increased stats and abilities gained from his previous battles.

[Magina Level 6]

- Mana Break: Increased mana burned per hit. [Level 1]

- Blink: Ability to teleport to a targeted area within a limited range. [Level 2]

- Counterspell: Passively blocks and reflects targeted spells. [Level 2]

- Mana Void: Increased damage based on missing mana. [Level 1]

"Thank you," Kirito said, stepping forward and bowing to Magina. However, Magina simply brushed past him, regarding the teenager as a troublesome presence.

"Now, let's continue. We have only one more day of travel before we reach your destination," Magina said coldly, leaping onto the roof of the carriage and taking a seat.

Baki, feeling the tension in the air, gestured for Kirito to enter the carriage. He then swiftly drove the carriage at full speed, realizing that the attack they had just experienced before was not a mere attempt at robbery but a targeted assault on Kirito's life.

The carriage eventually came to a halt as Magina opened his eyes and beheld a grand wall standing before them.

"So, this is the Rain Country," Magina calmly remarked as he gracefully jumped down from the carriage.

They had arrived at the collaborative country of Hidden Rain Village. Tall guards stood at the gate, diligently checking every person passing through.

"B-baki-sama!" one of the guards nervously called out as he rushed toward Baki, who was holding the reins of the horse. Baki furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering why Captain Kyoju Hikari, who shouldn't be guarding the gate, was doing so.

"How are you, Captain Kyoju Hikari? Why are you personally stationed at the gate? Shouldn't you assign this duty to your subordinates?" Baki inquired, perplexed by the captain's presence in such a low-ranking task.

"Don't start, Sir Baki. This useless subordinate of mine allowed some crazy woman to enter and accidentally bumped into the daimyo's daughter. Now, all the refugees and orphans can only enter Amegakure, as the daimyo has forbidden us from accepting them here. That's why I'm monitoring everyone who goes in personally; otherwise, my head will be on the chopping block the next day," Kyoju Hikari explained, sighing in exasperation. Promotion doesn't come without its challenges.

Kyoju took the horse from Baki's hand, as Kirito, had already exited the carriage. Kyoju waved at his subordinates to take care of the carriage while whispering a few instructions.

Magina observed Kyoju Hikari intently, seemingly indifferent to the affairs unfolding before him.

Kyoju then turned to Baki and motioned for them to follow. Despite Magina's presence and his curious gaze, Kyoju shrugged and proceeded towards their destination.

"Miyuki-sama, Sir Baki has arrived with Kirito-sama," a guard informed Miyuki, his forehead glistening with sweat.

Miyuki, now filled with anger upon hearing the news, swiftly turned to her side and pleaded, "Fuyumi-sama, please help me!"