

A girl named Ava have so much awaiting her in the way when she has to look after her sister and want a simple life but does she know that her life is going to have so many turns and she has no choice other than to face them and save her sister from the dangers awaiting in this world..

mistyy_eyed · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Ughh...what's up with everything today..my day really isn't going on well *sigh* i guess i need a nap, said Ava when she came back from college being all tired from the events that happend with her today not forgetting to check up on her sister who was sleeping peacefully in her room and then she drifted off to her dreamland...

Author's pov:

Ava is a college girl who's been living in a city alone with her little sister Cari since she had no one by her side as her parents died in an accident when she was in high school.. She had to manage so much since then as she too had to look after her sister and other buisnesses side by side. She loved her sister the most and wanted to give her all the happiness she could. Ava did part time jobs with her college.

Ava's pov:

I got up after an hour and saw my sister laying beside me..watching her in peace makes me happy.

I should prepare dinner for us and i went in the kitchen, i prepared noodles for both of us i came out to wake up Cari when i saw her sitting on a chair in the living room looking downwards..

I asked her what was wrong when she looked up at me and told me that she was scared..*sigh* i nodded, Cari was having nightmares since 2-3 days i hugged her and assured her that,"you don't have to be scared i will always be there with you" she just nodded and hugged me tightly.

I have made noodles come let's eat and tomorrow i have taken a day off so lets go to the amusement park okey*smiles* cari jumped on me out of excitement and she was happy and this relieved me...

we had our dinner and i did the dishes after that I told Cari to turn off the t.v. and do her homework and she came up to me and said that she needed my help then we sat in the living room and I was helping her with her school works when i heard a sudden knock at the door..

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