
Uzumaki Gamer.

Entering an anime world would typically be a dream come true for most, but for him, it's quite the opposite, as he finds himself belonging to the Uzumaki clan. Despite his initial reservations, he embraces his new reality and resolves to utilize his newfound abilities to safeguard the Uzumaki clan from impending destruction.

Frosty_Heavens · Anime e quadrinhos
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Learning the Thunder God Skill...

In the land of lightning, in the office of the Railage, a huge burly man with brown skin and long golden hair sat in a chair.

It was the third Rail kage, and he had a cold look on his face as he listened to the report of the ninjas hiding in Uzushiogakure.

"So they finally noticed us, it is less ideal then I would like as we have only hid a thousand ninjas on there island"

The Raikage said as he clenched his fist, the other 3 ninja villages are sending people too, and Konoha won't interfere in this.

But the Uzumaki has seals they don't know anything about, they could have seals that could kill them all.

Of course that is not true, the Uzumaki clan is over rated, we can see that from how only a handful of survivors escaped.

And from how little casualties the 4 ninja villages hained in the original plot, so the Uzumaki is not really the strongest clan.

Yes, they can definitely fight any of the villages one on one, but against four at the same time, no chance in hell they will come out Victoria's.

The Shinobi world for some weird reason though has the thought that they are Invincible.

"Looks like it is time for the agreed attack, shoju get my boat ready"

The third Raikage A stood up, and he told his assistant Shoju to prepare his boat, he then walked outbof the office to get ready.

The same scene was repeated by the third Kazekage and the Third MizuKage.

And they soon got on the boat to go to the Uzushiogakur, the time it would take for them to reach them is a week and a half.

Mean while, Shinju stood in the dungeon, facing Goblin Shamans and Orc in the dozen, ever since Ichika was attacked, he focused on mainly leveling up the sealing skill and leveling up for more Stat points.

"Fuga: Combustion heat!" 

Shinju puffed his cheek and with a spit, a warm air attacked the dozens of Orc and Shamans in front of him.

Before the Orcs and Shamans can react, the wind went passed them, and at first nothing happened.

Until they started breathing, instantly, there insides caught on fire, there lungs burned, and with such pain, they rolled on the ground until they could not take it anymore.

Shinju watched as the Goblins died, there insides burning to Ash as the fire inside there bodies only got hotter from them breathing.

[Killed 13 Orcs ]

[ Gained 52,000 ( 2x ) -> 104,000 exp ]

[ killed 5 Goblin Shamans ]

[ Gained 50,000 ( 2x ) -> 100,000 exp ]

[ levelled up! ] ( 40x )

[ Fuga leveled up ] ( 30x )

Seeing his levels increase, Shinju looked up and the time remaining for the Dungeon is only 10 more minutes, he can not waste it.


Shinju turned into a blur and he soon found another leiria full of Goblins, Orcs and Shamans.

Without wasting time, Shinju clocked his fist back and he sent a fist of Magma that quickly grew in size until it reached the size of 20 meters.


Like a volcano eruption, everything in front of the Magma fist was destroyed and turned into ashes as the magma of 3500 Celsius impacted everything around it.

[ levelled up!] ( 30x)

[ Yogan leveled up! ] ( 40x )

Shinju sighed before the space cracked, and his body quickly appeared in his room, a week has passed since he started learning seals.

Due to spending all his time on leveling his seals, this is the only time he entered the dungeon, and it was to level up his Bloodline Limits.

Shinju looked at the book of forbidden jutsu, and he opened it.

[ Learn Jutsus ]


Shinju muttered, and his brain was filled with new knowledge.

[ Learned Thunder God Jutsu ]

[ Learned Reanimation Jutsu ]

[ Learned Multiple shadow clone justsu ]

[ Learned...]

[ ... ]

Shinju smirked as he learned flying thunder god hutsu, this is a bug level jutsu, although not as buggy as his omni barrier seals jutsu.

Shinju crossed his fingers, and soon he divided his chakra into smaller parts, with a bang, smoke appeared.

"Shadow clone jutsu"

Around Shinju, about 20 Other Shinju's appeared, they were the same except for being much weaker.

"5 of you go and start training flying thunder god, another 5 of you go and train omni barrier seals, the other 10 of you, go and try to place as many flying thunder god marks around the Island as you can"

Shinu started giving out orders, and the shadow clones nodded before vanishing, they are weaker then Shinju but they are still strong.

Shinju saw them vanish, and he vanished from place too, in a second he appeared inside the office of Ashina due to his new speed.

After leaving the dungeon, he allocated some stat points inside his stats.


Name: Uzumaki Shinju.

Level: 112 exp [ 0/11200]

HP: 20,000/20,000

Ck: 30,000/30,000



STR: 250

VIT: 200

DEX: 150

INT: 150

WIS: 150

LUC: ???


Point: 379 -> 29


His speed now must be in the range of mid Kage fighters, so around Lightning speeds and faster then lightning speed reaction.

"Shinju did you bring news?"

Ashina seed as he looked up from his paper work, Shinju nodded and he took a seat on a chair.

"I found out that there is a bunch of Shinobi from, the land of lightning, land of wind and land of water hidden underground numbering in the thousands"

Ashina's jaw dropped, Shinju knew this and he only reported this now?.

"Quickly we need to-"

"No, if we attack them now they will bring more forces as the kages are still not here meaning they are waiting for more time"

Ashina calmed down before nodding, he pressed a button on his table, and a woman soon came inside.

"Go and notify the elders that I am holding up a meeting"

The woman nodded before leaving Shinju looked out of the window and he felt the constantly knew knowledge as the thunder god and other jutsus level up due to the shadow clones.

Soon time passed and when an hour passed, the door opened and 3 elderly people came in through the door they all had dull red hair, showing their age.

"Ashina, did you call us?"

The first elder, Shino Uzumaki asked in confusion before his eyes landed on Shinju.

"Ah!, Young clan leader, is it Tim's for you to take over the clan?"

Shino asked with a smile, Ashina sighed before he interrupted them, it's not that he does not want to give up his place, but that he is now in a hurry.

"Listen everybody, I have urgent knew to tell you, in a few days at most 3 ninja villages will attack us"

Immediately the face of Shino, Shiori and Naraki changed, there face was filled with anger.

"What!, they dare?"

Shino said, although these 3 elders are already very old they are Uzumaki at the end of the day, and only once they are at the end of their life will there body functions degrade.

Not too mention that each of them was a kage level fighter in there prime, even now they are able to hold a kage back for a few minutes.

"I know you guys are mad trust me I am mad too, but you have to listen to Shinju's plan"

Ashina said as he sighed.

"Young master?, well if he has something good say, then don't be shy!"

Shinju was quit surprised if he has to say, he thought the elders would be like in Konoha, but it seems that Uzushiogakure only having one clan is good.

People have no reason to fight for rule, and people like Danzo does not exist here since the Uzumaki is a family and not a clan.

"Well, u will erect a barrier around the village, this barrier is able to bounce of Chakra from the outside and absorb the energy of any physical attack "

Shino and the other 2 elders along with Ashina was surprised, this barrier sounds supper powerful, even for them.

Of course, that is jot all Shinju was going to do, his omni - Barrier seals hives him the ability to manipulate and create any and all kind of barriers.

"Okay so my plan is like this"

Shinju went on yo explain his plan.


Please leave a power stone, or your step sis is never going to get stuck 😏 💀. 

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