
Utopia: Escape

Daniel hates his life. He is bullied, he longs for a father, and no one understands him. To cope with all of this, Daniel starts writing a book in which he is a hero... but soon, this fantasy world becomes more than the pages he uses to write on.

LMWestcott · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Prince Daniel and the Rapscallions

Usually I enjoy it when singing birds wake me. After all, it is something that is meant to be enjoyable, isn't it? Today is different. Rather than the melodious singing you expect from birds, it sounds like a zombie apocalypse outside my window. I wake in a cold sweat to the sounds of screeching, whimpering and fluttering. It culminates with a loud smash into my window and my breath is knocked from my chest.

What the eff?

I sit up in bed quickly and wipe the sleep from my eyes. It takes two long jumps from my bed to my window and I knock at the window furiously.

"HEY! Shut up!"

With a mouth full of mumbling – stupid birds, no sleep, almost time for school – I head to the bathroom. I splash cold water against my face before staring at my reflection. These days, I barely recognize the face staring back at me when I look in the mirror. I know, I know: a teenager with an existential crisis. Original right? Yet, I feel out of sorts lately. If I have to pinpoint and be specific I'd say the feeling started somewhere after my birthday. Sweet sixteen, they say.

Sweet sixteen and still waiting for my voice to break. Sweet sixteen and still waiting for my thin arms to magically develop the power to pick up a weight and start the lifting my classmates claim to enjoy so much. Blue eyes stare at me from the mirror – taunting me. Like my reflection knows something I don't. The weight of what the day will inevitably bring is heavy on my shoulders. I drag my feet towards my room – yes, dramatically. Duh.

The weight on my shoulders lifts slightly as I rummage through my drawer. The anxiety that threatens to close my throat disappears entirely when my fingers fold over the cardboard paper of my notebook's cover. Cliché as it sounds; I can almost swear that my breath is lighter when I look at the scribbled title on the cover page. The black ink is faded and the handwriting smudged, but if I squint I can make it out.

Prince Daniel and the Rapscallions.

I can hear your exasperated sigh – and I know, okay? It's a working title. Besides, it is what is on the inside that matters – or so they say. This book is something special. Inside the dirty, crumpled pages my neurotic, terrified, insecure mind disappears and I become who I am meant to be. Excitement bubbles and bursts forth as I open it and I have to close my eyes in an attempt to constrain it.

When I open my eyes I have transformed. Gone are my thin arms and smooth cheeks… I run a hand over my jawline and shudder at the feel of the rough beard covering my face. The world around me has turned into a mecca of colour, but I ignore it. I know where I want to be and I sprint forth, ignoring the alarmed shouts around me. My feet are bare, but I do not feel the small rocks or thorns beneath it. I burst through trees like a man possessed until I find it.

The Lake.

It sparkles in front of me gloriously and it is mine. I fall to my knees with hysterical laughter, anxious to witness my reflection. I am everything I have ever dreamed of. Excitement ripples through my muscles and I lean forward even further. I allow the water to glide through my fingertips. It is cool without being icy. In the distance, I hear the sounds of a battle and I rise to my full height. As always when I am here, my sword is attached to my hip. I draw it confidently before approaching the sounds.

It does not take long for me to reach the battle. I spot my strongest knight immediately: Sir Craig the Brave. Sir Craig is a worthy general and I watch in awe as his sword slices through the air. It is almost impressive enough for me to forget that I too, am a capable warrior. Almost – not quite. The battle invites me in and I storm forward, taking my rightful place next to Sir Craig. He glances at me and I see my own excitement reflected in his eyes.

"Good to see you in battle, your highness!"

"Always a pleasure to be here!"

The voice that escapes my throat is strong and I fight alongside Sir Craig with a smile on my face. The smile freezes with the arrival of reinforcements – more than my army can handle. That much is easy to see. I glance over the group quickly, but see no possible leader. If you cut off a snake's head, it cannot bite. If there is no head to cut off…


Sir Craig issues the command without a second thought and the army obeys. The two of us run together before we each leap onto a waiting horse and turning the jog into a gallop.

Next to me, Sir Craig is laughing and I cannot help but join him. I wish I could stay here. In this body, in this mind-set, in this world I am strong and respected and loved. Back home… Bile rises in my throat at the thought of it, but I shake my head to clear it off. I'm not allowed to think of reality. Not when I'm in Utopia.

Unfortunately, the warning to myself comes too late. My thoughts have clouded my vision and I don't see the branch in time. It hits me right in the gut and I fly off the horse. The ground comes closer quickly and before I know it, I'm back in my room. Utopia has disappeared and I'm back in my own body. Angry at myself, I stuff the book into my bag. I have a feeling I'll need it to day.