

Shizu's abilitys: But this isnt even the strongest of Shizu's abilitys she has the ability to Transcend and manipulate absolutely everything and anything. This was confirmed when she Spoke to Ryoko and she manipulated and transcended a uncountable regular strong limit also known as a inaccessible Cardinal. As it existed within the second realm of her domain one time she also viewed the other fictional verse known as marvel as meta fiction and transcended the comic. Shizu is aswell above phillosiphy and paradoxes proven as she broke a contradiction confirmed by me the author as i am describing Shizu's Power or ability's. Shizu is also all knowing as she was aware that infinite possibilities exist within Urumaki something only i the author knew She was even able to transcend those infinite possibilities she is truly a god of gods. She also has one more ability even more terrifying then the others..... Anything that she views as a weakness to her or any ability that threatens her as a matter of fact anything that can make her lose a fight she will update herself to overcome that weakness even transcend the weakness its impossible for her to lose a fight anything to threaten her will just be transcended or overcame. This summarizes majority of her ability's but not all ill save the rest for the story... Oh yeah there is on more she practically views any video games as meta fiction and transcends them... Oh i forgot to add The first realm also contains dimensions that are equal to the cardinal aleph 2 So Shizu transcends Aleph 2.